Files @ 9ca9c3ada58a
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Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/xmpp_server/molecule/default/tests/ - annotation

MAR-181: Use Debian-provided Prosody package for testing optional parameter:

- Still properly tests the role, while at the same time making it
possible to use custom apt repository for Debian Buster (due to
Prosody project dropping all repository archives for it).
import os

import defusedxml.ElementTree as ElementTree

import pytest

import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner

testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(

def test_prosody_configuration_file_content(host):
    Tests if Prosody configuration file has correct content.

    hostname ='hostname').stdout.strip()

    with host.sudo():

        config = host.file('/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua')

        assert "admins = { \"john.doe@domain1\",  }" in config.content_string
        assert "key = \"/etc/ssl/private/%s_xmpp.key\";" % hostname in config.content_string
        assert "certificate = \"/etc/ssl/certs/%s_xmpp.pem\";" % hostname in config.content_string
        assert "ldap_server = \"ldap-server\"" in config.content_string
        assert "ldap_rootdn = \"cn=prosody,ou=services,dc=local\"" in config.content_string
        assert "ldap_password = \"prosodypassword\"" in config.content_string
        assert "ldap_filter = \"(&(mail=$user@$host)(memberOf=cn=xmpp,ou=groups,dc=local))\"" in config.content_string
        assert "ldap_base = \"ou=people,dc=local\"" in config.content_string
        assert "archive_expires_after = \"never\"" in config.content_string

        assert """VirtualHost "domain1"
Component "conference.domain1" "muc"
  restrict_room_creation = "local"
Component "proxy.domain1" "proxy65"
  proxy65_acl = { "domain1" }""" in config.content_string

def test_correct_prosody_package_installed(host):
    Tests if correct Prosody package has been installed.

    assert host.package('prosody-0.11').is_installed

@pytest.mark.parametrize("port", [
def test_xmpp_c2s_tls_version_and_ciphers(host, port):
    Tests if the correct TLS version and ciphers have been enabled for
    XMPP C2S ports.

    expected_tls_versions = ["TLSv1.2"]

    expected_tls_ciphers = [

    # Run the nmap scanner against the server, and fetch the results.
    nmap ="nmap -sV --script ssl-enum-ciphers -p %s domain1 -oX /tmp/report.xml", str(port))
    assert nmap.rc == 0
    report_content = host.file('/tmp/report.xml').content_string

    report_root = ElementTree.fromstring(report_content)

    tls_versions = []
    tls_ciphers = set()

    for child in report_root.findall("./host/ports/port/script[@id='ssl-enum-ciphers']/table"):

    for child in report_root.findall(".//table[@key='ciphers']/table/elem[@key='name']"):

    tls_ciphers = sorted(list(tls_ciphers))

    assert tls_versions == expected_tls_versions
    assert tls_ciphers == expected_tls_ciphers