Changeset - 835010d04ad1
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Branko Majic (branko) - 4 years ago 2020-07-20 23:49:04
GC-37: Update CLI examples to cover key specification usage.
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@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ Examples:
    # Initialise the local CA hierarchy and all the necessary directories.
    gimmecert init

    # Initialise the local CA hierarchy while generating secp256r1 ECDSA keys.
    gimmecert init --key-specification ecdsa:secp256r1

    # Issue a TLS server certificate with only the server name in DNS subject alternative name.
    gimmecert server myserver

@@ -54,15 +57,24 @@ Examples:
    # Issue a TLS server certificate by using public key from the CSR (naming/extensions are ignored).
    gimmecert server myserver --csr /tmp/myserver.csr.pem

    # Issue a TLS server certificate while generating 3072-bit RSA key.
    gimmecert server myserver --key-specification rsa:3072

    # Issue a TLS client certificate.
    gimmecert client myclient

    # Issue a TLS client certificate by using public key from the CSR (naming/extensions are ignored).
    gimmecert client myclient --csr /tmp/myclient.csr.pem

    # Issue a TLS client certificate while generating 1024-bit RSA key.
    gimmecert client myclient --key-specification rsa:1024

    # Renew a TLS server certificate, preserving naming and private key.
    gimmecert renew server myserver

    # Renew a TLS server certificate, generating a new private key using specified key algorithm/parameters.
    gimmecert renew server myserver --new-private-key --key-specification ecdsa:secp224r1

    # Renew a TLS server certificate, replacing the extra DNS names, but keeping the private key.
    gimmecert server myserver wrongdns.local
    gimmecert renew server myserver --update-dns-names "correctdns1.local,correctdns2.local"
@@ -74,6 +86,9 @@ Examples:
    # Renew a TLS client certificate, preserving naming and private key.
    gimmecert renew client myclient

    # Renew a TLS client certificate, generating a new private key using specified key algorithm/parameters.
    gimmecert renew client myclient --new-private-key --key-specification ecdsa:secp521r1

    # Show information about CA hierarchy and issued certificates.
    gimmecert status
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