#!/bin/bash # # release.sh # # Copyright (C) 2018, Branko Majic # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # program="release.sh" function short_usage() { cat <. EOF } function version_and_licensing() { cat < | | | | This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify | | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | | the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or | | (at your option) any later version. | | | | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | | GNU General Public License for more details. | | | | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | | along with this program. If not, see . | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ EOF } # Set-up colours for message printing if we're not piping and terminal is # capable of outputting the colors. _color_terminal=$(tput colors 2>&1) if [[ -t 1 ]] && (( ${_color_terminal} > 0 )); then _text_bold=$(tput bold) _text_white=$(tput setaf 7) _text_blue=$(tput setaf 6) _text_green=$(tput setaf 2) _text_yellow=$(tput setaf 3) _text_red=$(tput setaf 1) _text_reset=$(tput sgr0) else _text_bold="" _text_white="" _text_blue="" _text_green="" _text_yellow="" _text_red="" _text_reset="" fi # Set-up functions for printing coloured messages. function debug() { if [[ $debug != 0 ]]; then echo -e "${_text_bold}${_text_blue}[DEBUG]${_text_reset}" "$@" fi } function info() { echo -e "${_text_bold}${_text_white}[INFO] ${_text_reset}" "$@" } function success() { echo -e "${_text_bold}${_text_green}[OK] ${_text_reset}" "$@" } function warning() { echo -e "${_text_bold}${_text_yellow}[WARN] ${_text_reset}" "$@" } function error() { echo "${_text_bold}${_text_red}[ERROR]${_text_reset}" "$@" >&2 } # # Cleanup function that gets called once the script exits. The purpose # of this function is to provide a single cleanup point that gets # executed no matter what when the script exits. # # The function will: # # - Perform a hard reset of the current branch to its pre-release # state if "cleanup_reset" variable is set to "1". Function depends # on "initial_changeset" variable being set to the correct changeset # value. # # - Remove the maintenance branch if "cleanup_maintenance_branch" # variable is set to "1". Branch name is read from variable # "maintenance_branch". # # - Remove the tag if "cleanup_tag" variable is set to "1". Tag value # will be read from variable "version". # function cleanup() { # Store the current exit code so we can preserve it. exit_code="$?" if [[ $cleanup_reset == 1 || $cleanup_maintenance_branch == 1 || $cleanup_tag == 1 ]]; then warning "Release process has failed. Starting the cleanup process." fi if [[ $cleanup_reset == 1 ]]; then info "Performing hard reset to changeset: $initial_changeset" if ! git reset --hard "$initial_changeset"; then error "Failed to perform hard reset to changeset: $initial_changeset. Manual intervention is required." fi fi if [[ $cleanup_maintenance_branch == 1 ]]; then info "Removing maintenance branch: $maintenance_branch" if ! git branch --delete --force "$cleanup_maintenance_branch"; then error "Failed to force removal of maintenance branch: $maintenance_branch. Manual intervention is required." fi fi if [[ $cleanup_tag == 1 ]]; then info "Removing tag: $version" if ! git tag --delete "$version"; then error "Failed to remove release tag: $version. Manual intervention is required." fi fi # Switch back to HEAD of current branch. if [[ -n $current_branch ]]; then git checkout --quiet "$current_branch" fi exit "$exit_code" } # Define error codes. SUCCESS=0 ERROR_ARGUMENTS=1 ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED=10 ERROR_INVALID_WORKING_DIRECTORY=11 ERROR_USER_ABORTED=12 ERROR_TESTS_FAILED=13 ERROR_VCS_FAILURE=14 ERROR_BUILD_FAILURE=15 ERROR_PYPI_FAILURE=16 # Disable debug mode by default. debug=0 # Default URI to use for publishing to PyPI. pypi_repository_url="https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/" # Register our cleanup function, and request that no cleanup is # performed by default. cleanup_reset=0 cleanup_maintenance_branch=0 cleanup_tag=0 trap cleanup EXIT # If no arguments were given, just show usage help. if [[ -z $1 ]]; then short_usage exit "$SUCCESS" fi # Parse the arguments while getopts "r:qdvh" opt; do case "$opt" in r) pypi_repository_url="$OPTARG";; d) debug=1;; v) version_and_licensing exit "$SUCCESS";; h) usage exit "$SUCCESS";; *) short_usage exit "$ERROR_ARGUMENTS";; esac done i=$OPTIND shift $(($i-1)) # Read the positional arguments. operation="$1" version="$2" # Verify positional arguments. if [[ -z $operation || -z $version ]]; then error "Operation and version must be specified." exit "$ERROR_ARGUMENTS" fi if [[ $operation != "prepare" && $operation != "publish" ]]; then error "Invalid opertion specified: '$operation'" exit "$ERROR_ARGUMENTS" fi if [[ ! $version =~ ^([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)$ ]] ; then error "Invalid version string specified (must be MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH without leading zeros): $version" exit "$ERROR_ARGUMENTS" fi # Extract major, minor, and patch number from version. major_number=$(echo "$version" | cut -d '.' -f 1) minor_number=$(echo "$version" | cut -d '.' -f 2) patch_number=$(echo "$version" | cut -d '.' -f 3) # Set maintenance branch name. maintenance_branch="maintenance/$major_number.$minor_number" debug "Version: $version" debug "Major number: $major_number" debug "Minor number: $minor_number" debug "Patch number: $patch_number" debug "Maintenance branch: $maintenance_branch" # Extract information about existing environment. current_branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) initial_changeset=$(git rev-parse HEAD) working_directory_status=$(git status -s) available_tags=$(git tag | grep -E '^[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+$') debug "Current branch: $current_branch" debug "Initial changeset: $initial_changeset" debug "Working directory status:\n${working_directory_status}" debug "Available tags:\n$available_tags" # Perform some basic verification of working directory etc. if [[ -n $working_directory_status ]]; then error "Uncommitted or new files detected in working directory. Perform the following actions as necessary: \ commit/revert the changes, update the .gitignore file/remove untracked files." exit "$ERROR_INVALID_WORKING_DIRECTORY" fi if ! [[ $current_branch == "master" || $current_branch =~ ^maintenance/[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+$ ]]; then error "Releases are supported only from the master and maintenance branches. Current branch: $current_branch" exit "$ERROR_INVALID_WORKING_DIRECTORY" fi if [[ $major_number == 0 && $minor_number == 0 ]]; then error "Cannot use zeros for both major and minor number in version." exit "$ERROR_ARGUMENTS" fi if [[ $operation == "prepare" ]]; then # Perform some basic sanity checks prior to proceeding. if git rev-parse --quiet --verify "$version" > /dev/null; then error "Requested version ($version) has already been tagged. Aborting the process." exit "$ERROR_ARGUMENTS" fi if [[ $current_branch == "master" && $patch_number != 0 ]]; then error "Only new major/minor (non-patch) releases are supported from the master branch." exit "$ERROR_ARGUMENTS" fi if [[ $current_branch == "master" ]] && git rev-parse --abbrev-ref "$maintenance_branch" >/dev/null 2>&1; then error "A new major/minor releases has been requested, but the maintenance branch is already present." exit "$ERROR_INVALID_WORKING_DIRECTORY" fi if [[ $current_branch != "master" ]] && [[ $patch_number == 0 ]]; then error "Only patch releases can be created from maintenance branches." exit "$ERROR_ARGUMENTS" fi if [[ $current_branch != "master" && $current_branch != "$maintenance_branch" ]]; then error "Patch releases must be created from matching maintenance branch." exit "$ERROR_ARGUMENTS" fi echo warning "Preparing local Git repository for release of version $version. New commits, tags, and maintenance branches will be created as necessary." echo read -p "Do you want to continue? (y/N) " confirm_release echo # Abort on user's request. if ! [[ $confirm_release == "y" || $confirm_release == "Y" ]]; then error "Aborting the preparation process as requested by user." exit "$ERROR_USER_ABORTED" fi # Initial test run prior to making changes. info "Running tests on current branch." if ! tox --recreate ; then error "Failed tests detected on current branch ($current_branch). Aborting the process." exit "$ERROR_TESTS_FAILED" fi # Request user's attention prior to making a signed commit and tag. warning "User interaction required for signing new commits and tag. Press [ENTER] to continue." read -s # Update version information for release. info "Updating release notes and package version." if ! { sed -i -E -e "/^NEXT RELEASE$/{N; s/.*/$version\n${version//?/-}/}" "docs/releasenotes.rst" && \ sed -i -e "s/version='0.0.0'/version='$version'/" "setup.py"; }; then error "Failed to update version information. Aborting the process." cleanup_reset=1 exit "$ERROR_VCS_FAILURE" fi # Commit updated version. info "Committing the version update." if ! { git add "docs/releasenotes.rst" "setup.py" && git commit --gpg-sign -m "Noticket: Preparing release $version."; }; then error "Failed to commit version update. Aborting the process." cleanup_reset=1 exit "$ERROR_VCS_FAILURE" fi # Tag the version. info "Tagging the new release." if ! git tag --annotate --sign --message "Release $version." "$version"; then error "Failed to tag release. Aborting the process." cleanup_reset=1 exit "$ERROR_VCS_FAILURE" fi # Rerun tests to ensure everything still works as expected. info "Running tests with new versioning information in place." if ! tox --recreate ; then error "Failed tests detected after updating versioning information. Aborting the process." cleanup_reset=1 cleanup_tag=1 exit "$ERROR_TESTS_FAILED" fi # Request user's attention prior to making a signed commit and tag. warning "User interaction required for starting new release notes and setting development package version. Press [ENTER] to continue." read -s # Updated release notes and package version for development. info "Adding new section to release notes for the next release, and switching package version to development." if ! { sed -i -E '/^=+/a \\n\nNEXT RELEASE\n------------' "docs/releasenotes.rst" && \ sed -i -e "s/version='$version'/version='0.0.0'/" "setup.py"; }; then error "Failed to update version information. Aborting the process." cleanup_reset=1 cleanup_tag=1 exit "$ERROR_VCS_FAILURE" fi # Commit updated version. info "Committing the development version update." if ! { git add "docs/releasenotes.rst" "setup.py" && git commit --gpg-sign -m "Noticket: Switching to development version."; }; then error "Failed to commit development version update. Aborting the process." cleanup_reset=1 cleanup_tag=1 exit "$ERROR_VCS_FAILURE" fi # Create maintenance branch if necessary. if [[ $patch_number == 0 ]]; then info "Creating maintenance branch." if ! git branch "$maintenance_branch"; then error "Failed to create maintenance branch: $maintenance_branch" cleanup_reset=1 cleanup_tag=1 exit "$ERROR_VCS_FAILURE" fi fi success "Version $version has been successfully prepared for publishing in the local Git repository." elif [[ $operation == "publish" ]]; then # Perform some basic sanity checks prior to proceeding. if ! git rev-parse --quiet --verify "$version" > /dev/null; then error "No such version ($version) has been tagged in the local repository. Please run the prepare operation first." exit "$ERROR_ARGUMENTS" fi echo warning "Publishing version $version. Relevant local branches and tag will be pushed to the origin, and package will be uploaded to PyPI. Prompts will be provided along the way to provide the necessary credentials." echo read -p "Do you want to continue? (y/N) " confirm_release echo # Abort on user's request. if ! [[ $confirm_release == "y" || $confirm_release == "Y" ]]; then error "Aborting the preparation process as requested by user." exit "$ERROR_USER_ABORTED" fi # Clean-up the local build directories. rm -rf dist/ rm -rf build/ # Checkout the release version. if ! git checkout --quiet "$version"; then error "Failed to checkout the designated release version." exit "$ERROR_VCS_FAILURE" fi if ! python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel; then error "Failed to build the source and binary distribution." exit "$ERROR_BUILD_FAILURE" fi if [[ $patch_number == 0 ]]; then info "Pushing the local master branch to origin." if ! git push origin master:master; then error "Failed to push the local master branch to the origin. Aborting the publishing process." exit "$ERROR_VCS_FAILURE" fi fi info "Pushing the local maintenance branch ($maintenance_branch) to origin." if ! git push origin "${maintenance_branch}:${maintenance_branch}"; then error "Failed to push the local maintenance branch to the origin. Aborting the publishing process." exit "$ERROR_VCS_FAILURE" fi info "Pushing the local tag ($version) to origin." if ! git push origin "$version"; then error "Failed to push the local tag to the origin. Aborting the publishing process." exit "$ERROR_VCS_FAILURE" fi info "Publishing the release to PyPI" if ! twine upload --repository-url "$pypi_repository_url" dist/*"$version"*; then error "Failed to publish the release to PyPI." exit "$ERROR_PYPI_FAILURE" fi success "Version $version has been successfully published to the origin Git repository and PyPI." fi