File diff aa689a4cf6cb → e10572a75d58
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@@ -9,21 +9,22 @@ import mock
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.http import Http404
from django.test import RequestFactory
from django.test import TestCase

# Application imports
from conntrackt.models import Project, Location, Entity, Interface
from conntrackt.models import Project, Location, Entity, Interface, Communication

from conntrackt.views import IndexView
from conntrackt.views import entity_iptables, project_iptables

from conntrackt.views import ProjectView, ProjectCreateView, ProjectUpdateView, ProjectDeleteView
from conntrackt.views import LocationCreateView, LocationUpdateView, LocationDeleteView
from conntrackt.views import EntityView, EntityCreateView, EntityUpdateView, EntityDeleteView
from conntrackt.views import InterfaceCreateView, InterfaceUpdateView, InterfaceDeleteView
from conntrackt.views import CommunicationCreateView, CommunicationUpdateView, CommunicationDeleteView

from helpers import PermissionTestMixin, create_get_request, generate_get_response, FakeMessages


class IndexViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

@@ -954,6 +955,486 @@ class InterfaceDeleteViewTest(Permission
        request._messages = FakeMessages()

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request, pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("entity", args=(1,)))


class CommunicationCreateViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    view_class = CommunicationCreateView
    sufficient_permissions = ("add_communication",)

    def setUp(self):
        Sets-up some data necessary for testing.

        # Set-up some data for testing.
        project1 = Project.objects.create(name="Test Project 1", description="This is test project 1.")
        project2 = Project.objects.create(name="Test Project 2", description="This is test project 2.")
        location = Location.objects.create(name="Test Location", description="This is test location.")
        entity1 = Entity.objects.create(name="Test Entity 1", description="This is test entity 1.", project=project1, location=location)
        entity2 = Entity.objects.create(name="Test Entity 2", description="This is test entity 2.", project=project1, location=location)
        entity3 = Entity.objects.create(name="Test Entity 3", description="This is test entity 3.", project=project2, location=location)
        Interface.objects.create(name="eth0", description="Main interface", entity=entity1, address="", netmask="")
        Interface.objects.create(name="eth0", description="Main interface", entity=entity2, address="", netmask="")
        Interface.objects.create(name="eth0", description="Main interface", entity=entity3, address="", netmask="")

    def test_interface_limit_from_entity(self):
        Tests if the queryset is properly limitted if GET parameter is passed.

        # Set-up the view.
        view = CommunicationCreateView()
        view.request = RequestFactory().get("/fake-path?from_entity=1")
        view.object = None

        # Get the form.
        form = view.get_form(view.get_form_class())

        # Set-up expected interfaces.
        expected_interfaces = ["<Interface: Test Entity 1 (>",
                               "<Interface: Test Entity 2 (>"]

        self.assertQuerysetEqual(form.fields["source"].queryset, expected_interfaces)
        self.assertQuerysetEqual(form.fields["destination"].queryset, expected_interfaces)

    def test_interface_limit_to_entity(self):
        Tests if the queryset is properly limitted if GET parameter is passed.

        # Set-up the view.
        view = CommunicationCreateView()
        view.request = RequestFactory().get("/fake-path?to_entity=1")
        view.object = None

        # Get the form.
        form = view.get_form(view.get_form_class())

        # Set-up expected interfaces.
        expected_interfaces = ["<Interface: Test Entity 1 (>",
                               "<Interface: Test Entity 2 (>"]

        self.assertQuerysetEqual(form.fields["source"].queryset, expected_interfaces)
        self.assertQuerysetEqual(form.fields["destination"].queryset, expected_interfaces)

    def test_interface_limit_project(self):
        Tests if the queryset is properly limitted if GET parameter is passed.

        # Set-up the view.
        view = CommunicationCreateView()
        view.request = RequestFactory().get("/fake-path?project=1")
        view.object = None

        # Get the form.
        form = view.get_form(view.get_form_class())

        # Set-up expected interfaces.
        expected_interfaces = ["<Interface: Test Entity 1 (>",
                               "<Interface: Test Entity 2 (>"]

        self.assertQuerysetEqual(form.fields["source"].queryset, expected_interfaces)
        self.assertQuerysetEqual(form.fields["destination"].queryset, expected_interfaces)

    def test_initial_from_entity(self):
        Tests if the choice field for interface is defaulted to first interface
        of entity passed as part of GET parameters.

        # Set-up the view.
        view = CommunicationCreateView()
        view.request = RequestFactory().get("/fake-path?from_entity=1")
        view.object = None

        # Get the expected interface ID.
        interface = Entity.objects.get(pk=1).interface_set.all()[0]

        # Fetch the initial values.
        initial = view.get_initial()

        self.assertDictContainsSubset({"source":}, initial)

    def test_initial_to_entity(self):
        Tests if the choice field for interface is defaulted to first interface
        of entity passed as part of GET parameters.

        # Set-up the view.
        view = CommunicationCreateView()
        view.request = RequestFactory().get("/fake-path?to_entity=1")
        view.object = None

        # Get the expected interface ID.
        interface = Entity.objects.get(pk=1).interface_set.all()[0]

        # Fetch the initial value.
        initial = view.get_initial()

        self.assertDictContainsSubset({"destination":}, initial)

    def test_initial_invalid_from_entity(self):
        Tests if the choice fields for source and destination interfaces are not
        defaulted in case invalid entity ID is passed as GET parameter.

        # Set-up the view.
        view = CommunicationCreateView()
        view.request = RequestFactory().get("/fake-path?from_entity=10")
        view.object = None

        # Get the initial values.
        initial = view.get_initial()

        self.assertEqual(len(initial), 0)

    def test_initial_invalid_to_entity(self):
        Tests if the choice fields for source and destination interfaces are not
        defaulted in case invalid entity ID is passed as GET parameter.

        # Set-up the view.
        view = CommunicationCreateView()
        view.request = RequestFactory().get("/fake-path?to_entity=10")
        view.object = None

        # Get the initial values.
        initial = view.get_initial()

        self.assertEqual(len(initial), 0)

    def test_initial_invalid_project(self):
        Tests if the choice fields for source and destination interfaces are not
        defaulted in case invalid project ID is passed as GET parameter.

        # Set-up the view.
        view = CommunicationCreateView()
        view.request = RequestFactory().get("/fake-path?project=10")
        view.object = None

        # Get the initial values.
        initial = view.get_initial()

        self.assertEqual(len(initial), 0)

    def test_success_url_from_entity(self):
        Validate that the success URL is set properly after communication is
        created if origin entity is provided.

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationCreateView.as_view()

        # Generate the request.
        source = Interface.objects.get(pk=1)
        destination = Interface.objects.get(pk=2)
        post_data = {"source":,
                     "protocol": "TCP",
                     "port": "22",
                     "description": "SSH."}
        request = RequestFactory().post("/fake-path?from_entity=1", data=post_data)
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("entity", args=(1,)))
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)

    def test_success_url_to_entity(self):
        Validate that the success URL is set properly after communication is
        created if destination entity is provided.

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationCreateView.as_view()

        # Generate the request.
        source = Interface.objects.get(pk=1)
        destination = Interface.objects.get(pk=2)
        post_data = {"source":,
                     "protocol": "TCP",
                     "port": "22",
                     "description": "SSH."}
        request = RequestFactory().post("/fake-path?to_entity=2", data=post_data)
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("entity", args=(2,)))
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)

    def test_success_url_no_entity(self):
        Validate that the success URL is set properly after communication is
        created if no entity source/destinantion is passed on.

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationCreateView.as_view()

        # Generate the request.
        source = Interface.objects.get(pk=1)
        destination = Interface.objects.get(pk=2)
        post_data = {"source":,
                     "protocol": "TCP",
                     "port": "22",
                     "description": "SSH."}
        request = RequestFactory().post("/fake-path", data=post_data)
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("entity", args=(1,)))
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)


class CommunicationUpdateViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    view_class = CommunicationUpdateView
    sufficient_permissions = ("change_communication",)
    permission_test_view_kwargs = {"pk": 1}

    def test_context(self):
        Verifies that the context is properly set-up.

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationUpdateView.as_view()

        # Get the response.
        response = generate_get_response(view, None, pk=1)

        # Set-up expected interface.
        communication = Communication.objects.get(pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(response.context_data["communication"], communication)

    def test_form_interface_limit(self):
        Tests if the queryset is properly limitted to specific project's
        entity interfaces.

        # Set-up the view.
        view = CommunicationUpdateView()
        view.request = RequestFactory().get("/fake-path/1")
        view.object = Communication.objects.get(pk=1)

        # Get the form.
        form = view.get_form(view.get_form_class())

        expected_interfaces = ["<Interface: Test Entity 1 (>",
                               "<Interface: Test Entity 2 (>",
                               "<Interface: Test Entity 3 (>",
                               "<Interface: Test Subnet (>"]

        self.assertQuerysetEqual(form.fields["source"].queryset, expected_interfaces)
        self.assertQuerysetEqual(form.fields["destination"].queryset, expected_interfaces)

    def test_success_url_from_entity(self):
        Validate that the success URL is set properly after update.

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationUpdateView.as_view()

        # Get the communication object.
        communication = Communication.objects.get(pk=1)

        # Generate the request.
        post_data = {"source":,
                     "protocol": communication.protocol,
                     "port": communication.port}
        request = RequestFactory().post("/fake-path?from_entity=1", data=post_data)
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request, pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("entity", args=(1,)))
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)

    def test_success_url_to_entity(self):
        Validate that the success URL is set properly after update.

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationUpdateView.as_view()

        # Get the communication object.
        communication = Communication.objects.get(pk=1)

        # Generate the request.
        post_data = {"source":,
                     "protocol": communication.protocol,
                     "port": communication.port}
        request = RequestFactory().post("/fake-path?to_entity=1", data=post_data)
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request, pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("entity", args=(1,)))
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)

    def test_success_url_no_entity(self):
        Validate that the success URL is set properly after update.

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationUpdateView.as_view()

        # Get the communication object.
        communication = Communication.objects.get(pk=1)

        # Generate the request.
        post_data = {"source":,
                     "protocol": communication.protocol,
                     "port": communication.port}
        request = RequestFactory().post("/fake-path/", data=post_data)
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request, pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("entity", args=(,)))
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)


class CommunicationDeleteViewTest(PermissionTestMixin, TestCase):

    fixtures = ['test-data.json']

    view_class = CommunicationDeleteView
    sufficient_permissions = ("delete_communication",)
    permission_test_view_kwargs = {"pk": 1}

    def test_context(self):
        Verifies that the context is properly set-up when the view is called for
        specific communication.

        # Get the expected entity.
        communication = Communication.objects.get(pk=1)

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationDeleteView.as_view()

        # Get the response.
        response = generate_get_response(view, None, pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(response.context_data["communication"], communication)

    def test_message(self):
        Tests if the message gets added when the communication is deleted.

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationDeleteView.as_view()

        # Generate the request.
        request = RequestFactory().post("/fake-path/")
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True

        request._messages = FakeMessages()

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request, pk=1)

        self.assertIn("Communication Test Entity 2 -> Test Entity 1 (TCP:22) has been removed.", request._messages.messages)

    def test_success_url_from_entity(self):
        Validate that the success URL is set properly after delete.

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationDeleteView.as_view()

        # Generate the request
        request = RequestFactory().post("/fake-path?from_entity=1")
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True
        request._messages = FakeMessages()

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request, pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("entity", args=(1,)))

    def test_success_url_to_entity(self):
        Validate that the success URL is set properly after delete.

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationDeleteView.as_view()

        # Generate the request
        request = RequestFactory().post("/fake-path?to_entity=1")
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True
        request._messages = FakeMessages()

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request, pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("entity", args=(1,)))

    def test_success_url_no_entity(self):
        Validate that the success URL is set properly after delete.

        # Get the view.
        view = CommunicationDeleteView.as_view()

        # Get the communication object.
        communication = Communication.objects.get(pk=1)

        # Generate the request
        request = RequestFactory().post("/fake-path")
        request.user = mock.Mock()
        request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True
        request._messages = FakeMessages()

        # Get the response.
        response = view(request, pk=1)

        self.assertEqual(response["Location"], reverse("entity", args=(,)))