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Location: conntrackt/docs/releasenotes.rst - annotation

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CONNT-25: Updated documentation:

- Marked Django 1.11.x as the only supported Django version.
- Updated some copyright notices.
- Updated installation and quick-start instructions for use with new
version of Django.
- Removed unneeded warning about pip version.
- Updated instructions to emphasize that 'crispy_forms' must be
included in list of installed applications.
- Added dedicated section for upgrade instructions. Covered some
general principles and upgrade from 0.3.x to 1.0.x.
- Updated release notes.
- Added information about Graphviz being the external dependency.
.. Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Branko Majic

   This file is part of Django Conntrackt documentation.

   This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
   Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative
   Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.

Release Notes


Breaking changes:

* Django Conntrackt now depends on Django 1.11. In addition to
  official Django documentation for project upgrades, there is a
  section describing what needs to be done in order to upgrade the
  application itself.
  [ `CONNT-25 <>`_ ]

New features/improvements:

* Updated jQuery used internally to version 3.2.1.
  [ `CONNT-30 <>`_ ]


* Fixed minor issues in the release procedure documentation.
* Wrong version of Django Crispy Forms was required by the
  package. This resulted in inability to practically use the
  application because of exceptions being thrown.
  [ `CONNT-31 <>`_ ]


Breaking changes:

* Package now has hard dependency on more specific versions of
  requirements in order to ensure it is not used with incompatible
  variants (for example, Django has been fixated to version
  1.5.x). This could cause some issues if application is used with
  newer Django versions etc.
  [ `CONNT-28 <>`_ ]

New features/improvements:

* A lot of cleanup was performed to make it easier to handle
  development process etc. These are mostly internal changes, except
  for small documentation fixes.
  [ `CONNT-28 <>`_ ]


* Documentation links have been updated to point to new Read The Docs
  [ `CONNT-27 <>`_ ]


This release contains mainly some usability features, and some minor
bug-fixes. No changes to database schema were made.

New features:

* Tabluar representation of project communications, with colour-coding matching
  the diagram. [ `CONNT-17 <>`_ ]
* Simple search functionality, including search suggestions if JavaScript is
  enabled. [ `CONNT-19 <>`_,
  `CONNT-23 <>`_ ]
* Removing an object will list all related objects that will get removed as
  well. [ `CONNT-20 <>`_ ]

Bug fixes:

* Generates valid XHTML5 code now. [ `CONNT-24 <>`_ ]


Initial relase of Django Conntrackt. Contains full support for:

* Managing application data.
* Generation of iptables rules.
* Generation of communication diagram.
* Full user documentation.