File diff c8d79d2d0e3e → fed3c9eee488
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@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@


# Standard library imports.
from urlparse import parse_qsl


# Django imports.
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import resolve
@@ -230,22 +234,22 @@ class CommunicationAdmin(admin.ModelAdmi
          kwargs - Additional keyword arguments

        # Resolve the view name based on the request's path.
        view_name = resolve(request.path).view_name

        # Only process the source and destination fields that point to
        # interfaces.
        if == "source" or == "destination":
            # Perform no filtering by default.
            interface_filter = {}

            # If project was specified in GET requests, add it as a filter.
            if 'project' in request.GET:
                interface_filter['entity__project'] = request.GET['project']
            # If location was specified in GET request, add it as a filter.
            if 'location' in request.GET:
                interface_filter['entity__location'] = request.GET['location']
            # If there are any filtering options for the show interfaces, apply them.
            # Parse the filter from URL GET parameter passed-in by the Django Admin.
            changelist_filters = dict(parse_qsl(request.GET.get('_changelist_filters', '')))

            # Apply project filter if requested.
            if 'project' in changelist_filters:
                interface_filter['entity__project'] = changelist_filters['project']
            # Apply location filter if requested.
            if 'location' in changelist_filters:
                interface_filter['entity__location'] = changelist_filters['location']
            # Apply our filters to queryset if there are any.
            if interface_filter:
                kwargs["queryset"] = Interface.objects.filter(**interface_filter)