@ 3722152897ec
Branch filter:
Location: majic-ansible-roles/testsite/group_vars/xmpp.yml - annotation
624 B
MAR-218: Disable Ansible lints for prefixed role variable names:
- At this point in time, it does not make much sense to introduce
prefixing and breaking every single role invocation.
- Might be worth revisting down the line, although it would require
understanding a bit more clearly if prefixing has any kind of
special logic handling or it's pure guidelines.
- At this point in time, it does not make much sense to introduce
prefixing and breaking every single role invocation.
- Might be worth revisting down the line, although it would require
understanding a bit more clearly if prefixing has any kind of
special logic handling or it's pure guidelines.
90417b999b1e 90417b999b1e 7ab6518de03b 0f17841d0aad 7ab6518de03b 0f17841d0aad 7ab6518de03b 1b05bae8e440 2285dcdda345 1b76d272e529 0f17841d0aad 90417b999b1e 18cd76ec050d 90417b999b1e 18cd76ec050d 90417b999b1e 1b76d272e529 0f17841d0aad 90417b999b1e 1b76d272e529 90417b999b1e 011f651f90ce 90417b999b1e 011f651f90ce | ---
root: "root john.doe@{{ testsite_domain }}"
smtp_relay_host: mail.{{ testsite_domain }}
smtp_relay_truststore: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/tls/ca.pem') }}"
- john.doe@{{ testsite_domain }}
xmpp_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/tls/xmpp.' + testsite_domain + '_xmpp.key') }}"
xmpp_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/tls/xmpp.' + testsite_domain + '_xmpp.pem') }}"
- "{{ testsite_domain }}"
xmpp_ldap_server: ldap.{{ testsite_domain }}
xmpp_ldap_password: prosody
xmpp_ldap_base_dn: "{{ testsite_ldap_base }}"