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Branko Majic (branko) - 4 years ago 2020-06-07 22:18:20
GC-37: Use CA hierarchy issuer's key size when generating RSA private keys.
5 files changed with 96 insertions and 5 deletions:
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@@ -202,3 +202,37 @@ def test_server_command_does_not_overwrite_existing_artifacts(tmpdir):
    # unchanged.
    assert tmpdir.join(".gimmecert", "server", "myserver.key.pem").read() == private_key
    assert tmpdir.join(".gimmecert", "server", "myserver.cert.pem").read() == certificate


def test_server_command_uses_same_rsa_key_size_as_ca_hierarchy(tmpdir):
    # John is setting-up a quick and dirty project to test some
    # functionality revolving around X.509 certificates. Since he does
    # not care much about the strength of private keys for it, he
    # wants to use 1024-bit RSA keys.

    # He switches to his project directory, and initialises the CA
    # hierarchy, requesting that 1024-bit RSA keys should be used.
    run_command("gimmecert", "init", "--key-specification", "rsa:1024")

    # John issues a server certificates.
    stdout, stderr, exit_code = run_command('gimmecert', 'server', 'myserver')

    # John observes that the process was completed successfully.
    assert exit_code == 0
    assert stderr == ""

    # He runs a command to see details about the generated private
    # key.
    stdout, _, _ = run_command('openssl', 'rsa', '-noout', '-text', '-in', '.gimmecert/server/myserver.key.pem')

    # And indeed, the generated private key uses the same size as the
    # one he specified for the CA hierarchy.
    assert "Private-Key: (1024 bit)" in stdout

    # He then has a look at the certificate.
    stdout, _, _ = run_command('openssl', 'x509', '-noout', '-text', '-in', '.gimmecert/server/myserver.cert.pem')

    # Likewise with the private key, the certificate is also using the
    # 1024-bit RSA key.
    assert "Public-Key: (1024 bit)" in stdout
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@@ -160,6 +160,10 @@ def server(stdout, stderr, project_directory, entity_name, extra_dns_names, cust
        print("Refusing to overwrite existing data. Certificate has already been issued for server %s." % entity_name, file=stderr)

    # Grab the issuing CA private key and certificate.
    ca_hierarchy =, '.gimmecert', 'ca'))
    issuer_private_key, issuer_certificate = ca_hierarchy[-1]

    # Grab the private key or CSR, and extract public key.
    if custom_csr_path == "-":
        csr_pem = gimmecert.utils.read_input(sys.stdin, stderr, "Please enter the CSR")
@@ -171,14 +175,12 @@ def server(stdout, stderr, project_directory, entity_name, extra_dns_names, cust
        public_key = csr.public_key()
        private_key = None
        private_key = gimmecert.crypto.generate_private_key()
        key_specification = gimmecert.crypto.key_specification_from_public_key(issuer_private_key.public_key())
        key_generator = gimmecert.crypto.KeyGenerator(key_specification[0], key_specification[1])
        private_key = key_generator()
        public_key = private_key.public_key()
        csr = None

    # Grab the issuing CA private key and certificate.
    ca_hierarchy =, '.gimmecert', 'ca'))
    issuer_private_key, issuer_certificate = ca_hierarchy[-1]

    # Issue the certificate.
    certificate = gimmecert.crypto.issue_server_certificate(entity_name, public_key, issuer_private_key, issuer_certificate, extra_dns_names)

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@@ -432,3 +432,24 @@ def generate_csr(name, private_key):

    return csr


def key_specification_from_public_key(public_key):
    Derives key specification (algorithm and associated parameters)
    from the passed-in public key. Key specification can be used for
    generating the private keys via KeyGenerator instances.

    :param public_key: Public
    :type public_key: cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa.RSAPublicKey

    :returns: Key algorithm and parameter(s) for generating same type of keys as the passed-in public key.
    :rtype: tuple(str, int)

    :raises ValueError: If algorithm/parameters could not be derived from the passed-in public key.

    if isinstance(public_key, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa.RSAPublicKey):
        return "rsa", public_key.key_size

    raise ValueError("Unsupported public key instance passed-in: \"%s\" (%s)" % (str(public_key), type(public_key)))
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@@ -1433,3 +1433,15 @@ def test_renew_client_reads_csr_from_stdin(mock_read_input, sample_project_direc
    assert stored_csr_public_numbers == custom_csr_public_numbers
    assert certificate_public_numbers == custom_csr_public_numbers
    assert certificate.subject != key_with_csr.csr.subject


def test_server_uses_same_private_key_algorithm_and_parameters_as_issuer_when_generating_private_key(tmpdir):

    private_key_file = tmpdir.join('.gimmecert', 'server', 'myserver.key.pem')

    gimmecert.commands.init(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), tmpdir.strpath, tmpdir.basename, 1, ("rsa", 1024))
    gimmecert.commands.server(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), tmpdir.strpath, 'myserver', None, None)

    private_key =

    assert private_key.key_size == 1024
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@@ -652,3 +652,25 @@ def test_generate_ca_hierarchy_uses_correct_rsa_bit_size(key_generator, expected

    for private_key, _ in hierarchy:
        assert private_key.key_size == expected_bit_size


@pytest.mark.parametrize("specification", [
    ("rsa", 1024),
    ("rsa", 2048)
def test_key_specification_from_public_key_returns_correct_algorithm_and_parameters(specification):
    key_generator = gimmecert.crypto.KeyGenerator(specification[0], specification[1])
    public_key = key_generator().public_key()

    algorithm, parameters = gimmecert.crypto.key_specification_from_public_key(public_key)

    assert (algorithm, parameters) == specification


def test_key_specification_raises_exception_for_invalid_public_key():
    public_key = "not_a_public_key_instance"

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e_info:

    assert str(e_info.value) == "Unsupported public key instance passed-in: \"not_a_public_key_instance\" (<class 'str'>)"
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