Changeset - dd7acf3d352f
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Branko Majic (branko) - 4 years ago 2020-06-11 14:28:38
GC-37: Added support for requesting custom RSA key size when renewing:

- Added functional test.
- Added unit tests.
- Updated existing functional test for renew command help to cope with
addition of one more option (output lines from help changed).
- Added new CLI option for passing-in key specification, used in
combination with the --new-private-key option.
- Renew command function now accepts key specification
parameter. Updated existing code and tests accordingly for the new
function signature.
- If key specification is not passed-in and new private key is
requested, key size is extracted from existing artefacts (e.g. it
does not use CA hierarchy's key size).
6 files changed with 235 insertions and 36 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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@@ -212,3 +212,111 @@ def test_client_command_key_specification(tmpdir):
    # He nods with his head, observing that the generated private key
    # uses the same key size as he has specified.
    assert "Private-Key: (2048 bit)" in stdout


def test_renew_command_key_specification(tmpdir):
    # John has set-up a project where he has issued a couple of
    # certificates.
    run_command("gimmecert", "init")

    run_command('gimmecert', 'server', 'myserver1')
    run_command('gimmecert', 'client', 'myclient1')

    # However, soon he realizes that he needs to perform some tests
    # using a different RSA key size. John knows that Gimmecert comes
    # with a renew command, so he has a quick look at its help.
    stdout, stderr, exit_code = run_command("gimmecert", "renew", "-h")

    # John notices the option for passing-in custom key specification.
    assert " --key-specification" in stdout
    assert " -k" in stdout

    # He goes ahead and tries to renew his server certificate.
    stdout, stderr, exit_code = run_command("gimmecert", "renew", "server", "-k", "rsa:1024", "myserver1")

    # However, Gimmecert informs him that the key specification option
    # can only be used when requesting a new private key to be
    # generated as well.
    assert exit_code != 0
    assert "argument --key-specification/-k: must be used with --new-private-key/-p" in stderr

    # John goes ahead and adds that argument as well to his command.
    stdout, stderr, exit_code = run_command("gimmecert", "renew", "server", "-k", "rsa:1024", "-p", "myserver1")

    # This time everything goes without a hitch.
    assert exit_code == 0
    assert stderr == ""

    # He checks the details about the generated private key, and
    # disovers that Gimmecert generated the key according to his
    # wishes.
    stdout, _, _ = run_command('openssl', 'rsa', '-noout', '-text', '-in', '.gimmecert/server/myserver1.key.pem')
    assert "Private-Key: (1024 bit)" in stdout

    # John goes ahead and performs a similar operation for his client
    # entity.
    stdout, stderr, exit_code = run_command("gimmecert", "renew", "client", "-k", "rsa:1024", "-p", "myclient1")
    assert exit_code == 0
    assert stderr == ""

    # And once again, everything seems to check-out.
    stdout, _, _ = run_command('openssl', 'rsa', '-noout', '-text', '-in', '.gimmecert/client/myclient1.key.pem')
    assert "Private-Key: (1024 bit)" in stdout

    # After some further testing, John decides to renew both of his
    # certificates, together with generation of new private keys. He
    # forgets to use the key specification option, though. Both
    # commands succeed without errors.
    stdout, stderr, exit_code = run_command("gimmecert", "renew", "server", "-p", "myserver1")
    assert exit_code == 0
    assert stderr == ""

    stdout, stderr, exit_code = run_command("gimmecert", "renew", "client", "-p", "myclient1")
    assert exit_code == 0
    assert stderr == ""

    # John is unsure if the same key specification has been used,
    # however. So he goes ahead and has a look at the server key.
    stdout, _, _ = run_command('openssl', 'rsa', '-noout', '-text', '-in', '.gimmecert/server/myserver1.key.pem')

    # And everything seems to be fine.
    assert "Private-Key: (1024 bit)" in stdout

    # He performs the same check on the client key.
    stdout, _, _ = run_command('openssl', 'rsa', '-noout', '-text', '-in', '.gimmecert/client/myclient1.key.pem')

    # No problems here either.
    assert "Private-Key: (1024 bit)" in stdout

    # Finally, John generates a couple of private keys directly on one
    # of his managed machines, and issues certificates for them via
    # CSRs.
    run_command("openssl", "req", "-newkey", "rsa:3072", "-nodes", "-keyout", "myserver2.key.pem",
                "-new", "-subj", "/CN=myserver2", "-out", "myserver2.csr.pem")
    run_command("openssl", "req", "-newkey", "rsa:3072", "-nodes", "-keyout", "myclient2.key.pem",
                "-new", "-subj", "/CN=myclient2", "-out", "myclient2.csr.pem")
    run_command("gimmecert", "server", "--csr", "myserver2.csr.pem", "myserver2")
    run_command("gimmecert", "client", "--csr", "myclient2.csr.pem", "myclient2")

    # After using his generated private keys for a while, John
    # accidentally deletes them from his managed machine. Instead of
    # redoing the whole process with CSRs, he decides to simply
    # regenerate the private keys and certificates and copy them over.
    run_command('gimmecert', 'renew', 'server', '--new-private-key', 'myserver2')
    run_command('gimmecert', 'renew', 'client', '--new-private-key', 'myclient2')

    # John realizes that the original private keys he generated used
    # 3072-bit RSA, while the CA hierarchy uses 2048-bit RSA. He
    # decides to check if the generated key ended-up using CA-defaults
    # or his own specification from before.
    # He checks the server private key, and everything seems right -
    # his own key specficiation from the old private key was used.
    stdout, stderr, _ = run_command('openssl', 'rsa', '-noout', '-text', '-in', '.gimmecert/server/myserver2.key.pem')
    assert "Private-Key: (3072 bit)" in stdout

    # Then he has a look at the client private key, and everything
    # checks-out for it as well.
    stdout, _, _ = run_command('openssl', 'rsa', '-noout', '-text', '-in', '.gimmecert/client/myclient2.key.pem')
    assert "Private-Key: (3072 bit)" in stdout
Show inline comments
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def test_renew_command_available_with_help():
    assert exit_code == 0
    assert stderr == ""
    assert stdout.startswith("usage: gimmecert renew")
    assert stdout.split('\n')[2].endswith("{server,client} entity_name")  # Third line of help (first two are options)
    assert stdout.split('\n')[3].endswith("{server,client} entity_name")  # Fourth line of help (first two are options)


def test_renew_command_requires_initialised_hierarchy(tmpdir):
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@@ -209,10 +209,21 @@ def setup_renew_subcommand_parser(parser, subparsers):
    existing certificate, and use the passed-in certificate signing request (CSR) instead. Use dash (-) to read from standard input. \
    If private key exists, it will be removed. Mutually exclusive with the --new-private-key option. Only the public key is taken from the CSR.''')

    subparser.add_argument('--key-specification', '-k', type=key_specification,
                           help='''Specification/parameters to use for private key generation. \
    For RSA keys, use format rsa:BIT_LENGTH. Default is to use same specification as used for current certificate.''', default=None)

    def renew_wrapper(args):
        # This is a workaround for having the key specification option
        # be dependant on new private key option, since argparse
        # cannot provide such verification on its own.
        if args.key_specification and not args.new_private_key:
            subparser.error("argument --key-specification/-k: must be used with --new-private-key/-p")

        project_directory = os.getcwd()

        return renew(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, project_directory, args.entity_type, args.entity_name, args.new_private_key, args.csr, args.dns_names)
        return renew(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, project_directory, args.entity_type, args.entity_name, args.new_private_key, args.csr, args.dns_names,


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@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ def client(stdout, stderr, project_directory, entity_name, custom_csr_path, key_
    return ExitCode.SUCCESS


def renew(stdout, stderr, project_directory, entity_type, entity_name, generate_new_private_key, custom_csr_path, dns_names):
def renew(stdout, stderr, project_directory, entity_type, entity_name, generate_new_private_key, custom_csr_path, dns_names, key_specification):
    Renews existing certificate, while optionally generating a new
    private key in the process. Naming and extensions are preserved.
@@ -380,6 +380,10 @@ def renew(stdout, stderr, project_directory, entity_type, entity_name, generate_
        set the value to empty list. To keep the existing DNS names, set the value to None. Valid only for server certificates.
    :type dns_names: list[str] or None

    :param key_specification: Key specification to use when generating new private key. Ignored if custom_csr_path is specified. Set to None to
                              default to same algorithm and parameters currently used for the entity.
    :type key_specification: tuple(str, int) or None

    :returns: Status code, one from gimmecert.commands.ExitCode.
    :rtype: int
@@ -419,7 +423,14 @@ def renew(stdout, stderr, project_directory, entity_type, entity_name, generate_
    # certificate. Otherwise just reuse existing public key in
    # certificate.
    if generate_new_private_key:
        private_key = gimmecert.crypto.generate_private_key()

        if key_specification:
            key_generator = gimmecert.crypto.KeyGenerator(key_specification[0], key_specification[1])
            key_size = old_certificate.public_key().key_size
            key_generator = gimmecert.crypto.KeyGenerator('rsa', key_size)

        private_key = key_generator()
, private_key_path)
        public_key = private_key.public_key()
    elif custom_csr_path == '-':
Show inline comments
@@ -279,6 +279,14 @@ VALID_CLI_INVOCATIONS = [
    ("gimmecert.cli.renew", ["gimmecert", "renew", "-c", "myserver.csr.pem", "server", "myserver"]),
    ("gimmecert.cli.renew", ["gimmecert", "renew", "-c", "myclient.csr.pem", "client", "myclient"]),

    # renew, server, key specification long and short option (new private key short/long form tested already)
    ("gimmecert.cli.renew", ["gimmecert", "renew", "-p", "--key-specification", "rsa:1024", "server", "myserver"]),
    ("gimmecert.cli.renew", ["gimmecert", "renew", "-p", "-k", "rsa:1024", "server", "myserver"]),

    # renew, client, key specification long and short option (new private key short/long form tested already)
    ("gimmecert.cli.renew", ["gimmecert", "renew", "-p", "--key-specification", "rsa:1024", "client", "myclient"]),
    ("gimmecert.cli.renew", ["gimmecert", "renew", "-p", "-k", "rsa:1024", "client", "myclient"]),

    # status, no options
    ("gimmecert.cli.status", ["gimmecert", "status"]),
@@ -333,6 +341,10 @@ INVALID_CLI_INVOCATIONS = [
    ("gimmecert.cli.client", ["gimmecert", "client", "-k", "rsa", "myclient"]),
    ("gimmecert.cli.client", ["gimmecert", "client", "-k", "rsa:not_a_number", "myclient"]),
    ("gimmecert.cli.client", ["gimmecert", "client", "-k", "unsupported:algorithm", "myclient"]),

    # renew, key specification without new private key option
    ("gimmecert.cli.renew", ["gimmecert", "renew", "-k", "rsa:1024", "server", "myserver"]),
    ("gimmecert.cli.renew", ["gimmecert", "renew", "-k", "rsa:1024", "client", "myclient"]),


@@ -591,7 +603,7 @@ def test_renew_command_invoked_with_correct_parameters_for_server(mock_renew, tm


    mock_renew.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, None, None)
    mock_renew.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, None, None, None)


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'renew', 'client', 'myclient'])
@@ -605,7 +617,7 @@ def test_renew_command_invoked_with_correct_parameters_for_client(mock_renew, tm


    mock_renew.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, 'client', 'myclient', False, None, None)
    mock_renew.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, 'client', 'myclient', False, None, None, None)


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'renew', '--new-private-key', 'server', 'myserver'])
@@ -619,7 +631,7 @@ def test_renew_command_invoked_with_correct_parameters_for_server_with_new_priva


    mock_renew.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', True, None, None)
    mock_renew.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', True, None, None, None)


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'renew', '--new-private-key', 'client', 'myclient'])
@@ -633,7 +645,7 @@ def test_renew_command_invoked_with_correct_parameters_for_client_with_new_priva


    mock_renew.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, 'client', 'myclient', True, None, None)
    mock_renew.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, 'client', 'myclient', True, None, None, None)


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'renew', '--csr', 'mycustom.csr.pem', 'server', 'myserver'])
@@ -647,7 +659,7 @@ def test_renew_command_invoked_with_correct_parameters_for_server_with_csr_optio


    mock_renew.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, 'mycustom.csr.pem', None)
    mock_renew.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, 'mycustom.csr.pem', None, None)


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'renew', '--csr', 'mycustom.csr.pem', 'client', 'myclient'])
@@ -661,7 +673,7 @@ def test_renew_command_invoked_with_correct_parameters_for_client_with_csr_optio


    mock_renew.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, 'client', 'myclient', False, 'mycustom.csr.pem', None)
    mock_renew.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, 'client', 'myclient', False, 'mycustom.csr.pem', None, None)


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'renew', '--update-dns-names', ',', 'server', 'myserver'])
@@ -677,7 +689,7 @@ def test_renew_command_invoked_with_correct_parameters_for_client_with_update_dn

    mock_renew.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr,
                                       'server', 'myserver', False, None, ['', ''])
                                       'server', 'myserver', False, None, ['', ''], None)


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'status'])
@@ -760,3 +772,31 @@ def test_client_command_invoked_with_correct_parameters_with_key_specification(m

    mock_client.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, 'myclient', None, ('rsa', 1024))


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'renew', '--new-private-key', '--key-specification', 'rsa:1024', 'server', 'myserver'])
def test_renew_command_invoked_with_correct_parameters_for_server_with_new_private_key_and_key_specification_options(mock_renew, tmpdir):
    # This should ensure we don't accidentally create artifacts
    # outside of test directory.

    mock_renew.return_value = gimmecert.commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS


    mock_renew.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', True, None, None, ('rsa', 1024))


@mock.patch('sys.argv', ['gimmecert', 'renew', '--new-private-key', '--key-specification', 'rsa:1024', 'client', 'myclient'])
def test_renew_command_invoked_with_correct_parameters_for_client_with_new_private_key_and_key_specification_options(mock_renew, tmpdir):
    # This should ensure we don't accidentally create artifacts
    # outside of test directory.

    mock_renew.return_value = gimmecert.commands.ExitCode.SUCCESS


    mock_renew.assert_called_once_with(sys.stdout, sys.stderr, tmpdir.strpath, 'client', 'myclient', True, None, None, ('rsa', 1024))
Show inline comments
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ def test_client_errors_out_if_certificate_already_issued(gctmpdir):
def test_renew_returns_status_code(tmpdir):

    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), tmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, None, None)
    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), tmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, None, None, None)

    assert isinstance(status_code, int)

@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ def test_renew_reports_error_if_directory_is_not_initialised(tmpdir):
    stdout_stream = io.StringIO()
    stderr_stream = io.StringIO()

    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, tmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, None, None)
    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, tmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, None, None, None)

    stdout = stdout_stream.getvalue()
    stderr = stderr_stream.getvalue()
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ def test_renew_reports_error_if_no_existing_server_certificate_is_present(gctmpd
    stdout_stream = io.StringIO()
    stderr_stream = io.StringIO()

    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, None, None)
    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, None, None, None)

    stdout = stdout_stream.getvalue()
    stderr = stderr_stream.getvalue()
@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ def test_renew_reports_error_if_no_existing_client_certificate_is_present(gctmpd
    stdout_stream = io.StringIO()
    stderr_stream = io.StringIO()

    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, gctmpdir.strpath, 'client', 'myclient', False, None, None)
    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, gctmpdir.strpath, 'client', 'myclient', False, None, None, None)

    stdout = stdout_stream.getvalue()
    stderr = stderr_stream.getvalue()
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ def test_renew_reports_success_and_paths_to_server_artifacts(gctmpdir):

    gimmecert.commands.server(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'myserver', None, None, None)

    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, None, None)
    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, None, None, None)

    stdout = stdout_stream.getvalue()
    stderr = stderr_stream.getvalue()
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ def test_renew_reports_success_and_paths_to_client_artifacts(gctmpdir):

    gimmecert.commands.client(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'myclient', None, None)

    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, gctmpdir.strpath, 'client', 'myclient', False, None, None)
    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, gctmpdir.strpath, 'client', 'myclient', False, None, None, None)

    stdout = stdout_stream.getvalue()
    stderr = stderr_stream.getvalue()
@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ def test_renew_keeps_server_private_key(gctmpdir):
    gimmecert.commands.server(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'myserver', None, None, None)
    private_key_after_issuance =

    gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, None, None)
    gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, None, None, None)
    private_key_after_renewal =

    assert private_key_after_issuance == private_key_after_renewal
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ def test_renew_keeps_client_private_key(gctmpdir):
    gimmecert.commands.client(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'myclient', None, None)
    private_key_after_issuance =

    gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'client', 'myclient', False, None, None)
    gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'client', 'myclient', False, None, None, None)
    private_key_after_renewal =

    assert private_key_after_issuance == private_key_after_renewal
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ def test_renew_replaces_server_certificate(gctmpdir):
    gimmecert.commands.server(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'myserver', None, None, None)
    certificate_after_issuance =

    gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, None, None)
    gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, None, None, None)
    certificate_after_renewal =

    assert certificate_after_issuance != certificate_after_renewal
@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ def test_renew_replaces_client_certificate(gctmpdir):
    gimmecert.commands.client(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'myclient', None, None)
    certificate_after_issuance =

    gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'client', 'myclient', False, None, None)
    gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'client', 'myclient', False, None, None, None)
    certificate_after_renewal =

    assert certificate_after_issuance != certificate_after_renewal
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ def test_renew_reports_success_and_paths_to_server_artifacts_with_new_key(gctmpd

    gimmecert.commands.server(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'myserver', None, None, None)

    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', True, None, None)
    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', True, None, None, None)

    stdout = stdout_stream.getvalue()
    stderr = stderr_stream.getvalue()
@@ -596,11 +596,14 @@ def test_renew_generates_new_private_key_if_requested(gctmpdir):

    gimmecert.commands.server(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'myserver', None, None, None)
    private_key_after_issuance =
    private_key_size_after_issuance =

    gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', True, None, None)
    gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', True, None, None, None)
    private_key_after_renewal =
    private_key_size_after_renewal =

    assert private_key_after_issuance != private_key_after_renewal
    assert private_key_size_after_issuance == private_key_size_after_renewal


def test_status_returns_status_code(tmpdir):
@@ -1070,7 +1073,7 @@ def test_renew_reports_success_and_paths_to_server_artifacts_with_csr(gctmpdir):

    gimmecert.commands.server(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'myserver', None, csr_file.strpath, None)

    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, None, None)
    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, None, None, None)

    stdout = stdout_stream.getvalue()
    stderr = stderr_stream.getvalue()
@@ -1095,7 +1098,7 @@ def test_renew_reports_success_and_paths_to_client_artifacts_with_csr(gctmpdir):

    gimmecert.commands.client(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'myclient', csr_file.strpath, None)

    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, gctmpdir.strpath, 'client', 'myclient', False, None, None)
    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, gctmpdir.strpath, 'client', 'myclient', False, None, None, None)

    stdout = stdout_stream.getvalue()
    stderr = stderr_stream.getvalue()
@@ -1120,7 +1123,7 @@ def test_renew_reports_success_and_paths_to_server_artifacts_with_csr_when_repla

    gimmecert.commands.server(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'myserver', None, None, None)

    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, csr_file.strpath, None)
    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, csr_file.strpath, None, None)

    stdout = stdout_stream.getvalue()
    stderr = stderr_stream.getvalue()
@@ -1150,7 +1153,7 @@ def test_renew_replaces_server_private_key_with_csr(gctmpdir):

    assert private_key_file.check(file=1)

    gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, custom_csr_file.strpath, None)
    gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, custom_csr_file.strpath, None, None)

    assert csr_file.check(file=1)

@@ -1174,7 +1177,7 @@ def test_renew_raises_exception_if_both_new_private_key_generation_and_csr_are_p, custom_csr_file.strpath)

    with pytest.raises(gimmecert.commands.InvalidCommandInvocation) as e_info:
        gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', True, custom_csr_file.strpath, None)
        gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', True, custom_csr_file.strpath, None, None)

    assert str(e_info.value) == "Only one of the following two parameters should be specified: generate_new_private_key, custom_csr_path."

@@ -1184,7 +1187,7 @@ def test_renew_raises_exception_if_update_dns_names_is_used_for_client_certifica
    with pytest.raises(gimmecert.commands.InvalidCommandInvocation) as e_info:
        gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), sample_project_directory.strpath,
                                 'client', 'client-with-privkey-1',
                                 False, None, [""])
                                 False, None, [""], None)

    assert str(e_info.value) == "Updating DNS subject alternative names can be done only for server certificates."

@@ -1201,7 +1204,7 @@ def test_renew_reports_success_and_paths_to_server_artifacts_with_private_key_wh

    gimmecert.commands.server(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'myserver', None, custom_csr_file.strpath, None)

    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', True, None, None)
    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', True, None, None, None)

    stdout = stdout_stream.getvalue()
    stderr = stderr_stream.getvalue()
@@ -1226,7 +1229,7 @@ def test_renew_reports_success_and_paths_to_artifacts_when_renewing_server_certi
    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream,
                                           'server', entity_name,
                                           False, None, [""])
                                           False, None, [""], None)

    stdout = stdout_stream.getvalue()
    stderr = stderr_stream.getvalue()
@@ -1249,7 +1252,7 @@ def test_renew_replaces_dns_names(gctmpdir):

    gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath,
                             'server', 'myserver',
                             False, None, ["", ""])
                             False, None, ["", ""], None)

    new_certificate_pem =
    new_certificate =
@@ -1272,7 +1275,7 @@ def test_renew_removes_dns_names(gctmpdir):
    old_certificate =
    old_subject_alt_name = old_certificate.extensions.get_extension_for_class(cryptography.x509.SubjectAlternativeName).value

    gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, None, [])
    gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', False, None, [], None)

    new_certificate_pem =
    new_certificate =
@@ -1300,7 +1303,7 @@ def test_renew_replaces_server_csr_with_private_key(gctmpdir):

    assert csr_file.check(file=1)

    gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', True, None, None)
    gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', True, None, None, None)

    assert private_key_file.check(file=1)

@@ -1386,7 +1389,7 @@ def test_renew_server_reads_csr_from_stdin(mock_read_input, sample_project_direc
    stdout_stream = io.StringIO()
    stderr_stream = io.StringIO()

    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, sample_project_directory.strpath, "server", entity_name, False, '-', None)
    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, sample_project_directory.strpath, "server", entity_name, False, '-', None, None)
    assert status_code == 0

    # Read stored/generated artefacts.
@@ -1418,7 +1421,7 @@ def test_renew_client_reads_csr_from_stdin(mock_read_input, sample_project_direc
    stdout_stream = io.StringIO()
    stderr_stream = io.StringIO()

    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, sample_project_directory.strpath, "client", entity_name, False, '-', None)
    status_code = gimmecert.commands.renew(stdout_stream, stderr_stream, sample_project_directory.strpath, "client", entity_name, False, '-', None, None)
    assert status_code == 0

    # Read stored/generated artefacts.
@@ -1479,3 +1482,29 @@ def test_client_uses_passed_in_private_key_algorithm_and_parameters_when_generat
    private_key =

    assert private_key.key_size == 1024


def test_renew_generates_new_private_key_with_same_size_as_old_one(gctmpdir):
    private_key_file = gctmpdir.join('.gimmecert', 'server', 'myserver.key.pem')

    gimmecert.commands.server(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'myserver', None, None, ('rsa', 1024))
    private_key_after_issuance =

    gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', True, None, None, None)
    private_key_after_renewal =
    private_key_size_after_renewal =

    assert private_key_after_issuance != private_key_after_renewal
    assert private_key_size_after_renewal == 1024


def test_renew_generates_new_private_key_with_different_size_if_requested(gctmpdir):
    private_key_file = gctmpdir.join('.gimmecert', 'server', 'myserver.key.pem')

    # Should produce 2048-bit RSA key (default from hierarchy).
    gimmecert.commands.server(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'myserver', None, None, None)

    gimmecert.commands.renew(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), gctmpdir.strpath, 'server', 'myserver', True, None, None, ("rsa", 1024))
    private_key_size_after_renewal =

    assert private_key_size_after_renewal == 1024
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