File diff 529cb3e7db9b → c5b0177debb4
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# Django imports.
from django.forms import ModelForm

# Application imports.
from .models import Entity, Interface, Communication
from .models import Project, Entity, Interface, Communication


class WidgetCSSClassFormMixin(object):
    Helper form mixin that can be used for applying additional custom CSS
    classes to form field widgets.
@@ -104,6 +104,20 @@ class CommunicationForm(WidgetCSSClassFo
        model = Communication

    widget_placeholders = {"port": "Port used for communication",
                           "description": "Communication description"}

    widget_css_classes = {"ALL": "span6"}


class ProjectForm(WidgetCSSClassFormMixin, PlaceholderFormMixin, ModelForm):
    Implements a custom model form for projects with some styling changes.

    class Meta:
        model = Project

    widget_placeholders = {"name": "Project name",
                           "description": "Project description"}

    widget_css_classes = {"ALL": "span6"}