{% extends "conntrackt/base.html" %} {# For html_link. #} {% load conntrackt_tags %} {% block content %} {% if entity %}


{% if entity.description %}

{% endif %}
{% html_link "Edit" "entity_update" entity.id class="btn btn-primary" %} {% html_link "Remove" "entity_delete" entity.id class="btn btn-primary" %} {% html_link "Get Iptables" 'entity_iptables' entity.id class="btn btn-primary" %}

General information

Project{% html_link project.name 'project' project.id %}


{% if interfaces %} {% for interface in interfaces %} {% endfor %}

{{interface.name}} ({{interface.address}}/{{interface.netmask}})

{% html_link '' 'interface_update' interface.id class="btn btn-link" %} {% html_link '' 'interface_delete' interface.id class="btn btn-link" %}
{% else %}

No interfaces are defined for this entity.

{% endif %}
{% with entity_id=entity.id|slugify %} {% html_link "Add interface" "interface_create" class="btn btn-primary btn-mini" get="entity="|add:entity_id %} {% endwith %}

Incoming communications

{% if incoming_communications %} {% for comm in incoming_communications %} {% endfor %}
{% html_link comm.source_representation "entity" comm.source.entity.id class="btn btn-link" %} {% html_link '' 'communication_update' comm.id class="btn btn-link" %} {% html_link '' 'communication_delete' comm.id class="btn btn-link" %}
{% else %}

No incoming communications towards this entity.

{% endif %}
{% with entity_id=entity.id|slugify %} {% url "entity" entity.id as next %} {% html_link "Add communication" "communication_create" class="btn btn-primary btn-mini" get="to_entity="|add:entity_id|add:"&next="|add:next %} {% endwith %}

Outgoing communications

{% if outgoing_communications %} {% for comm in outgoing_communications %} {% endfor %}
{% html_link comm.destination_representation "entity" comm.destination.entity.id class="btn btn-link" %} {% html_link '' 'communication_update' comm.id class="btn btn-link" %} {% html_link '' 'communication_delete' comm.id class="btn btn-link" %}
{% else %}

No outgoing communications from this entity.

{% endif %}
{% with entity_id=entity.id|slugify %} {% url "entity" entity.id as next %} {% html_link "Add communication" "communication_create" class="btn btn-primary btn-mini" get="from_entity="|add:entity_id|add:"&next="|add:next %} {% endwith %}

Iptables rules

{{ entity_iptables }}
{% html_link "Download" 'entity_iptables' entity.id class="btn btn-primary" %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}