Changeset - a69e9814cf16
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Branko Majic (branko) - 11 years ago 2013-09-19 13:10:22
CONNT-18: Switched to using factory_boy and dynamic data generation instead of using fixtures for tests.
5 files changed with 334 insertions and 283 deletions:
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# Third-party application imports.
import factory

# Application imports.
from conntrackt.models import Project, Location, Entity, Interface, Communication


class ProjectFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
    Factory for producing projects where name is set to "Test Project N", and N
    is an increasing sequence. Description is based on name.

    FACTORY_FOR = Project

    def name(n):
        return "Test Project %d" % n

    description = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda d: "This is %s." %


class LocationFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
    Factory for producing locations where name is set to "Test Location N", and
    N is an increasing sequence. Description is based on name.

    FACTORY_FOR = Location

    def name(n):
        return "Test Location %d" % n

    description = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda d: "This is %s." %


class ServerInterfaceFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
    Factory for producing server interfaces. Interface IP address is set to
    192.168.1.N, where N is a sequence. The netmask is always set to
    "". The interface name is always set to eth0.

    FACTORY_FOR = Interface
    netmask = ""
    name = "eth0"

    def address(n):
        return "192.168.1.%d" % (n)


class SubnetInterfaceFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
    Factory for producing subnet "interfaces". Interface IP address is set to
    10.10.N.0, where N is a sequence. Interface name is always set to
    switch0. Netmask is set to "".

    FACTORY_FOR = Interface
    netmask = ""
    name = "switch0"

    def address(n):
        return "10.10.%d.0" % (n)


class ServerEntityFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
    Factory for producing server entities where name is set to "Test Entity N",
    and N is an increasing sequence.

    FACTORY_FOR = Entity

    interface = factory.RelatedFactory(ServerInterfaceFactory, "entity")

    def name(n):
        return "Test Entity %d" % n

    description = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda d: "This is %s." %


class SubnetEntityFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
    Factory for producing subnet entities where name is set to "Test Subnet N",
    and N is an increasing sequence.

    FACTORY_FOR = Entity

    interface = factory.RelatedFactory(SubnetInterfaceFactory, "entity")

    def name(n):
        return "Test Subnet %d" % n

    description = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda d: "This is %s." %


class CommunicationFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
    Factory for producing communications. The descriptin of communication will
    be based on protocol and port.

    FACTORY_FOR = Communication

    description = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda d: "Communicate over %s:%s" % (d.protocol, d.port))


def setup_test_data():
    Sets-up some test data for testing more complex functionality.

    for factory in ProjectFactory, LocationFactory, ServerEntityFactory, SubnetEntityFactory, ServerInterfaceFactory, SubnetInterfaceFactory, CommunicationFactory:

    project1 = ProjectFactory(pk=1)
    project2 = ProjectFactory(pk=2)

    location1 = LocationFactory(pk=1)
    location2 = LocationFactory(pk=2)

    entity1 = ServerEntityFactory(pk=1, project=project1, location=location1)
    entity2 = ServerEntityFactory(pk=2, project=project1, location=location1)
    entity3 = ServerEntityFactory(pk=3, project=project1, location=location2)
    entity4 = SubnetEntityFactory(pk=4, project=project1, location=location2)
    entity5 = ServerEntityFactory(pk=5, project=project2, location=location1)

    communication1 = CommunicationFactory(pk=1, source_id=2, destination_id=1, protocol="TCP", port="22")
    communication2 = CommunicationFactory(pk=2, source_id=2, destination_id=1, protocol="ICMP", port="8")
    communication3 = CommunicationFactory(pk=3, source_id=3, destination_id=1, protocol="TCP", port="3306")
    communication4 = CommunicationFactory(pk=4, source_id=1, destination_id=3, protocol="UDP", port="53")
    communication5 = CommunicationFactory(pk=5, source_id=4, destination_id=1, protocol="TCP", port="22")
    communication6 = CommunicationFactory(pk=6, source_id=1, destination_id=2, protocol="UDP", port="123")
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# Django imports.
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db import IntegrityError
from django.test import TestCase

# Application imports.
from conntrackt.models import Project, Location, Entity, Interface, Communication

# Test imports.
from .factories import ProjectFactory, LocationFactory
from .factories import ServerEntityFactory, ServerInterfaceFactory
from .factories import SubnetEntityFactory, SubnetInterfaceFactory
from .factories import CommunicationFactory
from .factories import setup_test_data


class ProjectTest(TestCase):

    def test_unique_name(self):
        Test if unique project name is enforced.

        project1 = Project(name="Test Project", description="This is a test project.")

        project = ProjectFactory()

        project2 = Project(name="Test Project", description="This is a test project.")
        self.assertRaises(IntegrityError, ProjectFactory,

    def test_representation(self):
        Test the representation of project.

        project = Project(name="Test Project", description="This is a test project.")
        project = ProjectFactory(name="Test Project")

        self.assertEqual(str(project), "Test Project")

    def test_absolute_url(self):
        Tests if the absolute URL is generated properly.

        project = Project(pk=1, name="Test Project", description="This is a test project.")
        project = ProjectFactory(pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(project.get_absolute_url(), "/conntrackt/project/1/")


class LocationTest(TestCase):

    def test_unique_name(self):
        Test if unique locationn name is enforced.
        Test if unique location name is enforced.

        location1 = Location(name="Test Location", description="This is a test location.")

        location = LocationFactory()

        location2 = Location(name="Test Location", description="This is a test location.")
        self.assertRaises(IntegrityError, LocationFactory,

    def test_representation(self):
        Test the representation of location.

        project = Location(name="Test Location", description="This is a test location.")
        project = LocationFactory(name="Test Location")

        self.assertEqual(str(project), "Test Location")


class EntityTest(TestCase):
    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    def setUp(cls):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_incoming_communications(self):
        Test that we get correct list of incoming connections with the sample

        entity = Entity.objects.get(name="Test Entity 1")
        entity = Entity.objects.get(pk=1)
        incoming = Communication.objects.filter(pk__in=(1, 2, 3, 5))

        self.assertItemsEqual(entity.incoming_communications(), incoming)

    def test_outgoing_communications(self):
        Test that we get correct list of outgoing connections with the sample

        entity = Entity.objects.get(name="Test Entity 1")
        entity = Entity.objects.get(pk=1)
        outgoing = Communication.objects.filter(pk__in=(4, 6))

        self.assertItemsEqual(entity.outgoing_communications(), outgoing)

    def test_representation(self):
        Test the representation of entity.

        ent = Entity.objects.get(name="Test Entity 1")
        ent = Entity.objects.get(pk=1)
        representation = "Test Entity 1 (Test Project 1 - Test Location 1)"

        self.assertEqual(str(ent), representation)

    def test_unique_name(self):
        Test if unique entity name is enforced across same project.

        entity1 = Entity.objects.get(pk=1)

        entity2 = Entity(, description="Duplicate entity.", project=entity1.project, location=entity1.location)
        entity_dup = Entity(, description="Duplicate entity.", project=entity1.project, location=entity1.location)


    def test_absolute_url(self):
        Tests if the absolute URL is generated properly.

        entity = Entity.objects.get(pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(entity.get_absolute_url(), "/conntrackt/entity/1/")

    def test_project_move_constraints(self):
        Tests if entity is prevented from being moved to different project in
        case of existing communications.

        entity = Entity.objects.get(pk=1)
        new_project = Project.objects.get(pk=2)

        entity.project = new_project
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValidationError, "The entity cannot be moved to different project as long as it has valid communications with entities in current project.", entity.clean)


class InterfaceTest(TestCase):
    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    def setUp(self):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_unique_name(self):
        Test if unique interface name is enforced across same entity.

        entity = Entity.objects.get(pk=1)

        interface = entity.interface_set.get(pk=1)

        duplicate = Interface(, description="Duplicate interface.", entity=entity, address="", netmask="")

@@ -165,78 +180,84 @@ class InterfaceTest(TestCase):

        interface = Entity.objects.get(name="Test Entity 1").interface_set.get(name="eth0")
        representation = "Test Entity 1 ("

        self.assertEqual(str(interface), representation)

    def test_representation_subnet(self):
        Test representation of subnet.

        interface = Entity.objects.get(name="Test Subnet").interface_set.get(name="eth0")
        representation = "Test Subnet ("
        interface = Entity.objects.get(pk=4).interface_set.get(name="switch0")
        representation = "Test Subnet 4 ("

        self.assertEqual(str(interface), representation)


class CommunicationTest(TestCase):
    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    def setUp(self):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_unique_communication(self):
        Test enforcement of unique communications.

        comm = Communication.objects.get(pk=1)

        self.assertRaises(IntegrityError, Communication.objects.create, source=comm.source, destination=comm.destination, protocol=comm.protocol, port=comm.port, description="Duplicate communication.")

    def test_project_same(self):
        Test enforcement of same project entities for communications.

        ent1 = Entity.objects.get(name="Test Entity 1")
        ent1 = Entity.objects.get(pk=1)
        ent1_eth0 = ent1.interface_set.get(name="eth0")
        ent2 = Entity.objects.get(name="Other Project Test Entity")
        ent2_eth0 = ent2.interface_set.get(name="eth0")
        ent5 = Entity.objects.get(pk=5)
        ent5_eth0 = ent5.interface_set.get(name="eth0")

        # Set-up a communication between different projects.
        comm = Communication.objects.create(source=ent1_eth0, destination=ent2_eth0, protocol="ICMP", port="8", description="Ping.")
        comm = Communication.objects.create(source=ent1_eth0, destination=ent5_eth0, protocol="ICMP", port="8", description="Ping.")

        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValidationError, 'Source and destination entities do not belong to the same project', comm.full_clean)

    def test_same_entity(self):
        Test enforcement of differing entities for communication.

        ent = Entity.objects.get(name="Test Entity 1")
        ent = Entity.objects.get(pk=1)
        ent_eth0 = ent.interface_set.get(name="eth0")

        # Set-up a communication between same entity.
        comm = Communication.objects.create(source=ent_eth0, destination=ent_eth0, protocol="ICMP", port="8", description="Ping.")

        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValidationError, "Source and destination entities are identical.", comm.full_clean)

    def test_unsupported_protocol(self):
        Test enforcement of supported protocol.

        ent1 = Entity.objects.get(name="Test Entity 1")
        ent1 = Entity.objects.get(pk=1)
        ent1_eth0 = ent1.interface_set.get(name="eth0")
        ent2 = Entity.objects.get(name="Test Entity 2")
        ent2 = Entity.objects.get(pk=2)
        ent2_eth0 = ent2.interface_set.get(name="eth0")

        comm = Communication(source=ent1_eth0, destination=ent2_eth0, protocol="BOGUS", port="1234")

        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValidationError, "BOGUS is not a supported protocol.", comm.full_clean)

    def test_edit_link(self):
        Tests the function for getting the edit link string.

        comm = Communication.objects.get(pk=1)
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# Django imports.
from django.test import TestCase

# Third-party Python library imports.
import palette
import pydot

# Application imports.
from conntrackt.models import Entity, Project, Communication
from conntrackt import utils
from .factories import setup_test_data


class GenerateEntityIptablesTest(TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']
    def setUp(self):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_generated_iptables(self):
        Tests if the entity's iptables are generated properly or not.

        entity = Entity.objects.get(pk=1)
        generated = utils.generate_entity_iptables(entity)

        expected = """*filter
# Accept all incoming related traffic.

# Accept all incoming traffic on loopback interface.
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT

# MySQL.
-A INPUT -s -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT

# Ping.
# Communicate over ICMP:8
-A INPUT -s -d -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT

# SSH.
# Communicate over TCP:22
-A INPUT -s -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

# Communicate over TCP:3306
-A INPUT -s -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT

        self.assertEqual(generated, expected)
@@ -108,25 +114,30 @@ class GetDistinctColorsTest(TestCase):
        self.assertEqual(equal.count(True), 12)

        # Check the difference between first and last colour.
        equal = abs(colors[0].hsl["h"] + 1 - colors[12].hsl["h"] - reference) < delta
        self.assertEqual(True, equal)


class GenerateProjectDiagramTest(TestCase):
    Tests the generate_project_diagram function.

    fixtures = ["test-data.json"]
    def setUp(self):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_unique_entity_colors(self):
        Tests if each node/entity in the graph will have a unique colour.

        # Get diagram for project
        project = Project.objects.get(pk=1)
        diagram = utils.generate_project_diagram(project)

        # Extract all nodes
        clusters = diagram.get_subgraphs()
@@ -162,25 +173,25 @@ class GenerateProjectDiagramTest(TestCas
            self.assertEqual(nodes[edge.get_source()].get_color(), edge.get_color())

    def test_entities_present(self):
        Tests if all (and only) specific project entities are in the graph.

        # Get diagram for project
        project = Project.objects.get(pk=1)
        diagram = utils.generate_project_diagram(project)

        # Set-up expected node names.
        expected_node_names = ["Test Entity 1", "Test Entity 2", "Test Entity 3", "Test Subnet"]
        expected_node_names = [u"Test Entity 1", u"Test Entity 2", u"Test Entity 3", u"Test Subnet 4"]

        # Get all nodes from diagram.
        clusters = diagram.get_subgraphs()
        nodes = []
        for cluster in clusters:

        # Get the node names, strip the quotes from them.
        node_names = [n.get_name().replace('"', '') for n in nodes]

        # Validate that the two lists contain same elements.
        self.assertEqual(sorted(expected_node_names), sorted(node_names))
@@ -195,27 +206,30 @@ class GenerateProjectDiagramTest(TestCas
        project = Project.objects.get(pk=1)
        diagram = utils.generate_project_diagram(project)

        # Get all edges from the diagram.
        edges = diagram.get_edges()

        # Create list of edge labels.
        edge_labels = ["%s -> %s (%s)" % (e.get_source().replace('"', ''),
                                           e.get_destination().replace('"', ''),
                                           e.get_label().replace('"', '')) for e in edges]

        # Create list of expected edge labels
        expected_edge_labels = ['Test Entity 1 -> Test Entity 2 (UDP:123)', 'Test Entity 1 -> Test Entity 3 (UDP:53)',
                          'Test Entity 2 -> Test Entity 1 (ICMP:8)', 'Test Entity 2 -> Test Entity 1 (TCP:22)',
                          'Test Entity 3 -> Test Entity 1 (TCP:3306)', 'Test Subnet -> Test Entity 1 (TCP:22)']
        expected_edge_labels = [u'Test Entity 1 -> Test Entity 2 (UDP:123)',
                                u'Test Entity 1 -> Test Entity 3 (UDP:53)',
                                u'Test Entity 2 -> Test Entity 1 (ICMP:8)',
                                u'Test Entity 2 -> Test Entity 1 (TCP:22)',
                                u'Test Entity 3 -> Test Entity 1 (TCP:3306)',
                                u'Test Subnet 4 -> Test Entity 1 (TCP:22)']

        self.assertEqual(sorted(expected_edge_labels), sorted(edge_labels))

    def test_locations_present(self):
        Tests if all (and only) specific project locations are in the graph (as

        # Get diagram for project.
        project = Project.objects.get(pk=1)
        diagram = utils.generate_project_diagram(project)
Show inline comments
@@ -18,33 +18,39 @@ from conntrackt.views import IndexView
from conntrackt.views import entity_iptables, project_iptables, project_diagram

from conntrackt.views import ProjectView, ProjectCreateView, ProjectUpdateView, ProjectDeleteView
from conntrackt.views import LocationCreateView, LocationUpdateView, LocationDeleteView
from conntrackt.views import EntityView, EntityCreateView, EntityUpdateView, EntityDeleteView
from conntrackt.views import InterfaceCreateView, InterfaceUpdateView, InterfaceDeleteView
from conntrackt.views import CommunicationCreateView, CommunicationUpdateView, CommunicationDeleteView

# Test imports.
from .forms import FormWithWidgetCSSClassFormMixin, FormWithPlaceholderFormMixin
from .helpers import PermissionTestMixin, create_get_request, generate_get_response, FakeMessages
from .views import RedirectToNextMixinView
from .factories import setup_test_data


class IndexViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    sufficient_permissions = ("view",)
    view_class = IndexView

    def setUp(self):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_context_no_projects(self):
        Verifies that the context is properly set-up when the view is called and
        no projects are available.


        # Get the view.
        view = IndexView.as_view()

        # Get the response.
@@ -93,30 +99,35 @@ class IndexViewTest(PermissionTestMixin,
        # Get the view.
        view = IndexView.as_view()

        # Get the response.
        response = generate_get_response(view)

        # Validate the response.
        self.assertQuerysetEqual(response.context_data["locations"], ["<Location: Test Location 1>", "<Location: Test Location 2>"])


class ProjectViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    sufficient_permissions = ("view",)
    permission_test_view_kwargs = {"pk": "1"}
    view_class = ProjectView

    def setUp(self):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_context(self):
        Verifies that the context is properly set-up when the view is called.

        # Get the view.
        view = ProjectView.as_view()

        # Get the response.
        response = generate_get_response(view, pk=1)

        # Fetch context data from response.
@@ -126,82 +137,92 @@ class ProjectViewTest(PermissionTestMixi
        expected_entities = ["<Entity: Test Entity 1 (Test Project 1 - Test Location 1)>",
                             "<Entity: Test Entity 2 (Test Project 1 - Test Location 1)>"]

        # Validate context data.
        self.assertEqual(, "Test Location 1")
        self.assertQuerysetEqual(entities, expected_entities)

        # Fetch context data from response.
        location, entities = response.context_data["location_entities"][1]

        # Set-up expected context data values.
        expected_entities = ["<Entity: Test Entity 3 (Test Project 1 - Test Location 2)>",
                             "<Entity: Test Subnet (Test Project 1 - Test Location 2)>"]
                             "<Entity: Test Subnet 4 (Test Project 1 - Test Location 2)>"]

        # Validate context data.
        self.assertEqual(, "Test Location 2")
        self.assertQuerysetEqual(entities, expected_entities)

        # Validate context data.
        self.assertEqual(str(response.context_data["project"]), "Test Project 1")


class EntityViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    view_class = EntityView
    sufficient_permissions = ("view",)
    permission_test_view_kwargs = {"pk": "1"}

    def setUp(self):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_context(self):
        Tests if the form comes pre-populated with proper content.

        # Get the view.
        view = EntityView.as_view()

        # Get the response.
        response = generate_get_response(view, pk=1)

        # Set-up expected context data.
        expected_entity = Entity.objects.get(pk=1)

        expected_incoming_communications = ["<Communication: Test Entity 2 -> Test Entity 1 (TCP:22)>",
                                            "<Communication: Test Entity 2 -> Test Entity 1 (ICMP:8)>",
                                            "<Communication: Test Entity 3 -> Test Entity 1 (TCP:3306)>",
                                            "<Communication: Test Subnet -> Test Entity 1 (TCP:22)>"]
                                            "<Communication: Test Subnet 4 -> Test Entity 1 (TCP:22)>"]

        expected_outgoing_communications = ["<Communication: Test Entity 1 -> Test Entity 2 (UDP:123)>",
                                            "<Communication: Test Entity 1 -> Test Entity 3 (UDP:53)>"]

        expected_interfaces = ["<Interface: Test Entity 1 (>"]

        # Validate the response.
        self.assertQuerysetEqual(response.context_data["interfaces"], expected_interfaces)
        self.assertQuerysetEqual(response.context_data["incoming_communications"], expected_incoming_communications)
        self.assertQuerysetEqual(response.context_data["outgoing_communications"], expected_outgoing_communications)
        self.assertEqual(response.context_data["entity"], expected_entity)
        self.assertTrue("entity_iptables" in response.context_data)


class EntityIptablesTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    view_function = staticmethod(entity_iptables)
    sufficient_permissions = ("view",)
    permission_test_view_kwargs = {"pk": "1"}

    def setUp(self):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_invalid_entity(self):
        Tests if a 404 is returned if no entity was found (invalid ID).

        # Set-up a request.
        request = create_get_request()

        # Get the view.
        view = entity_iptables

        # Validate the response.
@@ -242,30 +263,35 @@ class EntityIptablesTest(PermissionTestM
        view = entity_iptables

        # Get the response.
        response = generate_get_response(view, pk=1)

        self.assertContains(response, ":INPUT")
        self.assertContains(response, ":OUTPUT")
        self.assertContains(response, ":FORWARD")


class ProjectIptablesTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    view_function = staticmethod(project_iptables)
    sufficient_permissions = ("view",)
    permission_test_view_kwargs = {"project_id": 1}

    def setUp(self):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_invalid_project(self):
        Tests if a 404 is returned if no project was found (invalid ID).

        # Set-up a request.
        request = create_get_request()

        # Get the view.
        view = project_iptables

        # Request iptables for whole project.
@@ -325,25 +351,25 @@ class ProjectIptablesTest(PermissionTest
        # Get the view.
        view = project_iptables

        # Get the response.
        response = generate_get_response(project_iptables, None, 1)

        buff = StringIO(response.content)

        zipped_iptables = ZipFile(buff, "r", ZIP_DEFLATED)
        expected_zip_files = ["test_entity_1-iptables.conf",

        self.assertEqual(len(zipped_iptables.namelist()), 4)
        self.assertEqual(zipped_iptables.namelist(), expected_zip_files)

        for filename in expected_zip_files:
            iptables_file =
            self.assertIn(":INPUT", iptables_file)
            self.assertIn(":OUTPUT", iptables_file)
            self.assertIn(":FORWARD", iptables_file)


@@ -376,54 +402,64 @@ class ProjectIptablesTest(PermissionTest



class ProjectCreateViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    view_class = ProjectCreateView
    sufficient_permissions = ("add_project",)


class ProjectUpdateViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    view_class = ProjectUpdateView
    sufficient_permissions = ("change_project",)
    permission_test_view_kwargs = {"pk": 1}

    def setUp(self):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_context(self):
        Verifies that the context is properly set-up when the view is called for
        specific project.

        # Get the view.
        view = ProjectUpdateView.as_view()

        # Get the response.
        response = generate_get_response(view, None, pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(response.context_data["project"].name, "Test Project 1")
        self.assertEqual(response.context_data["headline"], "Update project Test Project 1")


class ProjectDeleteViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    view_class = ProjectDeleteView
    sufficient_permissions = ("delete_project",)
    permission_test_view_kwargs = {"pk": "1"}

    def setUp(self):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_context(self):
        Verifies that the context is properly set-up when the view is called for
        specific project.

        # Get the expected project.
        project = Project.objects.get(pk=1)

        # Get the view.
        view = ProjectDeleteView.as_view()

@@ -452,54 +488,64 @@ class ProjectDeleteViewTest(PermissionTe

        self.assertIn("Project Test Project 1 has been removed.", request._messages.messages)


class LocationCreateViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    view_class = LocationCreateView
    sufficient_permissions = ("add_location",)


class LocationUpdateViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    view_class = LocationUpdateView
    sufficient_permissions = ("change_location",)
    permission_test_view_kwargs = {"pk": 1}

    def setUp(self):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_context(self):
        Verifies that the context is properly set-up when the view is called for
        specific location.

        # Get the view.
        view = LocationUpdateView.as_view()

        # Get the response.
        response = generate_get_response(view, None, pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(response.context_data["location"].name, "Test Location 1")
        self.assertEqual(response.context_data["headline"], "Update location Test Location 1")


class LocationDeleteViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    view_class = LocationDeleteView
    sufficient_permissions = ("delete_location",)
    permission_test_view_kwargs = {"pk": "1"}

    def setUp(self):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_context(self):
        Verifies that the context is properly set-up when the view is called for
        specific location.

        # Get the expected location.
        location = Location.objects.get(pk=1)

        # Get the view.
        view = LocationDeleteView.as_view()

@@ -600,30 +646,35 @@ class EntityCreateViewTest(PermissionTes

        view = EntityCreateView()
        view.request = RequestFactory().get("/fake-path?location=1")
        view.object = None

        initial = view.get_initial()

        self.assertDictContainsSubset({"location": "1"}, initial)


class EntityDeleteViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    view_class = EntityDeleteView
    sufficient_permissions = ("delete_entity",)
    permission_test_view_kwargs = {"pk": 1}

    def setUp(self):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_context(self):
        Verifies that the context is properly set-up when the view is called for
        specific entity.

        # Get the expected entity.
        entity = Entity.objects.get(pk=1)

        # Get the view.
        view = EntityDeleteView.as_view()

@@ -666,30 +717,35 @@ class EntityDeleteViewTest(PermissionTes
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True
        request._messages = FakeMessages()

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request, pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("project", args=(1,)))


class EntityUpdateViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    view_class = EntityUpdateView
    sufficient_permissions = ("change_entity",)
    permission_test_view_kwargs = {"pk": 1}

    def setUp(self):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_context(self):
        Verifies that the context is properly set-up when the view is called for
        specific entity.

        # Get the view.
        view = EntityUpdateView.as_view()

        # Get the response.
        response = generate_get_response(view, None, pk=1)

@@ -760,30 +816,35 @@ class InterfaceCreateViewTest(Permission
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request, pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("entity", args=(1,)))
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)


class InterfaceUpdateViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    view_class = InterfaceUpdateView
    sufficient_permissions = ("change_interface",)
    permission_test_view_kwargs = {"pk": 1}

    def setUp(self):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_context(self):
        Verifies that the context is properly set-up when the view is called for
        specific entity.

        # Get the view.
        view = InterfaceUpdateView.as_view()

        # Get the response.
        response = generate_get_response(view, None, pk=1)

@@ -801,25 +862,25 @@ class InterfaceUpdateViewTest(Permission

        # Set-up the view.
        view = InterfaceUpdateView()
        view.request = RequestFactory().get("/fake-path/1")
        view.object = Interface.objects.get(pk=1)

        # Get the form.
        form = view.get_form(view.get_form_class())

        expected_entities = ["<Entity: Test Entity 1 (Test Project 1 - Test Location 1)>",
                             "<Entity: Test Entity 2 (Test Project 1 - Test Location 1)>",
                             "<Entity: Test Entity 3 (Test Project 1 - Test Location 2)>",
                             "<Entity: Test Subnet (Test Project 1 - Test Location 2)>"]
                             "<Entity: Test Subnet 4 (Test Project 1 - Test Location 2)>"]

        self.assertQuerysetEqual(form.fields["entity"].queryset, expected_entities)

    def test_success_url(self):
        Validate that the success URL is set properly after update.

        # Get the view.
        view = InterfaceUpdateView.as_view()

        # Get the interface object.
@@ -833,30 +894,35 @@ class InterfaceUpdateViewTest(Permission
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request, pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("entity", args=(1,)))
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)


class InterfaceDeleteViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    view_class = InterfaceDeleteView
    sufficient_permissions = ("delete_interface",)
    permission_test_view_kwargs = {"pk": 1}

    def setUp(self):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_context(self):
        Verifies that the context is properly set-up when the view is called for
        specific interface.

        # Get the expected entity.
        interface = Interface.objects.get(pk=1)

        # Get the view.
        view = InterfaceDeleteView.as_view()

@@ -1121,30 +1187,35 @@ class CommunicationCreateViewTest(Permis
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("project", args=(1,)))
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)


class CommunicationUpdateViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    view_class = CommunicationUpdateView
    sufficient_permissions = ("change_communication",)
    permission_test_view_kwargs = {"pk": 1}

    def setUp(self):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_context(self):
        Verifies that the context is properly set-up.

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationUpdateView.as_view()

        # Get the response.
        response = generate_get_response(view, None, pk=1)

        # Set-up expected interface.
@@ -1161,25 +1232,25 @@ class CommunicationUpdateViewTest(Permis

        # Set-up the view.
        view = CommunicationUpdateView()
        view.request = RequestFactory().get("/fake-path/1")
        view.object = Communication.objects.get(pk=1)

        # Get the form.
        form = view.get_form(view.get_form_class())

        expected_interfaces = ["<Interface: Test Entity 1 (>",
                               "<Interface: Test Entity 2 (>",
                               "<Interface: Test Entity 3 (>",
                               "<Interface: Test Subnet (>"]
                               "<Interface: Test Subnet 4 (>"]

        self.assertQuerysetEqual(form.fields["source"].queryset, expected_interfaces)
        self.assertQuerysetEqual(form.fields["destination"].queryset, expected_interfaces)

    def test_success_url_next(self):
        Validate that the success URL is set properly after update if GET
        parameter is passed.

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationUpdateView.as_view()
@@ -1223,30 +1294,35 @@ class CommunicationUpdateViewTest(Permis
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request, pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("project", args=(,)))
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)


class CommunicationDeleteViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    view_class = CommunicationDeleteView
    sufficient_permissions = ("delete_communication",)
    permission_test_view_kwargs = {"pk": 1}

    def setUp(self):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_context(self):
        Verifies that the context is properly set-up when the view is called for
        specific communication.

        # Get the expected entity.
        communication = Communication.objects.get(pk=1)

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationDeleteView.as_view()

@@ -1330,30 +1406,35 @@ class CommunicationDeleteViewTest(Permis
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True
        request._messages = FakeMessages()

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request, pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("entity", args=(,)))


class ProjectDiagramTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    view_function = staticmethod(project_diagram)
    sufficient_permissions = ("view",)
    permission_test_view_kwargs = {"pk": "1"}

    def setUp(self):
        Set-up some test data.


    def test_invalid_project(self):
        Tests if a 404 is returned if no project was found (invalid ID).

        # Set-up a request.
        request = create_get_request()

        # Get the view.
        view = project_diagram

        # Validate the response.
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