File diff 2f79a5b24a36 → 3d702d4d7154
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@@ -19,12 +19,13 @@


# Django imports.
from django import template
from django.core import urlresolvers
from django.utils.html import format_html


# Get an instance of Django's template library.
register = template.Library()


@@ -51,32 +52,40 @@ def html_link(text, view, *args, **kwarg
        title - Title for the HTML <a> element.

        get - Additional GET parameter that should be appended to the URL.


    # Verify the passed-in keyword arguments first.
    for key in kwargs.keys():
        if key not in ("get", "class", "title", "id"):
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("Unknown argument for 'html_link' tag: %r" % key)

    # Generate the URL by using the supplied view name and arguments that should
    # be passed to the view.
    url = urlresolvers.reverse(view, args=args)

    # Set-up the base pattern (url, parameters, text).
    pattern = '<a href="%s" %s>%s</a>'
    if 'get' in kwargs:
        pattern = '<a href="{url}?{get}"'
        pattern = '<a href="{url}"'

    if 'class' in kwargs:
        pattern += ' class="{class}"'

    # Iterate over keyword arguments, and if they're supported, add them to
    # parameters.
    params = ""
    for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
        if key in ("class", "title", "id"):
            params += '%s="%s" ' % (key, value)
        elif key == "get":
            url += "?%s" % value
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("Unknown argument for 'advhtml_link' tag: %r" % key)
    if 'title' in kwargs:
        pattern += ' title="{title}"'

    if 'id' in kwargs:
        pattern += ' id="{id}"'

    pattern += '>{text}</a>'

    # Render the tag.
    return pattern % (url, params, text)
    return format_html(pattern, url=url, text=text, **kwargs)


def active_link(context, url_name, return_value='active', **kwargs):
    This template tag can be used to check if the provided URL matches against