File diff e8434f637f9f → 90fac7c6abb9
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# For generating ZIP files.
from StringIO import StringIO
from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED
import re

# Django-specific imports.
from django.http import HttpResponse
@@ -9,8 +8,10 @@ from django.shortcuts import render_to_r
from django.views.generic import TemplateView, DetailView

# Application-specific imports.
from conntrackt.models import Project, Entity, Location
from conntrackt.stripper import StripperMiddleware
from .models import Project, Entity, Location
from .stripper import StripperMiddleware
from .utils import generate_entity_iptables


class IndexView(TemplateView):
@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ class IndexView(TemplateView):

        return context


class ProjectView(DetailView):
    Custom view for presenting the project information.
@@ -71,44 +73,64 @@ class ProjectView(DetailView):
        # Finally return the context.
        return context

class IptablesView(DetailView):

class EntityView(DetailView):
    Custom view for presenting entity information.
    Custom view for rendering iptables rules for a specific entity, and starting
    automatic download by browser.
    model = Entity

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        Returns the context data that should be used for rendering of the

        Adds the 'entity_iptables' context object that contains full iptables
        rules generated for the entity.

        # Call the parent class method.
        context = super(DetailView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)

        # Add the rendered iptables rules to the context.
        context['entity_iptables'] = generate_entity_iptables(self.object)

        return context


def entity_iptables(request, pk):
    Custom view that returns response containing iptables rules generated for an

    Makes sure to set the Content-Disposition of a response in order to
    signal the browser it should start download of this view's response
    immediately. Also sets the suggested filename for it.


        pk - Primary key of the Entity object for which the rules should be


        Response object that contains the iptables rules for specified entity.

    model = Entity
    template_name = 'conntrackt/entity_iptables.html'

    def render_to_response(self, context, **kwargs):
        Renders the template with the given context to response. The response
        will be an iptables configuration file that can be used with

        Makes sure to set the Content-Disposition of a response in order to
        signal the browser it should start download of this view's response
        immediately. Also sets the suggested filename for it.
    # Fetch the entity, and construct the response with iptables rules as
    # content.
    entity = get_object_or_404(Entity, pk = pk)
    content = generate_entity_iptables(entity)
    response = HttpResponse(content, mimetype='text/plain')
    # Add the Content-Disposition information for the browser, telling the
    # browser to download the file with suggested filename.
    response['Content-Disposition']="attachment; filename=%s-iptables.conf" %" ", "_")

        # Call the parent class method first. This will render the template. Set
        # the content type to text/plain.
        response = super(IptablesView, self).render_to_response(context,
                                                                content_type='text/plain', **kwargs)

        # Add the Content-Disposition information for the browser, telling the
        # browser to download the file with suggested filename.
        response['Content-Disposition']="attachment; filename=%s-iptables.conf" %" ", "_")
    return response

        # Render the response, and remove the blank lines from the template.
        response.content = re.sub('^\s*\n', '', response.content)
        response.content = re.sub('\n\s*\n', '\n', response.content)

        # Return the modified response.
        return response

def get_project_iptables(request, project_id, location_id = None):
def project_iptables(request, project_id, location_id = None):
    Custom view for obtaining iptables for all entities of a project or project
    location in a single ZIP file.
@@ -143,10 +165,6 @@ def get_project_iptables(request, projec
    # to open the file with program as well.
    response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/zip')

    # Stripper middleware has to be used in order to remove the excess blank
    # lines from rendering (this has to be done manually).
    stripper_middleware = StripperMiddleware()

    # If specific location was specified, get the entities that are part of that
    # project location only, otherwise fetch all of the project's entities. Also
    # set-up the filename that will be suggested to the browser.
@@ -163,8 +181,8 @@ def get_project_iptables(request, projec

    # Render iptables rules for each entity, placing them in the ZIP archive.
    for entity in entities:
        entity_iptables = stripper_middleware.process_response(request,render_to_response('conntrackt/entity_iptables.html', {'entity': entity}, mimetype="text/plain"))
        zipped_iptables.writestr("%s-iptables.conf" %" ", "_"), entity_iptables.content)
        entity_iptables = generate_entity_iptables(entity)
        zipped_iptables.writestr("%s-iptables.conf" %" ", "_"), entity_iptables)

    # Close the archive, and flush the buffer.