File diff c153097ca199 → 491fa548a42f
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@@ -1059,16 +1059,16 @@ class CommunicationCreateViewTest(Permis

        # Get the initial values.
        initial = view.get_initial()

        self.assertEqual(len(initial), 0)

    def test_success_url_from_entity(self):
    def test_success_url_next(self):
        Validate that the success URL is set properly after communication is
        created if origin entity is provided.
        created if "next" GET parameter is provided.

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationCreateView.as_view()

        # Generate the request.
@@ -1076,53 +1076,26 @@ class CommunicationCreateViewTest(Permis
        destination = Interface.objects.get(pk=2)
        post_data = {"source":,
                     "protocol": "TCP",
                     "port": "22",
                     "description": "SSH."}
        request = RequestFactory().post("/fake-path?from_entity=1", data=post_data)
        request = RequestFactory().post("/fake-path?next=/next-page", data=post_data)
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("entity", args=(1,)))
        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], "/next-page")
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)

    def test_success_url_to_entity(self):
    def test_success_url_no_next(self):
        Validate that the success URL is set properly after communication is
        created if destination entity is provided.

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationCreateView.as_view()

        # Generate the request.
        source = Interface.objects.get(pk=1)
        destination = Interface.objects.get(pk=2)
        post_data = {"source":,
                     "protocol": "TCP",
                     "port": "22",
                     "description": "SSH."}
        request = RequestFactory().post("/fake-path?to_entity=2", data=post_data)
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("entity", args=(2,)))
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)

    def test_success_url_no_entity(self):
        Validate that the success URL is set properly after communication is
        created if no entity source/destinantion is passed on.
        created if no "next" GET parameter is provided.

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationCreateView.as_view()

        # Generate the request.
@@ -1137,13 +1110,13 @@ class CommunicationCreateViewTest(Permis
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("entity", args=(1,)))
        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("project", args=(1,)))
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)


class CommunicationUpdateViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']
@@ -1187,15 +1160,16 @@ class CommunicationUpdateViewTest(Permis
                               "<Interface: Test Entity 3 (>",
                               "<Interface: Test Subnet (>"]

        self.assertQuerysetEqual(form.fields["source"].queryset, expected_interfaces)
        self.assertQuerysetEqual(form.fields["destination"].queryset, expected_interfaces)

    def test_success_url_from_entity(self):
    def test_success_url_next(self):
        Validate that the success URL is set properly after update.
        Validate that the success URL is set properly after update if GET
        parameter is passed.

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationUpdateView.as_view()

        # Get the communication object.
@@ -1203,51 +1177,26 @@ class CommunicationUpdateViewTest(Permis

        # Generate the request.
        post_data = {"source":,
                     "protocol": communication.protocol,
                     "port": communication.port}
        request = RequestFactory().post("/fake-path?from_entity=1", data=post_data)
        request = RequestFactory().post("/fake-path?next=/next-page", data=post_data)
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request, pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("entity", args=(1,)))
        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], "/next-page")
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)

    def test_success_url_to_entity(self):
        Validate that the success URL is set properly after update.
    def test_success_url_no_next(self):

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationUpdateView.as_view()

        # Get the communication object.
        communication = Communication.objects.get(pk=1)

        # Generate the request.
        post_data = {"source":,
                     "protocol": communication.protocol,
                     "port": communication.port}
        request = RequestFactory().post("/fake-path?to_entity=1", data=post_data)
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request, pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("entity", args=(1,)))
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)

    def test_success_url_no_entity(self):
        Validate that the success URL is set properly after update.
        Validate that the success URL is set properly after communication is
        created if no "next" GET parameter is provided.

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationUpdateView.as_view()

        # Get the communication object.
@@ -1262,13 +1211,13 @@ class CommunicationUpdateViewTest(Permis
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request, pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("entity", args=(,)))
        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("project", args=(,)))
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)


class CommunicationDeleteViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']