Changeset - 268eb0f9eee2
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Branko Majic (branko) - 4 years ago 2020-07-13 13:41:57
GC-37: Deduplicate text for key specification format.
1 file changed with 14 insertions and 14 deletions:
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@@ -79,6 +79,16 @@ Examples:


class ArgumentHelp:
    Convenience class for storing help strings for common arguments.

    key_specification_format = '''Specification/parameters to use for private key generation. \
                                  For RSA keys, use format rsa:BIT_LENGTH. For ECDSA keys, use format ecdsa:CURVE_NAME. \
                                  Supported curves: secp192r1, secp224r1, secp256k1, secp256r1, secp384r1, secp521r1.'''


def key_specification(specification):
    Verifies and parses the passed-in key specification. This is a
@@ -126,10 +136,7 @@ def setup_init_subcommand_parser(parser, subparsers):
    subparser.add_argument('--ca-base-name', '-b', help="Base name to use for CA naming. Default is to use the working directory base name.")
    subparser.add_argument('--ca-hierarchy-depth', '-d', type=int, help="Depth of CA hierarchy to generate. Default is 1", default=1)
    subparser.add_argument('--key-specification', '-k', type=key_specification,
                           help='''Default specification/parameters to use for private key generation. \
                           For RSA keys, use format rsa:BIT_LENGTH. For ECDSA keys, use format ecdsa:CURVE_NAME. \
                           Supported curves: secp192r1, secp224r1, secp256k1, secp256r1, secp384r1, secp521r1. \
                           Default is rsa:2048.''', default="rsa:2048")
                           help=ArgumentHelp.key_specification_format + " Default is rsa:2048.", default="rsa:2048")

    def init_wrapper(args):
        project_directory = os.getcwd()
@@ -163,10 +170,7 @@ def setup_server_subcommand_parser(parser, subparsers):
    subparser.add_argument('--csr', '-c', type=str, default=None, help='''Do not generate server private key locally, and use the passed-in \
    certificate signing request (CSR) instead. Use dash (-) to read from standard input. Only the public key is taken from the CSR.''')
    subparser.add_argument('--key-specification', '-k', type=key_specification,
                           help='''Specification/parameters to use for private key generation. \
                           For RSA keys, use format rsa:BIT_LENGTH. For ECDSA keys, use format ecdsa:CURVE_NAME. \
                           Supported curves: secp192r1, secp224r1, secp256k1, secp256r1, secp384r1, secp521r1. \
                           Default is rsa:2048. Default is to use same algorithm/parameters as used by CA hierarchy.''', default=None)
                           help=ArgumentHelp.key_specification_format + " Default is to use same algorithm/parameters as used by CA hierarchy.", default=None)

    def server_wrapper(args):
        project_directory = os.getcwd()
@@ -185,10 +189,7 @@ def setup_client_subcommand_parser(parser, subparsers):
    subparser.add_argument('--csr', '-c', type=str, default=None, help='''Do not generate client private key locally, and use the passed-in \
    certificate signing request (CSR) instead. Use dash (-) to read from standard input. Only the public key is taken from the CSR.''')
    subparser.add_argument('--key-specification', '-k', type=key_specification,
                           help='''Specification/parameters to use for private key generation. \
                           For RSA keys, use format rsa:BIT_LENGTH. For ECDSA keys, use format ecdsa:CURVE_NAME. \
                           Supported curves: secp192r1, secp224r1, secp256k1, secp256r1, secp384r1, secp521r1. \
                           Default is rsa:2048. Default is to use same algorithm/parameters as used by CA hierarchy.''', default=None)
                           help=ArgumentHelp.key_specification_format + " Default is to use same algorithm/parameters as used by CA hierarchy.", default=None)

    def client_wrapper(args):
        project_directory = os.getcwd()
@@ -231,8 +232,7 @@ def setup_renew_subcommand_parser(parser, subparsers):
    If private key exists, it will be removed. Mutually exclusive with the --new-private-key option. Only the public key is taken from the CSR.''')

    subparser.add_argument('--key-specification', '-k', type=key_specification,
                           help='''Specification/parameters to use for private key generation. \
    For RSA keys, use format rsa:BIT_LENGTH. Default is to use same specification as used for current certificate.''', default=None)
                           help=ArgumentHelp.key_specification_format + " Default is to use same specification as used for current certificate.", default=None)

    def renew_wrapper(args):
        # This is a workaround for having the key specification option
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