@ a99958de73d9
Branch filter:
Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/php_website/templates/fpm_site.conf.j2 - annotation
802 B
MAR-152: Updated the php_website role to use new socket location.
7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 a99958de73d9 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 7727c37bce67 4dc3b09894e9 4dc3b09894e9 4dc3b09894e9 4dc3b09894e9 | ; Start a new named pool.
[{{ fqdn }}]
; Set the user and group that should execute the scripts.
user = {{ user }}
group = {{ user }}
; Listen on a dedicated UNIX socket.
listen = /run/php/{{ fqdn }}.sock
; Set-up UNIX socket permissions (allow web server to connect).
listen.owner = www-data = www-data
listen.mode = 0660
; Configure how processes are managed and how many are launched.
pm = dynamic
pm.max_children = 5
pm.start_servers = 2
pm.min_spare_servers = 1
pm.max_spare_servers = 3
; Chdir to this directory at the start.
chdir = /
; Redirect worker stdout/stder into main error log. This will also allow Nginx
; to log errors in site-specific log file.
catch_workers_output = yes
{% for var, val in additional_fpm_config.iteritems() %}
{{ var }} = {{ val }}
{% endfor %}