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Branko Majic (branko) - 6 years ago 2018-05-08 16:13:03
GC-24: Documented versioning schema and backporting of fixes.
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@@ -151,3 +151,65 @@ To build documentation, run::

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Versioning schema

Project employs `semantic versioning <>`_ schema. In

- Each version is composed of major, minor, and patch number. For example, in
  version ``1.2.3``, ``1`` is the major, ``2`` is the minor, and ``3`` is the
  patch number.
- Major number is bumped when making a backwards incompatible change.
- Minor number is bumped when new features or changes are made without
  breaking backwards compatibility.
- Patch number is bumped when backporting bug or security fixes into
  an older release.

In addition to versioning schema, project employs a specific
nomenclature for naming the branches:

- All new development (both for features and bug/security fixes) uses
  master branch as the base.
- Features and bug/security fixes are implemented in a local branch
  based on the master branch. Local branches are named after the
  lower-cased issue number. For example, if the issuer number is
  ``GC-43``, the implementation branch will be named
  ``gc-43``. Normally these branches are only local, but if necessary
  they can be pushed to central repository for collaboration or
  preview purposes.
- Patch releases are based off the maintenance branches. Mainteance
  branches are named after the ``MAJOR`` and ``MINOR`` number of the
  version - ``MAJOR.MINOR``. For example, if a new release is made
  with version ``1.2.0``, the corresponding branch that is created for
  maintenance will be named ``1.2`` (notice the absence of ``.0`` at
  the end).


Backporting fixes

From time to time it might become useful to apply a bug/security fix
to both the master branch, and to maintenace branch.

When a bug should be applied to maintenance branch as well, procedure
is as follows:

1. Create a new bug report in `issue tracker
   <>`_. Target version should be
   either the next minor or next major release (i.e. whatver will get
   released from the master branch).

2. Create a copy of the bug report, modifying the issue title to include phrase
   ``(backport to MAJOR.MINOR)`` at the end, with ``MAJOR`` and ``MINOR``
   replaced with correct versioning information for the maintenance
   branch. Make sure to set correct target version (patch release).

3. Resolve the bug for next major/minor release.

4. Resolve the bug in maintenace branch by backporting (cherry-picking
   if possible) the fix into maintenace branch. Make sure to resign
   (cherry-picking invalidates OpenPGP signature) and reword (to
   reference the backport issue) the commit.
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