File diff d7c64b3800af → ff99fef4e9a7
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@@ -48,20 +48,25 @@ Once the Django Conntrackt has been inst
steps in order to make it available inside of your Django project:

#. Edit your project's settings configuration file (````),
   and update the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` to include applications
   ``braces``, ``crispy_forms``, and ``conntrackt``.

#. Edit your project's URL configuration file (````), and add the
   following line to the ``urlpatterns`` setting::
#. Edit your project's URL configuration file (````).

   Update the import command for urls module to look like::

     from django.conf.urls import url, include

   Add the following line to the ``urlpatterns`` setting::

     url(r'^conntrackt/', include('conntrackt.urls')),

#. Create the necessary tables used for Django Conntrackt by running::
#. Create the necessary tables used for *Django Conntrackt*::

   ./ migrate
     ./ migrate

After this the Django Conntrackt application will be available under the
``/conntrackt/`` path (relative to your Django project's base URL).

If you have enabled ``django.contrib.admin``, you should be able to
add new Conntrackt data through admin interface as well - in addition