Changeset - 09bc97be71d0
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Branko Majic (branko) - 6 years ago 2018-03-25 16:30:41
Noticket: Deduplicate testing of CLI invocation:

- Updated CLI tests related to testing of acceptable/expected
- Introduced mechanism for specifying CLI invocation that should not
produce errors using Pytest parametirsation.
- Replaced all tests that verify just the parser handling of input
arguments (presence, not necessarily content).
1 file changed with 70 insertions and 165 deletions:
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@@ -187,84 +187,115 @@ def test_setup_init_subcommand_sets_function_callback():
    assert callable(subparser.get_default('func'))


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'init'])
def test_init_command_invoked_with_correct_parameters_no_options(mock_init, tmpdir):
    # This should ensure we don't accidentally create artifacts
    # outside of test directory.
# List of valid CLI invocations to use in
# test_parser_commands_and_options_are_available.
# Each element in this list should be a tuple where first element is
# the command function (relative to CLI module) that should be mocked,
# while second element is list of CLI arguments for invoking the
# command from CLI. See test documentation for more details.
    # help, no options
    ("", ["gimmecert", "help"]),

    mock_init.return_value = gimmecert.commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS
    # init, no options
    ("gimmecert.cli.init", ["gimmecert", "init"]),

    default_depth = 1
    # init, CA base name long and short option
    ("gimmecert.cli.init", ["gimmecert", "init", "--ca-base-name", "My Project"]),
    ("gimmecert.cli.init", ["gimmecert", "init", "-b", "My Project"]),

    # init, CA hierarchy depth long and short option
    ("gimmecert.cli.init", ["gimmecert", "init", "--ca-hierarchy-depth", "3"]),
    ("gimmecert.cli.init", ["gimmecert", "init", "-d", "3"]),

    mock_init.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, tmpdir.basename, default_depth)
    # server, no options
    ("gimmecert.cli.server", ["gimmecert", "server", "myserver"]),

    # server, multiple DNS names, no options
    ("gimmecert.cli.server", ["gimmecert", "server", "myserver",
    ("gimmecert.cli.server", ["gimmecert", "server", "myserver",
                              "", "",
                              "", ""]),

@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'init', '-b', 'My Project'])
def test_init_command_invoked_with_correct_parameters_with_options(mock_init, tmpdir):
    # This should ensure we don't accidentally create artifacts
    # outside of test directory.
    # server, update DNS names long and short option
    ("gimmecert.cli.server", ["gimmecert", "server", "--update-dns-names", "myserver"]),
    ("gimmecert.cli.server", ["gimmecert", "server", "-u", "myserver"]),

    mock_init.return_value = gimmecert.commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS
    # client, no options
    ("gimmecert.cli.client", ["gimmecert", "client", "myclient"]),

    default_depth = 1
    # renew, no options
    ("gimmecert.cli.renew", ["gimmecert", "renew", "server", "myserver"]),
    ("gimmecert.cli.renew", ["gimmecert", "renew", "client", "myclient"]),

    # renew, generate new private key long and short option
    ("gimmecert.cli.renew", ["gimmecert", "renew", "--new-private-key", "server", "myserver"]),
    ("gimmecert.cli.renew", ["gimmecert", "renew", "--new-private-key", "client", "myclient"]),
    ("gimmecert.cli.renew", ["gimmecert", "renew", "-p", "server", "myserver"]),
    ("gimmecert.cli.renew", ["gimmecert", "renew", "-p", "client", "myclient"]),

    mock_init.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, 'My Project', default_depth)


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'init', '--ca-base-name', 'My Project'])
def test_init_command_accepts_ca_base_name_option_long_form(mock_init, tmpdir):
    # This should ensure we don't accidentally create artifacts
    # outside of test directory.
@pytest.mark.parametrize("command_function, cli_invocation", VALID_CLI_INVOCATIONS)
def test_parser_commands_and_options_are_available(tmpdir, command_function, cli_invocation):
    Tests handling of valid CLI invocations by top-level and command

    mock_init.return_value = gimmecert.commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS
    This test helps greatly reduce duplication of code, at the expense
    of some flexibility.

    gimmecert.cli.main()  # Should not raise
    The passed-in command_function is mocked and set-up to return a
    success exit code, since the main point is to ensure the CLI
    supports specific commands and parameters.

    To add a new valid invocation of CLI, update the
    VALID_CLI_INVOCATIONS variable above.

@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'init', '-b', 'My Project'])
def test_init_command_accepts_ca_base_name_option_short_form(mock_init, tmpdir):
    # This should ensure we don't accidentally create artifacts
    # outside of test directory.

    mock_init.return_value = gimmecert.commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS
    with mock.patch(command_function) as mock_command_function, mock.patch('sys.argv', cli_invocation):
        mock_command_function.return_value = gimmecert.commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS

    gimmecert.cli.main()  # Should not raise
        gimmecert.cli.main()  # Should not raise


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'init', '--ca-hierarchy-depth', '3'])
@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'init'])
def test_init_command_accepts_ca_hierarchy_depth_option_long_form(mock_init, tmpdir):
def test_init_command_invoked_with_correct_parameters_no_options(mock_init, tmpdir):
    # This should ensure we don't accidentally create artifacts
    # outside of test directory.

    mock_init.return_value = gimmecert.commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS

    gimmecert.cli.main()  # Should not raise
    default_depth = 1


    mock_init.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, tmpdir.basename, default_depth)


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'init', '-d', '3'])
@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'init', '-b', 'My Project'])
def test_init_command_accepts_ca_hierarchy_depth_option_short_form(mock_init, tmpdir):
def test_init_command_invoked_with_correct_parameters_with_options(mock_init, tmpdir):
    # This should ensure we don't accidentally create artifacts
    # outside of test directory.

    mock_init.return_value = gimmecert.commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS

    gimmecert.cli.main()  # Should not raise
    default_depth = 1


    mock_init.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, 'My Project', default_depth)


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'server', '-h'])
@@ -306,45 +337,6 @@ def test_setup_server_subcommand_fails_without_arguments(tmpdir):
    assert e_info.value.code != 0


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'server', 'myserver'])
def test_setup_server_subcommand_succeeds_with_just_entity_name_argument(mock_server, tmpdir):
    # This should ensure we don't accidentally create artifacts
    # outside of test directory.

    # We are just testing the parsing here.
    mock_server.return_value = gimmecert.commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS

    gimmecert.cli.main()  # Should not raise.


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'server', 'myserver', ''])
def test_setup_server_subcommand_succeeds_with_entity_name_argument_and_one_dns_name(mock_server, tmpdir):
    # This should ensure we don't accidentally create artifacts
    # outside of test directory.

    # We are just testing the parsing here.
    mock_server.return_value = gimmecert.commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS

    gimmecert.cli.main()  # Should not raise.


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'server', 'myserver', '', '', '', ''])
def test_setup_server_subcommand_succeeds_with_entity_name_argument_and_four_dns_names(mock_server, tmpdir):
    # This should ensure we don't accidentally create artifacts
    # outside of test directory.

    # We are just testing the parsing here.
    mock_server.return_value = gimmecert.commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS

    gimmecert.cli.main()  # Should not raise.


def test_setup_server_subcommand_sets_function_callback():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
@@ -499,19 +491,6 @@ def test_setup_client_subcommand_fails_without_arguments(tmpdir):
    assert e_info.value.code != 0


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'client', 'myclient'])
def test_setup_client_subcommand_succeeds_with_entity_name_argument(mock_client, tmpdir):
    # This should ensure we don't accidentally create artifacts
    # outside of test directory.

    # We are just testing the parsing here.
    mock_client.return_value = gimmecert.commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS

    gimmecert.cli.main()  # Should not raise.


def test_setup_client_subcommand_sets_function_callback():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
@@ -535,30 +514,6 @@ def test_client_command_invoked_with_correct_parameters(mock_client, tmpdir):
    mock_client.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, 'myclient')


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'server', '--update-dns-names', 'myserver'])
def test_server_command_accepts_update_option_long_form(mock_server, tmpdir):
    # This should ensure we don't accidentally create artifacts
    # outside of test directory.

    mock_server.return_value = gimmecert.commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS

    gimmecert.cli.main()  # Should not raise


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'server', '-u', 'myserver'])
def test_server_command_accepts_update_option_short_form(mock_server, tmpdir):
    # This should ensure we don't accidentally create artifacts
    # outside of test directory.

    mock_server.return_value = gimmecert.commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS

    gimmecert.cli.main()  # Should not raise


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'server', '--update-dns-names', 'myserver', 'service.local'])
def test_server_command_invoked_with_correct_parameters_with_update_option(mock_server, tmpdir):
@@ -612,32 +567,6 @@ def test_renew_command_fails_without_arguments(tmpdir):
    assert e_info.value.code != 0


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'renew', 'server', 'myserver'])
def test_renew_command_accepts_entity_type_server_and_entity_name(mock_renew, tmpdir):
    # This should ensure we don't accidentally create artifacts
    # outside of test directory.

    # We are just testing the parsing here.
    mock_renew.return_value = gimmecert.commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS

    gimmecert.cli.main()  # Should not raise


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'renew', 'client', 'myclient'])
def test_renew_command_accepts_entity_type_client_and_entity_name(mock_renew, tmpdir):
    # This should ensure we don't accidentally create artifacts
    # outside of test directory.

    # We are just testing the parsing here.
    mock_renew.return_value = gimmecert.commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS

    gimmecert.cli.main()  # Should not raise


def test_setup_renew_subcommand_sets_function_callback():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
@@ -701,27 +630,3 @@ def test_renew_command_invoked_with_correct_parameters_for_client_with_new_priva

    mock_renew.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, 'client', 'myclient', True)


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'renew', 'server', '--new-private-key', 'myserver'])
def test_renew_command_accepts_renew_private_key_option_long_form(mock_renew, tmpdir):
    # This should ensure we don't accidentally create artifacts
    # outside of test directory.

    mock_renew.return_value = gimmecert.commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS

    gimmecert.cli.main()  # Should not raise


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'renew', 'server', '-p', 'myserver'])
def test_renew_command_accepts_renew_private_key_option_short_form(mock_renew, tmpdir):
    # This should ensure we don't accidentally create artifacts
    # outside of test directory.

    mock_renew.return_value = gimmecert.commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS

    gimmecert.cli.main()  # Should not raise
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