File diff 2b1af351bf20 → b618865458ef
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@@ -655,3 +655,268 @@ def test_renew_command_accepts_csr_from_stdin(tmpdir):
    # To his delight, they are identical.
    assert server_certificate_public_key == server_csr_public_key
    assert client_certificate_public_key == client_csr_public_key


def test_client_certificate_issuance_by_passing_csr_as_file_ecdsa(tmpdir):
    # John is working on a project where he has already generated
    # client ECDSA private key.
    run_command("openssl", "ecparam", "-genkey", "-noout", "-out", "myclient1.key.pem", "-name", "secp256r1")

    # However, he still needs to have a CA as a trustpoint, so he goes
    # ahead and initialises Gimmecert for this purpose.
    run_command("gimmecert", "init")

    # Before issuing the certificate, he goes ahead and generates a
    # CSR for the client private key.
    run_command("openssl", "req", "-new", "-key", "myclient1.key.pem", "-subj", "/CN=myclient1", "-out", "myclient1.csr.pem")

    # John issues client certificate using CSR.
    stdout, stderr, exit_code = run_command("gimmecert", "client", "--csr", "myclient1.csr.pem", "myclient1")

    # The operation is successful, and he is presented with
    # information about generated artefacts.
    assert exit_code == 0
    assert stderr == ""
    assert ".gimmecert/client/myclient1.cert.pem" in stdout
    assert ".gimmecert/client/myclient1.csr.pem" in stdout

    # John also notices that there is no mention of a private key.
    assert ".gimmecert/client/myclient1.key.pem" not in stdout

    # John notices that the content of stored CSR is identical to the
    # one he provided.
    original_csr = tmpdir.join("myclient1.csr.pem").read()
    stored_csr = tmpdir.join(".gimmecert", "client", "myclient1.csr.pem").read()
    assert original_csr == stored_csr

    # John then quickly has a look at the public key associated with
    # the private key, and public key stored in certificate.
    public_key, _, _ = run_command("openssl", "ec", "-pubout", "-in", "myclient1.key.pem")
    certificate_public_key, _, _ = run_command("openssl", "x509", "-pubkey", "-noout", "-in", ".gimmecert/client/myclient1.cert.pem")

    # To his delight, they are identical.
    assert certificate_public_key == public_key


def test_server_certificate_issuance_by_passing_csr_as_file_ecdsa(tmpdir):
    # John is working on a project where he has already generated
    # server ECDSA private key.
    run_command("openssl", "ecparam", "-genkey", "-noout", "-out", "myserver1.key.pem", "-name", "secp256r1")

    # However, he still needs to have a CA as a trustpoint, so he goes
    # ahead and initialises Gimmecert for this purpose.
    run_command("gimmecert", "init")

    # Before issuing the certificate, he goes ahead and generates a
    # CSR for the server private key
    run_command("openssl", "req", "-new", "-key", "myserver1.key.pem", "-subj", "/CN=myserver1", "-out", "myserver1.csr.pem")

    # John issues server certificate using CSR.
    stdout, stderr, exit_code = run_command("gimmecert", "server", "--csr", "myserver1.csr.pem", "myserver1")

    # The operation is successful, and he is presented with
    # information about generated artefacts.
    assert exit_code == 0
    assert stderr == ""
    assert ".gimmecert/server/myserver1.cert.pem" in stdout
    assert ".gimmecert/server/myserver1.csr.pem" in stdout

    # John also notices that there is no mention of a private key.
    assert ".gimmecert/server/myserver1.key.pem" not in stdout

    # John notices that the content of stored CSR is identical to the
    # one he provided.
    original_csr = tmpdir.join("myserver1.csr.pem").read()
    stored_csr = tmpdir.join(".gimmecert", "server", "myserver1.csr.pem").read()
    assert original_csr == stored_csr

    # John then quickly has a look at the public key associated with
    # the private key, and public key stored in certificate.
    public_key, _, _ = run_command("openssl", "ec", "-pubout", "-in", "myserver1.key.pem")
    certificate_public_key, _, _ = run_command("openssl", "x509", "-pubkey", "-noout", "-in", ".gimmecert/server/myserver1.cert.pem")

    # To his delight, they are identical.
    assert certificate_public_key == public_key


def test_renew_certificate_originally_issued_with_csr_ecdsa(tmpdir):
    # In one of his past projects, John has initialised CA hierarchy
    # and issued server and client certificate using CSR.

    run_command("openssl", "ecparam", "-genkey", "-noout", "-out", "myserver.key.pem", "-name", "secp256r1")
    run_command("openssl", "req", "-new", "-key", "myserver.key.pem", "-subj", "/CN=myserver", "-out", "mycustomserver.csr.pem")

    run_command("openssl", "ecparam", "-genkey", "-noout", "-out", "myclient.key.pem", "-name", "secp256r1")
    run_command("openssl", "req", "-new", "-key", "myclient.key.pem", "-subj", "/CN=myserver", "-out", "mycustomclient.csr.pem")

    run_command("gimmecert", "init")
    run_command("gimmecert", "server", "--csr", "mycustomserver.csr.pem", "myserver")
    run_command("gimmecert", "client", "--csr", "mycustomclient.csr.pem", "myclient")

    # After a while John comes back to the project and has a look at
    # generated artefacts.
    server_old_stored_csr = tmpdir.join(".gimmecert", "server", "myserver.csr.pem").read()
    server_old_certificate = tmpdir.join(".gimmecert", "server", "myserver.cert.pem").read()

    client_old_stored_csr = tmpdir.join(".gimmecert", "client", "myclient.csr.pem").read()
    client_old_certificate = tmpdir.join(".gimmecert", "client", "myclient.cert.pem").read()

    # He decides to renew the certificates to update their
    # validity. First he runs renewal for the server certificate.
    stdout, stderr, exit_code = run_command("gimmecert", "renew", "server", "myserver")

    # No errors are shown, and John is informed about generated
    # artefacts. He notices that there is not mention of private key.
    assert exit_code == 0
    assert stderr == ""
    assert "Renewed certificate for server myserver." in stdout
    assert ".gimmecert/server/myserver.csr.pem" in stdout
    assert ".gimmecert/server/myserver.cert.pem" in stdout
    assert ".gimmecert/server/myserver.key.pem" not in stdout

    # John has a look at generated artefacts.
    server_new_stored_csr = tmpdir.join(".gimmecert", "server", "myserver.csr.pem").read()
    server_new_certificate = tmpdir.join(".gimmecert", "server", "myserver.cert.pem").read()
    server_csr_public_key, _, _ = run_command("openssl", "req", "-noout", "-pubkey", "-in", ".gimmecert/server/myserver.csr.pem")
    server_certificate_public_key, _, _ = run_command("openssl", "x509", "-noout", "-pubkey", "-in", ".gimmecert/server/myserver.cert.pem")

    # John notices that the reported CSR has remained unchanged, that
    # the certificate seems to have been updated, and that the public
    # key is the same in CSR and certificate.
    assert server_new_stored_csr == server_old_stored_csr
    assert server_new_certificate != server_old_certificate
    assert server_csr_public_key == server_certificate_public_key

    # John renews the client certificate.
    stdout, stderr, exit_code = run_command("gimmecert", "renew", "client", "myclient")

    # No errors are shown, and John is informed about generated
    # artefacts. He notices that there is not mention of private key.
    assert exit_code == 0
    assert stderr == ""
    assert "Renewed certificate for client myclient." in stdout
    assert ".gimmecert/client/myclient.csr.pem" in stdout
    assert ".gimmecert/client/myclient.cert.pem" in stdout
    assert ".gimmecert/client/myclient.key.pem" not in stdout

    # John has a look at generated artefacts.
    client_new_stored_csr = tmpdir.join(".gimmecert", "client", "myclient.csr.pem").read()
    client_new_certificate = tmpdir.join(".gimmecert", "client", "myclient.cert.pem").read()
    client_csr_public_key, _, _ = run_command("openssl", "req", "-noout", "-pubkey", "-in", ".gimmecert/client/myclient.csr.pem")
    client_certificate_public_key, _, _ = run_command("openssl", "x509", "-noout", "-pubkey", "-in", ".gimmecert/client/myclient.cert.pem")

    # John notices that the reported CSR has remained unchanged, that
    # the certificate seems to have been updated, and that the public
    # key is the same in CSR and certificate.
    assert client_new_stored_csr == client_old_stored_csr
    assert client_new_certificate != client_old_certificate
    assert client_csr_public_key == client_certificate_public_key


def test_renew_certificate_originally_issued_with_private_key_using_csr_ecdsa(tmpdir):
    # John has an existing project where he has generated a server and
    # client private key with corresponding CSR.

    run_command("openssl", "ecparam", "-genkey", "-noout", "-out", "myserver.key.pem", "-name", "secp256r1")
    run_command("openssl", "req", "-new", "-key", "myserver.key.pem", "-subj", "/CN=myserver", "-out", "mycustomserver.csr.pem")

    run_command("openssl", "ecparam", "-genkey", "-noout", "-out", "myclient.key.pem", "-name", "secp256r1")
    run_command("openssl", "req", "-new", "-key", "myclient.key.pem", "-subj", "/CN=myserver", "-out", "mycustomclient.csr.pem")

    # He wants to grab some certificates for those, so he goes ahead
    # and initialised the CA hierarchy.
    run_command("gimmecert", "init")

    # He proceeds to issue a server and client certificate.
    run_command("gimmecert", "server", "myserver")
    run_command("gimmecert", "client", "myclient")

    # Very quickly John realises that he has mistakenly forgotten to
    # pass-in the relevant CSRs, and that Gimmecert has generated
    # private keys locally and issued certificates for them.
    assert tmpdir.join('.gimmecert', 'server', 'myserver.key.pem').check(file=1)
    assert not tmpdir.join('.gimmecert', 'server', 'myserver.csr.pem').check(file=1)
    assert tmpdir.join('.gimmecert', 'client', 'myclient.key.pem').check(file=1)
    assert not tmpdir.join('.gimmecert', 'client', 'myclient.csr.pem').check(file=1)

    # John has a look at generated artefacts.
    server_old_certificate = tmpdir.join(".gimmecert", "server", "myserver.cert.pem").read()
    server_old_certificate_public_key, _, _ = run_command("openssl", "x509", "-noout", "-pubkey", "-in", ".gimmecert/server/myserver.cert.pem")

    client_old_certificate = tmpdir.join(".gimmecert", "client", "myclient.cert.pem").read()
    client_old_certificate_public_key, _, _ = run_command("openssl", "x509", "-noout", "-pubkey", "-in", ".gimmecert/client/myclient.cert.pem")

    # He also has a look at the CSRs he generated for both server and
    # client.
    server_csr_public_key, _, _ = run_command("openssl", "req", "-noout", "-pubkey", "-in", "mycustomserver.csr.pem")
    server_csr = tmpdir.join("mycustomserver.csr.pem").read()

    client_csr_public_key, _, _ = run_command("openssl", "req", "-noout", "-pubkey", "-in", "mycustomclient.csr.pem")
    client_csr = tmpdir.join("mycustomclient.csr.pem").read()

    # He goes ahead and renews the server certificate first,
    # passing-in the CSR this time around.
    stdout, stderr, exit_code = run_command("gimmecert", "renew", "--csr", "mycustomserver.csr.pem", "server", "myserver")

    # No errors are shown, and John is informed about generated
    # artefacts, and that the private key has been removed and
    # replaced with the CSR.
    assert exit_code == 0
    assert stderr == ""
    assert "Renewed certificate for server myserver." in stdout
    assert "Private key used for issuance of previous certificate has been removed, and replaced with the passed-in CSR." in stdout
    assert ".gimmecert/server/myserver.csr.pem" in stdout
    assert ".gimmecert/server/myserver.cert.pem" in stdout
    assert ".gimmecert/server/myserver.key.pem" not in stdout

    # John has a look at generated artefacts.
    server_stored_csr = tmpdir.join(".gimmecert", "server", "myserver.csr.pem").read()
    server_stored_csr_public_key, _, _ = run_command("openssl", "req", "-noout", "-pubkey", "-in", ".gimmecert/server/myserver.csr.pem")

    server_new_certificate = tmpdir.join(".gimmecert", "server", "myserver.cert.pem").read()
    server_new_certificate_public_key, _, _ = run_command("openssl", "x509", "-noout", "-pubkey", "-in", ".gimmecert/server/myserver.cert.pem")

    # John notices that, for start, the private key has indeed been
    # removed from the filesystem, that the content of the certificate
    # has changed, that the passed-in CSR has been stored, and that
    # public key from the certificate matches the public key in CSR.
    assert not tmpdir.join(".gimmecert", "server", "myserver.key.pem").check()
    assert server_new_certificate != server_old_certificate
    assert server_stored_csr == server_csr
    assert server_new_certificate_public_key == server_csr_public_key

    # John renews the client certificate afterwards, passing-in the
    # CSR this time around.
    stdout, stderr, exit_code = run_command("gimmecert", "renew", "--csr", "mycustomclient.csr.pem", "client", "myclient")

    # No errors are shown, and John is informed about generated
    # artefacts, and that the private key has been removed and
    # replaced with the CSR.
    assert exit_code == 0
    assert stderr == ""
    assert "Renewed certificate for client myclient." in stdout
    assert "Private key used for issuance of previous certificate has been removed, and replaced with the passed-in CSR." in stdout
    assert ".gimmecert/client/myclient.csr.pem" in stdout
    assert ".gimmecert/client/myclient.cert.pem" in stdout
    assert ".gimmecert/client/myclient.key.pem" not in stdout

    # John has a look at generated artefacts.
    client_stored_csr = tmpdir.join(".gimmecert", "client", "myclient.csr.pem").read()
    client_stored_csr_public_key, _, _ = run_command("openssl", "req", "-noout", "-pubkey", "-in", ".gimmecert/client/myclient.csr.pem")

    client_new_certificate = tmpdir.join(".gimmecert", "client", "myclient.cert.pem").read()
    client_new_certificate_public_key, _, _ = run_command("openssl", "x509", "-noout", "-pubkey", "-in", ".gimmecert/client/myclient.cert.pem")

    # John notices that, for start, the private key has indeed been
    # removed from the filesystem, that the content of the certificate
    # has changed, that the passed-in CSR has been stored, and that
    # public key from the certificate matches the public key in CSR.
    assert not tmpdir.join(".gimmecert", "client", "myclient.key.pem").check()
    assert client_new_certificate != client_old_certificate
    assert client_stored_csr == client_csr
    assert client_new_certificate_public_key == client_csr_public_key