@ 9f804c9501da
Branch filter:
Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/php_website/templates/nginx_site.j2 - annotation
1.3 KiB
MAR-39: Added support for specifying consumers of LDAP structure to the LDAP server role. Added support to the LDAP server role for specifying groups to create. Modified the ldap_entry implementation, replacing the addattributes/replaceattributes with append/replace states. The new states allow for creation of entry if it does not exist, making them more versatille. The existing classes and configurations have been updated accordingly.
7727c37bce67 40473a82c752 7727c37bce67 40473a82c752 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 d26fe0368a4b d26fe0368a4b d26fe0368a4b d26fe0368a4b d26fe0368a4b d26fe0368a4b d26fe0368a4b d26fe0368a4b d26fe0368a4b 7f8ef577fa2c 40473a82c752 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7f8ef577fa2c 7f8ef577fa2c 7727c37bce67 40473a82c752 7727c37bce67 40473a82c752 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7f8ef577fa2c 40473a82c752 40473a82c752 40473a82c752 40473a82c752 40473a82c752 40473a82c752 40473a82c752 7727c37bce67 40473a82c752 222008c85003 7f8ef577fa2c 40473a82c752 40473a82c752 40473a82c752 40473a82c752 40473a82c752 7f8ef577fa2c 7f8ef577fa2c 7f8ef577fa2c 7727c37bce67 7f8ef577fa2c 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 | server {
# Base settings.
root {{ home }}/htdocs/;
index {{ index }};
server_name {{ fqdn }};
# HTTP (plaintext) configuration.
listen 80;
# HTTPS (TLS) configuration.
listen 443 ssl;
listen [::]:443 ssl;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/{{ https_tls_key | basename }};
ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/{{ https_tls_certificate | basename }};
{% if rewrites -%}
# Generic URL rewrites.
{% for rewrite in rewrites -%}
rewrite {{ rewrite }};
{% endfor -%}
{% endif %}
{% if deny_files_regex -%}
# Deny access to user-specified files.
{% for regex in deny_files_regex -%}
location ~ {{ regex }} {
deny all;
{% endfor -%}
{% endif %}
# Interpret PHP files via FastCGI.
location ~ {{ php_file_regex }} {
include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm/{{ fqdn }}.sock;
# Serve the files.
location ~ /(.+) {
try_files $uri $uri/{% if php_rewrite_urls %} @php_rewrite{% endif %};
{% if php_rewrite_urls -%}
# Apply URL rewrites.
location @php_rewrite {
{% for rewrite in php_rewrite_urls %}
rewrite {{ rewrite }};
{% endfor -%}
{% endif -%}
access_log /var/log/nginx/{{ fqdn }}-access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/{{ fqdn }}-error.log;