Changeset - ff99fef4e9a7
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Branko Majic (branko) - 6 years ago 2017-12-22 13:02:01
CONNT-25: Fixed discrepancies and erros in installation/quick-start documentation.
2 files changed with 21 insertions and 6 deletions:
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@@ -48,18 +48,23 @@ Once the Django Conntrackt has been inst
steps in order to make it available inside of your Django project:

#. Edit your project's settings configuration file (````),
   and update the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` to include applications
   ``braces``, ``crispy_forms``, and ``conntrackt``.

#. Edit your project's URL configuration file (````), and add the
   following line to the ``urlpatterns`` setting::
#. Edit your project's URL configuration file (````).

   Update the import command for urls module to look like::

     from django.conf.urls import url, include

   Add the following line to the ``urlpatterns`` setting::

     url(r'^conntrackt/', include('conntrackt.urls')),

#. Create the necessary tables used for Django Conntrackt by running::
#. Create the necessary tables used for *Django Conntrackt*::

   ./ migrate

After this the Django Conntrackt application will be available under the
``/conntrackt/`` path (relative to your Django project's base URL).

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@@ -43,29 +43,39 @@ some basic settings:
#. Under ``INSTALLED_APPS`` append lines::


Edit the URL configuration file ``conntrackt_test/conntrackt_test/urls/.py`` to
Edit the URL configuration file ``conntrackt_test/conntrackt_test/`` to
set-up the URLs for the admin website and Conntrackt itself:

#. At the top of the file, add line ``from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect``.
#. At the top of the file, add line::

     from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect

#. Update the import command for urls module to look like::

     from django.conf.urls import url, include

#. Under ``urlpatterns`` append lines::

     url(r'^$', lambda r : HttpResponseRedirect('conntrackt/')),
     url(r'^conntrackt/', include('conntrackt.urls')),

Set-up the database for the project::

  cd conntrackt_test/
  python migrate

Create the initial superadmin user::

  python createsuperuser

You will be prompted to provide some additional information:

#. When prompted to create a superuser, answer ``yes``.
#. Provide the desired username when prompted for it.
#. Provide the desired e-mail address when prompted for it.
#. Provide the desired password for created user.

After this the project is fully configured to run Django Conntrackt. Run the
Django development server (good enough for testing, but don't use it in
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