Changeset - 0079746d9a8b
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Branko Majic (branko) - 9 years ago 2015-05-06 21:54:56
MAR-5: Updated the web server role to include deployment of some base packages for PHP and Python web apps.
5 files changed with 39 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -762,131 +762,134 @@ Here is an example configuration for setting-up XMPP server using Prosody:
  mail_user_uid: 5000
  mail_user_gid: 5000

  imap_tls_certificate: ~/tls/mail.example.com_imap.pem
  imap_tls_key: ~/tls/mail.example.com_imap.key
  smtp_tls_certificate: ~/tls/mail.example.com_smtp.pem
  smtp_tls_key: ~/tls/mail.example.com_smtp.key
  imap_folder_separator: /



Mail Forwarder

The ``mail_forwarder`` role can be used for setting-up a local SMTP server for
sending out mails and receiving mails for local users. The SMTP server is
provided by Postfix.

SMTP service on server set-up this way is not meant to be exposed to the
Internet directly, and should receive delivery failures from the relay server

The role implements the following:

* Installs and configures Postfix.
* Purges Exim4 configuration (just in case).
* Sets-up aliases for the local recipients.
* Installs SWAKS (utility for testing SMTP servers).

Postfix is configured as follows:

* Local destinations are set-up.
* A relay host is set.
* TLS is enforced for relaying mails, with configurable truststore for server
  certificate verification.



**local_mail_aliases** (dictionary, mandatory)
  Dictionary defining the local aliases. Aliases defined this way will either be
  appended to default aliases on the server, or replace the existing entries (if
  the alias/recipient is already present). Keys in the dictionary are the local
  recipients/aliases, while the value provided should be a space-separated list
  of mail addresses (or local users) where the mails should be forwarded.

**smtp_relay_host** (string, mandatory)
  SMTP server via which the mails are sent out for non-local recipients.

**smtp_relay_truststore** (string, mandatory)
  Path to the file containing full X.509 CA certificate chain used for
  validating the server certificate presented by the relay server.



Here is an example configuration for setting-up the mail forwarder:

.. code-block:: yaml


  # All mails sent to local user root will be forwarded to external account as
  # well.
    root: "root"


  smtp_relay_truststore: /etc/ssl/certs/example_ca_chain.pem


Web Server

The ``web_server`` role can be used for setting-up a web server on destination

The role is supposed very lightweight, providing a basis for deployment of web

The role implements the following:

* Installs and configures nginx with a single, default vhost with a small static
  index page.
* Deploys the HTTPS TLS private key and certificate (for default vhost).
* Configures firewall to allow incoming connections to the web server.
* Installs and configures supervisor, virtualenv, and virtualenvwrapper as a
  common base for Python apps.
* Installs and configures PHP FPM as a common base for PHP apps.



**https_tls_key** (string, mandatory)
  Path to file on Ansible host that contains the private key used for TLS for
  HTTPS service. The file will be copied to directory ``/etc/ssl/private/``.

**https_tls_certificate** (string, mandatory)
  Path to file on Ansible host that contains the X.509 certificate used for TLS
  for HTTPS service. The file will be copied to directory ``/etc/ssl/certs/``.

**web_default_title** (string, mandatory)
  Title for the default web page shown to users (if no other vhosts were matched).

**web_default_message** (string, mandatory)
  Message for the default web page shown to users (if no other vhosts were



Here is an example configuration for setting-up XMPP server using Prosody:

.. code-block:: yaml


  https_tls_key: "{{ inventory_dir }}/tls/web.example.com_https.key"
  https_tls_certificate: "{{ inventory_dir }}/tls/web.example.com_https.pem"

  web_default_title: "Welcome to Example Inc."
  web_default_message: "You are attempting to access the web server using a wrong name or an IP address. Please check your URL."
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- name: Restart nginx
  service: name=nginx state=restarted

- name: Restart php5-fpm
  service: name=php5-fpm state=restarted
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- name: Install nginx
  apt: name=nginx state=installed

- name: Allow nginx user to traverse the directory with TLS private keys
  user: name=www-data append=yes groups=ssl-cert
    - Restart nginx

- name: Deploy nginx TLS private key
  copy: dest="/etc/ssl/private/{{ https_tls_key | basename }}" src="{{ https_tls_key }}"
        mode=640 owner=root group=root
    - Restart nginx

- name: Deploy nginx TLS certificate
  copy: dest="/etc/ssl/certs/{{ https_tls_certificate | basename }}" src="{{ https_tls_certificate }}"
        mode=644 owner=root group=root
    - Restart nginx

- name: Deploy default vhost configuration
  template: src="nginx-default.j2" dest="/etc/nginx/sites-available/default"
             owner=root group=root mode=644
    - Restart nginx

- name: Deploy firewall configuration for web server
  copy: src="ferm_http.conf" dest="/etc/ferm/conf.d/30-web.conf" owner=root group=root mode=640
    - Restart ferm

- name: Remove the default Debian html files
  file: path="{{ item }}" state=absent
    - /var/www/html/index.nginx-debian.html
    - /var/www/html/

- name: Create directory for storing the default website page
  file: path="/var/www/default/" state=directory
        owner=root group=www-data mode=750

- name: Deploy the default index.html
  template: src="index.html.j2" dest=/var/www/default/index.html
            owner=root group=www-data mode=640

- name: Enable nginx service
  service: name=nginx enabled=yes state=started

- name: Install base packages for Python web applications
  apt: name="{{ item }}" state=installed
    - supervisor
    - virtualenv
    - virtualenvwrapper

- name: Install base packages for PHP web applications
  apt: name="{{ item }}" state=installed
    - php5-fpm

- name: Enable services used for running web applications
  service: name="{{ item }}" enabled=yes state=started
    - php5-fpm
    - supervisor

- name: Read timezone on server
  slurp: src=/etc/timezone
  register: server_timezone

- name: Configure timezone for PHP
  template: src="php_timezone.ini.j2" dest="{{ item }}/30-timezone.ini"
            owner=root group=root mode=644
    - /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/
    - /etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/
    - Restart php5-fpm
\ No newline at end of file
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new file 100644
date.timezone = '{{ server_timezone.content | b64decode | trim }}'
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# Configuration for roles bootstrap and preseed.
ansible_key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"

# Configuration for role 'common', shared across all servers.
  - name: admin
    uid: 1000
    additional_groups: sudo
      - "{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"
    password: '$6$/aerscJY6aevRG$ABBCymEDtk2mHW/dklre9dMEdgZNJvVHsGLCzgjGmy61FssZ.KW7ePcO2wsMGIkHcg3mZlrA4dhYh.APq9OQu0'
  - name: johndoe
    uid: 1001
    additional_groups: "office,developer"
    authorized_keys: []
    password: '$6$cJnUatae7cMz23fl$O3HE2TslnEaKaTDSZnvuDDrfqILAiuMV1wOPGVnkUQFxUu3gIWZOyO7AI1OWYkqeQMVBiezpSqYNiQy6NF6bi0'

  - name: office
    gid: 2000
  - name: developer
    gid: 2001

  - emacs24-nox
  - screen
  - debconf-utils
  - colordiff

  - "{{ inventory_dir }}/tls/example_ca_chain.pem"

incoming_connection_limit: 2/second

incoming_connection_limit_burst: 6
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