Changeset - 6323d25f0344
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Branko Majic (branko) - 5 years ago 2018-11-28 20:34:31
GC-27: Fix flake8 linting warnings:

- Properly mark the regex strings as such.
1 file changed with 4 insertions and 4 deletions:
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@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ def test_server_command_accepts_csr_from_stdin(tmpdir):

    # John reruns the command, this time passing-in the CSR and ending
    # the input with Ctrl-D.
    prompt_failure, output, exit_code = run_interactive_command([('Please enter the CSR \(finish with Ctrl-D on an empty line\):', custom_csr + '\n\004')],
    prompt_failure, output, exit_code = run_interactive_command([(r'Please enter the CSR \(finish with Ctrl-D on an empty line\):', custom_csr + '\n\004')],
                                                                "gimmecert", "server", "--csr", "-", "myserver1")

    # The operation is successful, and he is presented with
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ def test_client_command_accepts_csr_from_stdin(tmpdir):

    # John reruns the command, this time passing-in the CSR and ending
    # the input with Ctrl-D.
    prompt_failure, output, exit_code = run_interactive_command([('Please enter the CSR \(finish with Ctrl-D on an empty line\):', custom_csr + '\n\004')],
    prompt_failure, output, exit_code = run_interactive_command([(r'Please enter the CSR \(finish with Ctrl-D on an empty line\):', custom_csr + '\n\004')],
                                                                "gimmecert", "client", "--csr", "-", "myclient1")

    # The operation is successful, and he is presented with
@@ -614,12 +614,12 @@ def test_renew_command_accepts_csr_from_stdin(tmpdir):
    # John reruns renewal commands, this time passing-in the CSR and
    # ending the input with Ctrl-D.
    renew_server_prompt_failure, renew_server_output, renew_server_exit_code = run_interactive_command(
        [('Please enter the CSR \(finish with Ctrl-D on an empty line\):', server_csr + '\n\004')],
        [(r'Please enter the CSR \(finish with Ctrl-D on an empty line\):', server_csr + '\n\004')],
        "gimmecert", "renew", "--csr", "-", "server", "myserver"

    renew_client_prompt_failure, renew_client_output, renew_client_exit_code = run_interactive_command(
        [('Please enter the CSR \(finish with Ctrl-D on an empty line\):', client_csr + '\n\004')],
        [(r'Please enter the CSR \(finish with Ctrl-D on an empty line\):', client_csr + '\n\004')],
        "gimmecert", "renew", "--csr", "-", "client", "myclient"

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