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Location: majic-ansible-roles/testsite/playbooks/roles/wsgihello/tasks/main.yml - annotation

MAR-128: Upgraded tests for php_website role:

- Switch to new Molecule configuration.
- Updated set-up playbook to use become: yes.
- Moved some preparatory steps outside of the main playbook (eases
idempotence tests).
- Updated tests to reference the yml inventory file.
- Updated tests to use new fixture (host instead of individual ones).
- Switched to extracting hostname instead of hard-coding it in a
couple of tests.
- Fixed some linting issues.
- Updated hostname to include Debian version.

- name: Create directroy for storing code
  file: dest="/var/www/wsgi.{{ testsite_domain }}/code/" state=directory
        owner="admin-wsgi_{{ testsite_domain_underscores }}" group="web-wsgi_{{ testsite_domain_underscores }}" mode=2750

- name: Deploy WSGI application
  copy: src="hello.wsgi" dest="/var/www/wsgi.{{ testsite_domain }}/code/"
        owner="admin-wsgi_{{ testsite_domain_underscores }}" group="web-wsgi_{{ testsite_domain_underscores }}" mode=640
    - Restart wsgihello