Changeset - 3ec1ad3d78a8
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Branko Majic (branko) - 10 years ago 2013-10-26 21:37:57
CONNT-23: Dynamically set-up the base URL for AJAX calls.
2 files changed with 5 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
        // Show the search suggestions only if the user has provided 2 or more
        // characters.
        if (searchField.val().length >= 2) {
            request = $.getJSON("/conntrackt/api/search/" + searchField.val())
            request = $.getJSON(conntrackt_api_url + "/search/" + searchField.val())
                .done(function(data) {

                    // Process the retrieved JSON response, setting-up list of
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@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@
    <link href="/static/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-responsive.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="/static/custom.css" rel="stylesheet">
    /* Set-up the base URL for sending out AJAX API calls. */
    var conntrackt_api_url = location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + ":" + location.port + {% url "index" %} + "api";

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