File diff 452795dbfa0f → 8f19fdd3d53f
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@@ -3,27 +3,47 @@ Installation

Django Conntrackt can be installed through one of the following methods:

* Using *pip/easy_install*, which is the recommended way for production
* Using *pip*, which is the recommended way for production
* Using *Mercurial* to check-out the latest code. This is useful if you want to
  fix bugs, implement new features, or simply live on the bleeding edge.
* By downloading the application package and unpacking it manually. You may want
  to use this method for running production websites without *pip/easy_install*.


Using easy_install


Using pip

In order to install latest stable release of Django Conntrackt using *pip*, use
the following command::
  pip install conntrackt

Using Mercurial
In order to install the latest development version of Django Conntrackt from
Mercurial repository, use the following command::

 pip install -e hg+

After this you should proceed to :ref:`configure your Django installation <configuring-django>`.


Using downloaded package
.. _configuring-django:

Configuring your Django installation

Once the Django Conntrackt has been installed, you need to perform the following
steps in order to make it available inside of your Django project:

#. Edit your project's settings configuration file (````), and update
   the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` to include the ``contrackt`` application.

#. Edit your project's URL configuration file (````), and add the
   following line to the ``urlpatterns`` setting::

     url(r'^conntrackt/', include('conntrackt.urls')),

#. Create the necessary tables used for Django Conntrackt by running::

   ./ syncdb

After this the Django Conntrackt application will be available under the
``/conntrackt/`` path (relative to your Django project's base URL).

If you have enabled ``django.contrib.admin``, you should be able to add new
Conntrackt data through the admin interface.