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CONNT-22: Added licensing information to Python files. Added licensing information to documentation files.
.. Copyright (C) 2013 Branko Majic

   This file is part of Django Conntrackt documentation.

   This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
   Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative
   Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.


Django Conntrackt can be installed through one of the following methods:

* Using *pip*, which is the recommended way for production

Using pip

In order to install latest stable release of Django Conntrackt using *pip*, use
the following command::

  pip install conntrackt

In order to install the latest development version of Django Conntrackt from
Mercurial repository, use the following command::

 pip install -e hg+

.. warning::

   You will need to update the ``pip`` installation in your virtual environment if you get the following error while running the above command::

     AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'skip_requirements_regex'

   You can update ``pip`` to latest version with::

     pip install -U pip

After this you should proceed to :ref:`configure your Django installation <configuring-django>`.

.. _configuring-django:

Configuring your Django installation

Once the Django Conntrackt has been installed, you need to perform the following
steps in order to make it available inside of your Django project:

#. Edit your project's settings configuration file (````), and update
   the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` to include applications ``south``, ``braces`` and ``conntrackt``.

#. Edit your project's URL configuration file (````), and add the
   following line to the ``urlpatterns`` setting::

     url(r'^conntrackt/', include('conntrackt.urls')),

#. Create the necessary tables used for Django Conntrackt by running::

   ./ syncdb

After this the Django Conntrackt application will be available under the
``/conntrackt/`` path (relative to your Django project's base URL).

If you have enabled ``django.contrib.admin``, you should be able to add new
Conntrackt data through the admin interface.