File diff b02e16dc7708 → a960569196d0
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@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import collections

# Python third-party library imports.
import mock
from palette import Color

# Django imports.
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
@@ -179,6 +180,63 @@ class ProjectTest(TestCase):

        self.assertIsInstance(Project.objects, SearchManager)

    def test_get_project_communications_summary_count(self):
        Test if the method returns correct number of entries in the list.

        # Set-up some test data to work with.

        # Get the first project from test data.
        project = Project.objects.get(pk=1)

        # Fetch the project communications
        communications = project.get_project_communications_summary()

        # Validate the number of returned communications.
        self.assertEqual(len(communications), 6)

    def test_get_project_communications_summary_return_value(self):
        Test if the method returns correct type.

        # Set-up some test data.

        # Fetch one of the projects.
        project = Project.objects.get(pk=1)

        # Get the communications summary for the project.
        communications = project.get_project_communications_summary()

        # Validate the return value type.
        self.assertIsInstance(communications, list)

        # Perform verification on every summary element returned.
        for comm in communications:
            # Verify the type of element and its size.
            self.assertIsInstance(comm, dict)
            self.assertEqual(len(comm), 6)

            # Verify the presence of correct dictionary keys.
            keys = comm.keys()
            self.assertIn("source", keys)
            self.assertIn("source_color", keys)
            self.assertIn("destination", keys)
            self.assertIn("destination_color", keys)
            self.assertIn("protocol", keys)
            self.assertIn("port", keys)

            # Verify the value types.
            self.assertIsInstance(comm["source"], unicode)
            self.assertIsInstance(comm["source_color"], Color)
            self.assertIsInstance(comm["destination"], unicode)
            self.assertIsInstance(comm["destination_color"], Color)
            self.assertIsInstance(comm["protocol"], unicode)
            self.assertIsInstance(comm["port"], int)


class LocationTest(TestCase):