@ 23a9ea4219dc
Branch filter:
Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/xmpp_server/tasks/main.yml - annotation
2.6 KiB
MAR-113: Added option for specifying relay port to mail_forwarder:
- Introduced new option "smtp_relay_host_port".
- Updated the test playbook and tests to make sure new functionality works as
- Update role reference documentation.
- Updated usage instructions.
- Introduced new option "smtp_relay_host_port".
- Updated the test playbook and tests to make sure new functionality works as
- Update role reference documentation.
- Updated usage instructions.
2e1ff733350e 2e1ff733350e 2e1ff733350e 2e1ff733350e 2e1ff733350e 2e1ff733350e 2e1ff733350e 2e1ff733350e 2e1ff733350e 2e1ff733350e 2e1ff733350e b0e7faa211ae b0e7faa211ae b0e7faa211ae b0e7faa211ae 2e1ff733350e 0ad9410c243a 0ad9410c243a 0ad9410c243a 0ad9410c243a 0ad9410c243a 0ad9410c243a 284ed92d40bb 284ed92d40bb 284ed92d40bb 96e9f230a669 da031f975c67 da031f975c67 da031f975c67 da031f975c67 da031f975c67 da031f975c67 0ad9410c243a 0ad9410c243a 96e9f230a669 96e9f230a669 da031f975c67 da031f975c67 da031f975c67 da031f975c67 da031f975c67 da031f975c67 0ad9410c243a 0ad9410c243a 2e1ff733350e aa2802e42d9d aa2802e42d9d 701044d4cbba aa2802e42d9d 2e1ff733350e 701044d4cbba 2e1ff733350e 2e1ff733350e 1b05bae8e440 2e1ff733350e 2e1ff733350e 2e1ff733350e 701044d4cbba 2e1ff733350e 2e1ff733350e da031f975c67 da031f975c67 da031f975c67 da031f975c67 da031f975c67 da031f975c67 2e1ff733350e 2e1ff733350e 2e1ff733350e a561d73e3242 a561d73e3242 a561d73e3242 a561d73e3242 a561d73e3242 2e1ff733350e a561d73e3242 eb9a1b525c77 eb9a1b525c77 701044d4cbba eb9a1b525c77 dbc3381e1ff3 7387caca37f3 7387caca37f3 7387caca37f3 7387caca37f3 7387caca37f3 7387caca37f3 | ---
- name: Install Python apt bindings
apt: name=python-apt
- name: Add Prosody repository apt key
data: "{{ lookup('file', 'prosody-debian-packages.gpg') }}"
state: present
- name: Add Prosody repository
apt_repository: repo="deb jessie main" state=present
- name: Install Lua Sec library (needed for TLS)
apt: name=lua-sec state=installed
- name: Install Lua LDAP library
apt: name=lua-ldap state=installed
- name: Install Prosody
apt: name=prosody state=installed
- name: Allow Prosody user to traverse the directory with TLS private keys
user: name=prosody append=yes groups=ssl-cert
- name: Deploy XMPP TLS private key
dest: "/etc/ssl/private/{{ ansible_fqdn }}_xmpp.key"
content: "{{ xmpp_tls_key }}"
mode: 0640
owner: root
group: prosody
- Restart Prosody
- name: Deploy XMPP TLS certificate
dest: "/etc/ssl/certs/{{ ansible_fqdn }}_xmpp.pem"
content: "{{ xmpp_tls_certificate }}"
mode: 0644
owner: root
group: root
- Restart Prosody
- name: Deploy configuration file for checking certificate validity via cron
copy: content="/etc/ssl/certs/{{ ansible_fqdn }}_xmpp.pem" dest="/etc/check_certificate/{{ ansible_fqdn }}_xmpp.conf"
owner=root group=root mode=0644
- name: Set-up directory for storing additional Prosody modules
file: path=/usr/local/lib/prosody/modules/ state=directory mode=0755 owner=root group=root
- name: Deploy the Prosody mod_auth_ldap module
get_url: url=
- name: Set-up file permissions for the Prosody mod_auth_ldap module
file: dest=/usr/local/lib/prosody/modules/mod_auth_ldap.lua owner=root group=root mode=0644
- name: Deploy Prosody configuration file
src: prosody.cfg.lua.j2
dest: /etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua
owner: root
group: prosody
mode: 0640
- Restart Prosody
- name: Enable Prosody service on boot (workaround for systemctl broken handling of SysV)
command: rcconf -on prosody
register: result
changed_when: result.stderr == ""
- name: Enable and start Prosody service
service: name=prosody state=started
- name: Deploy firewall configuration for XMPP server
copy: src="ferm_xmpp.conf" dest="/etc/ferm/conf.d/30-xmpp.conf" owner=root group=root mode=0640
- Restart ferm
- name: Explicitly run all handlers
include: ../handlers/main.yml
when: "handlers | default(False) | bool() == True"
- handlers