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Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/mail_forwarder/molecule/default/tests/ - annotation

MAR-165: Deploy Diffie-Helman parameters for LDAP server in the ldap_server role:

- Not relevant for Debian Strech because of a bug in the OpenLDAP
version it ships with.
- This should allow use of DHE ciphers with LDAP server.
- Generated DH parameters only help pick one of the parameters from
RFC-7919 (based on the size of generated ones).
- Make the cipher test lists distro-specific due to differences
between supported algorithms in respective GnuTLS versions.
import os
import re
import time

import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner

testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(

def test_smtp_mailname(host):
    Tests if SMTP mailname configuration file has correct content.

    hostname ='hostname').stdout.strip()

    mailname = host.file('/etc/mailname')

    assert mailname.content_string == hostname

def test_postfix_main_cf_file_content(host):
    Tests if the Postfix main configuration file content is correct.

    hostname ='hostname').stdout.strip()
    config = host.file('/etc/postfix/')
    config_lines = config.content_string.split("\n")

    assert "myhostname = %s" % hostname in config_lines
    assert "mydestination = %s, %s, localhost.localdomain, localhost" % (hostname, hostname) in config_lines
    assert "relayhost = " in config_lines
    assert "mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128" in config_lines
    assert "smtp_tls_security_level" not in config.content_string
    assert "smtp_tls_CAfile" not in config.content_string
    assert "smtp_host_lookup = dns, native" in config_lines

def test_direct_mail_sending(host):
    Tests if mails are sent correctly directly without relay if relay has not
    been configured.

    send ='swaks --suppress-data --to root@domain1 --server localhost')
    assert send.rc == 0
    message_id ='Ok: queued as (.*)', send.stdout).group(1)

    # Wait for a little while for message to be processed.

    with host.sudo():
        mail_log = host.file('/var/log/mail.log')
        # Pattern used to verify the mail was sent directly on default port.
        pattern = r"%s: to=<root@domain1>, relay=domain1\[[^]]*\]:25.*status=sent" % message_id

        assert, mail_log.content_string) is not None

def test_mail_message_size_limit(host):
    Tests if the mail message size limit advertised by the SMTP server
    is correct.

    capabilities ="(echo 'ehlo localhost' && sleep 2) | telnet localhost 25")
    begin = capabilities.stdout.find("250-SIZE")
    end = capabilities.stdout.find("\n", begin)
    mail_message_size_limit = capabilities.stdout[begin:end]

    assert mail_message_size_limit == "250-SIZE 10240000"