Changeset - 08bc7c6ea086
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Branko Majic (branko) - 20 days ago 2024-08-30 23:44:32
MAR-239: Updated documentation, dropping references to Debian 11 Bullseye where appropriate.
2 files changed with 9 insertions and 23 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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Release notes



**Breaking changes:**

* All roles

  * Dropped support for Debian 11 (Bullseye).

**New features/improvements**

* ``backup_client`` role

  * Switched to using Paramiko + SFTP backend (instead of pexpect +
    SFTP), which should improve the backup performance.

**Bug fixes:**

* ``common`` role

  * Fixed permission errors with Python cache directories in the pip
    requirements upgrade checks virtual environment that can happen if
    the initial virtual environment set-up fails.



Dropped support for Python 2.7 and Debian 10 Buster. Added support for
Debian 12 Bookworm. Numerous minor improvements and fixes.

**Breaking changes:**

* All roles

  * Dropped support for Debian 10 (Buster).
  * Added support for Debian 12 (Bookworm).
  * ``netaddr`` Python package is now required for using the roles.
  * ``dnspython`` Python package is no longer required for using the

* ``backup_client`` role

  * Previously the backup would run even if pre-backup scripts would
    fail. This is no longer the case, and all pre-backup scripts must
    exit with non-zero exit code in order for backup process to
  * Old backups are now automatically purged after successful
    backup. This could lead to longer runtimes for entire backup
    process, as well as higher CPU usage.

* ``common`` role

  * Dropped support for Python 2.7 pip requirements upgrade
    checks. Only Python 3 is supported now.

    Requirements (input) files for Python 3 are now put under the
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@@ -85,169 +85,167 @@ Parameters
  specified mirror.

**preseed_mirror_hostname** (string, optional, ````)
  Resolvable hostname of FQDN where the Debian apt repositories can be
  found. Only HTTP mirrors are supported.

**preseed_mirror_proxy** (string, optional, ``None``)
  An HTTP proxy that should be used for accessing the Debian apt

**preseed_netmask** (string, mandatory if **preseed_network_auto** is ``no``)
  Netmask for the server network interface.

**preseed_network_auto** (boolean, optional, ``yes``)
  Specifies whether the network configuration should be automatic (using DHCP)
  or manual. If manual configuration is selected a number of additional options
  needs to be specified: ``preseed_hostname``, ``preseed_domain``,
  ``preseed_ip``, ``preseed_netmask``, ``preseed_gateway``,
  ``preseed_dns``. For some of these values you may want to use per-server
  overrides - see parameter ``preseed_server_overrides``.

**preseed_network_interface** (string, optional, ``eth0``)
  Name of network interface (for example ``eth0``, ``eth1`` etc) that should be

**preseed_root_password** (string, optional, ``root``)
  Initial password that should be set for the server during the installation.

**preseed_server_overrides** (string, optional, ``{}``)
  A dictionary consisting out of one or more entries where individual values for
  preseed files can be overridden per-server. Each entry's key should be the
  name of the server, as specified in the inventory. Each value should also be a
  dictionary, where valid keys are: ``country``, ``dns``, ``domain``,
  ``gateway``, ``hostname``, ``ip``, ``keymap``, ``language``, ``locale``,
  ``mirror_directory``, ``mirror_hostname``, ``mirror_proxy``, ``netmask``,
  ``network_auto``, ``network_interface``, ``root_password``,
  ``timezone``. These have the same meaning as their ``preseed_`` counterparts.

**preseed_timezone** (string, optional, ``Europe/Stockholm``)
  Timezone that should be used when calculating server time. It is assumed that
  the local hardware clock is set to UTC.


Distribution compatibility

Role is compatible with the following distributions:

- Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Debian 12 (Bookworm)



Here is an example configuration for a preseed file that sets some global
defaults to be used for all servers, and then overrides it for one server:

.. code-block:: yaml


  ansible_key: {{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}
  preseed_country: UK
  preseed_directory: /var/www/preseed
  preseed_keymap: UK
  preseed_language: en
  preseed_locale: en_UK.UTF-8
  preseed_mirror_directory: /debian
  preseed_mirror_proxy: ""
  preseed_network_auto: yes
  preseed_network_interface: eth0
  preseed_root_password: secret
  preseed_timezone: Europe/London
      network_auto: no
      hostname: ldap
      timezone: Europe/Stockholm



The ``bootstrap`` role can be used for bootstraping a new server with
Ansible. In order to apply this role to a server, all that is necessary is root
access to the server (either via SSH or locally).

The role implements the following:

* Installs sudo package.
* Creates operating system user and group for Ansible (``ansible``).
* Sets-up an authorized_key for operating system user ``ansible`` (for remote
  SSH access).
* Configures sudo to allow operating system user ``ansible`` to run sudo
  commands without password authentication.
* Removes the Ansible user's key from the list of authorized keys for user root
  at the end of bootstrap process. This key was necessary only for the bootstrap



**ansible_key** (string, mandatory)
  SSH public key that should be deployed to authorized_keys truststore for
  operating system user ``ansible``.


Distribution compatibility

Role is compatible with the following distributions:

- Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Debian 12 (Bookworm)



Since the role is meant to be used just after the server has been installed, and
using the ``root`` account, it is probably going to be invoked from a separate

For example, a playbook (``bootstrap.yml``) could look something similar to:

.. code-block:: yaml


  - hosts: "{{ server }}"
    remote_user: root
      - bootstrap
      ansible_key: "{{ lookup('file', 'authorized_keys/') }}"

With such a playbook in place, it would be invoked with::

  ansible-playbook --ask-pass -e bootstrap.yml



The ``common`` role can be used for applying a common configuration and
hardening across all servers, no matter what services they provide.

The role implements the following:

* Configures apt to use caching proxy (if any was specified).
* Sets-up umask for all logins to ``0027``.
* Installs sudo.
* Sets-up uniform bash prompt for all accounts (optionally coloured and with
  identifier). This is useful for distinguishing machines and/or environments.
* Sets-up ability to have user-specific ``/etc/profile.d/`` entries via
* Installs additional base packages, as configured.
* Disables ``electric-indent-mode`` in Emacs globally if either the ``emacs24``
  or ``emacs24-nox`` are installed through the role.
* Creates additional operating system groups, as configured.
* Creates additional operating system users, as configured.
@@ -432,226 +430,220 @@ Parameters
  Default value is:

  .. code-block:: yaml

    - build==1.0.3
    - click==8.1.7
    - importlib-metadata==6.7.0
    - packaging==23.2
    - pip-tools==6.14.0
    - pip==23.1.2
    - pyproject-hooks==1.0.0
    - setuptools==68.0.0
    - tomli==2.0.1
    - typing-extensions==4.7.1
    - wheel==0.41.3
    - zipp==3.15.0


**pipreqcheck_uid** (integer, optional, ``whatever OS picks``)
  UID for user running the pip requirements upgrade checks. User is created with
  name ``pipreqcheck``.

**pipreqcheck_gid** (integer, optional, ``whatever OS picks``)
  GID for user running the pip requirements upgrade checks. Group is created
  with name ``pipreqcheck``.

**prompt_colour** (string, optional, ``none``)
  Colour for showing the Bash prompt. Supported values are:

  ``black``, ``red``, ``green``, ``brown``, ``blue``, ``purple``, ``cyan``,
  ``light_gray``, ``dark_gray``, ``light_red``, ``light_green``, ``yellow``,
  ``light_blue``, ``light_purple``, ``light_cyan``, ``white``, ``none``.

  You should probably *not* use the ``black`` colour. Setting affects Bash
  shells *only*. Setting the value to ``none`` uses default terminal colour.

**prompt_id** (string, optional, ``NONE``)
  Optional identifier appended to regular Bash prompt, useful for visually
  identifying distinct environments. For example, if set to ``test``, resulting
  prompt will be similar to ``admin@web[test]:~$``. Setting affects Bash shells


Distribution compatibility

Role is compatible with the following distributions:

- Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Debian 12 (Bookworm)



Here is an example configuration for setting-up some common users, groups, and
packages on all servers:

.. code-block:: yaml


    - name: admin
      uid: 1000
        - sudo
        - "{{ lookup('file', '/home/admin/.ssh/') }}"
      password: '$6$AaJRWtqyX5pk$IP8DUjgY0y2zqMom9BAc.O9qHoQWLFCmEsPRCika6l/Xh87cp2SnlMywH0.r4uEcbHnoicQG46V9VrJ8fxp2d.'
    - name: john
      uid: 1001
      password: '$6$AaJRWtqyX5pk$IP8DUjgY0y2zqMom9BAc.O9qHoQWLFCmEsPRCika6l/Xh87cp2SnlMywH0.r4uEcbHnoicQG46V9VrJ8fxp2d.'

    - name: localusers
      gid: 2500

    - emacs23-nox
    - screen
    - debconf-utils

    "truststore": "{{ lookup('file', '../certs/truststore.pem') }}"

  incoming_connection_limit: 2/second

  incoming_connection_limit_burst: 6

  prompt_colour: light_green

  prompt_id: PROD

.. _ldap_client:

LDAP Client

The ``ldap_client`` role can be used for setting-up an OpenLDAP client on
destination machine.

The role implements the following:

* Installs OpenLDAP client tools.
* Sets-up global configuration file for OpenLDAP clients at /etc/ldap/ldap.conf.



**ldap_client_config** (list, optional, ``[]``)
  A list of configuration options that should be put into the LDAP configuration
  file. Each item is a dictionary with the following options defining the
  configuration parameter:

  **comment** (string, mandatory)
    Comment that will be shown in the file just above the configuration option.

  **option** (string, mandatory)
    Name of configuration option.

  **value** (string, mandatory)
    Value for configuration option.


Distribution compatibility

Role is compatible with the following distributions:

- Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Debian 12 (Bookworm)



Here is an example configuration for setting some common LDAP client options:

.. code-block:: yaml


    - comment: Set the base DN
      option: BASE
      value: dc=example,dc=com
    - comment: Set the default URI
      option: URI
      value: ldap://
    - comment: Set the truststore for TLS/SSL
      option: TLS_CACERT
      value: /etc/ssl/certs/example_ca.pem
    - commment: Force basic server certificate verification
      option: TLS_REQCERT
      value: demand
    - comment: Disable CRL checks for server certificate
      option: TLS_CRLCHECK
      value: none


LDAP Server

The ``ldap_server`` role can be used for setting-up an OpenLDAP server on
destination machine.

The role implements the following:

* Deploys LDAP TLS private key and certificate.
* Configures TLS versions and ciphers suppported by the server.
* Installs OpenLDAP server (package ``slapd``).
* Configures OpenLDAP server (base DN - domain, organisation, TLS, SSF, log levels).
* Sets-up separate log file for OpenLDAP server at
  ``/var/log/slapd.log`` (with log rotation included), but *only* on
  Debian 11 Bullseye. Starting with Debian 12 Bookworm, the use of
  rsyslog is considered to be deprecated by Majic Ansible Roles.
* Enables the ``misc`` LDAP schema (from ``/etc/ldap/schema/misc.ldif``). This
  is necessary for the mail server role.
* Enables the ``memberof`` overlay on top of default database. The overlay is
  configured to keep track of membership changes for object class
  ``groupOfUniqueNames`` via attribute ``uniqueMember``. Enforcement of
  referential integrity is turned on as well (modifications of ``memberof``
  attribute will update corresponding group as well.
* Creates a basic directory structure used by most of the other roles.
* Creates a basic directory structure used by the mail server role.
* Creates login entries for services that need to consume LDAP directory data in
  some way.
* Creates user-supplied groups in LDAP.
* Configures permissions.
* Creates LDAP entries.
* Configures firewall to allow incoming connections to the LDAP server (via both
  TCP 389 and 636).
* Sets the LDAP server administrator's password.


LDIF Templates

For adding users, use::

  dn: uid=USERNAME,ou=people,BASE_DN
  objectClass: inetOrgPerson
  objectClass: simpleSecurityObject
  gn: NAME
  displayName: DISPLAYNAME
  initials: INITIALS
  mail: MAIL
  mobile: MOBILE



Role dependencies

Depends on the following roles:

* **common**
* **ldap_client**
* **backup_client**

@@ -731,115 +723,114 @@ Parameters

  - **name** (name of the service, mandatory, this will be used to construct the
    login entry DN in format of ``cn=NAME,ou=services,BASE_DN``)
  - **password** (password for the login entry, mandatory)
  - **state** (state of the service, optional, defaults to ``present``, this
    should be ``present`` or ``absent``, allowing for removal of old services)

**ldap_server_groups** (list, optional, ``[]``)
  List of groups that should be created in the LDAP directory. Each item should
  be a dictionary containing the following keys:

  - **name** (name of the group, mandatory, this will be used to construct the
    group DN in format of ``cn=NAME,ou=groups,BASE_DN``)
  - **state** (state of the group, optional, defaults to ``present``, this
    should be ``present`` or ``absent``, allowing for removal of old groups)

**ldap_server_domain** (string, mandatory)
  Domain that should be used for constructing the base DN of default user LDAP
  database. This should be a sub-domain dedicated to organisation. The base DN
  will be constructed by putting all elements of the sub-domain as ``dc``
  entries (as per standard Debian convention). E.g. ```` would get
  transformed into ``dc=example,dc=com``.

**ldap_server_organization** (string, optional, ``Private``)
  Organization that should be specified in the base DN entry.

**ldap_server_log_level** (string, optional, ``256``)
  Log level to use for the server. This should be compatible with OpenLDAP
  configuration option ``olcLogLevel``. See `OpenLDAP Administrator's Guide
  <>` for value
  description and syntax.

**ldap_server_tls_certificate** (string, mandatory)
  X.509 certificate used for TLS for LDAP service. The file will be stored in
  directory ``/etc/ssl/certs/`` under name ``{{ ansible_fqdn }}_ldap.pem``.

**ldap_server_tls_key** (string, mandatory)
  Private key used for TLS for LDAP service. The file will be stored in
  directory ``/etc/ssl/private/`` under name ``{{ ansible_fqdn }}_ldap.key``.

**ldap_server_ssf** (number, optional, ``128``)
  Minimum *Security Strength Factor* to require from all incoming
  connections. This applies for both remote and local connections.

**ldap_tls_ciphers** (string, optional ``NONE:+VERS-TLS1.2:+CTYPE-X509:+COMP-NULL:+SIGN-RSA-SHA256:+SIGN-RSA-SHA384:+SIGN-RSA-SHA512:+DHE-RSA:+ECDHE-RSA:+SHA256:+SHA384:+SHA512:+AEAD:+AES-128-GCM:+AES-256-GCM:+CHACHA20-POLY1305:+CURVE-ALL``)

  .. warning::
     Under Debian Bullseye and upwards, slapd will not use the DH
     parameters generated by the role, but will instead use them to
     pick one of the recommended DH parameters from `RFC-7919
     Under Debian Bullseye and upwards, slapd does not use the DH
     parameters generated by the role, but instead uses them to pick
     one of the recommended DH parameters from `RFC-7919
     <>`_. This is based on the
     size of role-generated parameters.

  TLS ciphers to enable on the LDAP server. This should be a GnuTLS-compatible
  cipher specification that should also include what TLS protocol versions
  should be used. Value should be compatible with OpenLDAP server option
  ``olcTLSCipherSuite``. Default value allows only TLSv1.2 and strong PFS


Distribution compatibility

Role is compatible with the following distributions:

- Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Debian 12 (Bookworm)



Here is an example configuration for setting-up LDAP server:

.. code-block:: yaml


  ldap_server_domain: ""
  ldap_server_organization: "Example Corporation"
  ldap_server_log_level: 256
  ldap_server_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', '~/tls/ldap.example.com_ldap.pem') }}"
  ldap_server_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/tls/ldap.example.com_ldap.key') }}"
  ldap_server_ssf: 128

    - >
      to *
      by dn.exact=gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth manage
      by * break
    - >
      to attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange
      by self write
      by anonymous auth
      by dn="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" write
      by * none
    - >
      to dn.base=""
      by * read
    - >
      to *
      by self write
      by dn="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" write
      by users read
      by * none

    - dn: ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
        objectClass: organizationalUnit
        ou: people
    - dn: ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
        objectClass: organizationalUnit
@@ -959,97 +950,96 @@ Parameters
  users, aliases etc.

**xmpp_ldap_password** (string, mandatory)
  Password used for authenticating to the LDAP server.

**xmpp_ldap_server** (string, mandatory)
  Fully qualified domain name, hostname, or IP address of the LDAP server used
  for user authentication and listing.

**xmpp_server_archive_expiration** (string, optional, ``never``)
  Expiration period for messages stored server-side using `XEP-0313:
  Message Archive Management
  <>`_. The value should be
  compatible with `Prosody mod_mam
  <>`_ configuration option

**xmpp_server_tls_ciphers** (string, optional ``DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:!aNULL:!MD5:!EXPORT``)
  TLS ciphers to enable on the XMPP server. This should be an
  OpenSSL-compatible cipher specification. Value should be compatible
  with Prosody's option ``ciphers`` normally defined within the
  ``ssl`` section of configuration file (see `official documentation
  <>`_ for details).
  Default value allows only TLSv1.2 and strong PFS ciphers with RSA
  private keys.

**xmpp_server_tls_protocol** (string, optional, ``tlsv1_2+``)
  Protocol version the XMPP server should support for client
  connections. The value specified should be compatible with Prosody's
  ``protocol`` option normally defined within the ``ssl`` section of
  configuration file (see `official documentation
  <>`__ for

**xmpp_tls_certificate** (string, mandatory)
  X.509 certificate used for TLS for XMPP service. The file will be stored in
  directory ``/etc/ssl/certs/`` under name ``{{ ansible_fqdn }}_xmpp.pem``.

**xmpp_tls_key** (string, mandatory)
  Private key used for TLS for XMPP service. The file will be stored in
  directory ``/etc/ssl/private/`` under name ``{{ ansible_fqdn }}_xmpp.key``.


Distribution compatibility

Role is compatible with the following distributions:

- Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Debian 12 (Bookworm)



Here is an example configuration for setting-up XMPP server using Prosody:

.. code-block:: yaml


  xmpp_ldap_base_dn: dc=example,dc=com
  xmpp_ldap_password: xmpp
  # These are default key and certificate that generated during Prosody
  # installation. Possibly you want to deploy your own.
  xmpp_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', '/etc/prosody/certs/localhost.key') }}"
  xmpp_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', '/etc/prosody/certs/localhost.crt') }}"


Mail Server

.. warning::
   It may happen that the ``clamav-freshclam`` service hasn't finished
   downloading the virus database before the ``clamav-daemon`` and
   ``clamav-milter`` services are enabled during the initial run. If mail server
   is not operational, you may need to wait for a little while for download to
   finish, and then restart the ``clamav-daemon`` and ``clamav-milter``

The ``mail_server`` role can be used for setting-up a complete mail server
solution, which includes both SMTP and IMAP service, on destination machine.

Postfix is used SMTP, while Dovecot is used for IMAP.

The role implements the following:

* Installs rsync.
* Deploys IMAP/SMTP TLS private keys and certificates.
* Installs and configures Dovecot, Postfix, ClamAV, and ClamAV Milter.
* Purges Exim4 configuration (just in case).
* Sets-up aliases for the local recipients.
@@ -1208,97 +1198,96 @@ Parameters
  will easily reach it.

**imap_tls_certificate** (string, mandatory)
  X.509 certificate used for TLS for IMAP service. The file will be stored in
  directory ``/etc/ssl/certs/`` under name ``{{ ansible_fqdn }}_imap.pem``.

**imap_tls_key** (string, mandatory)
  Private key used for TLS for IMAP service. The file will be stored in
  directory ``/etc/ssl/private/`` under name ``{{ ansible_fqdn }}_imap.key``.

**local_mail_aliases** (dictionary, optional, ``{}``)
  Dictionary defining the local aliases. Aliases defined this way will either be
  appended to default aliases on the server, or replace the existing entries (if
  the alias/recipient is already present). Keys in the dictionary are the local
  recipients/aliases, while the value provided should be a space-separated list
  of mail addresses (or local users) where the mails should be forwarded.

**smtp_tls_certificate** (string, mandatory)
  X.509 certificate used for TLS for SMTP service. The file will be stored in
  directory ``/etc/ssl/certs/`` under name ``{{ ansible_fqdn }}_smtp.pem``.

**smtp_tls_key** (string, mandatory)
  Private key used for TLS for SMTP service. The file will be stored in
  directory ``/etc/ssl/private/`` under name ``{{ ansible_fqdn }}_smtp.key``.

**imap_folder_separator** (string, optional, ``/``)
  Character used for separating the IMAP folders when clients are requesting
  listing from the server. Usually either slash(``/``) or dot(``.``).

**smtp_rbl** (list, optional, ``[]``)
  List of RBLs to use for detecting servers which send out spam. Each item is a
  string resembling the RBL domain.

**mail_postmaster** (string, optional, ``postmaster@{{ ansible_domain}}``)
  Mail address to use for the postmaster account in Dovecot.

**smtp_allow_relay_from** (list, optional, [])
  List of networks from which mail relaying is allowed even without
  authentication. Each item in the list is a string defining a network. The
  format must be compatible with Postfix ``mynetworks`` setting (for example:
  ````, ```` etc).


Distribution compatibility

Role is compatible with the following distributions:

- Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Debian 12 (Bookworm)



Here is an example configuration for setting-up XMPP server using Prosody:

.. code-block:: yaml


  mail_ldap_url: ldap://
  mail_ldap_tls_truststore: /etc/ssl/certs/truststore.pem
  mail_ldap_base_dn: dc=example,dc=com
  mail_ldap_postfix_password: postfix
  mail_ldap_dovecot_password: dovecot

  mail_user: vmail
  mail_user_uid: 5000
  mail_user_gid: 5000

  # All mails sent to local user root will be forwarded to external account as
  # well.
    root: "root"

  imap_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', '~/tls/mail.example.com_imap.pem') }}"
  imap_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/tls/mail.example.com_imap.key') }}"
  smtp_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', '~/tls/mail.example.com_smtp.pem') }}"
  smtp_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/tls/mail.example.com_smtp.key') }}"
  imap_folder_separator: /


  imap_max_user_connections_per_ip: 50


Mail Forwarder

The ``mail_forwarder`` role can be used for setting-up a local SMTP server for
@@ -1343,97 +1332,96 @@ Depends on the following roles:

* **common**



**local_mail_aliases** (dictionary, optional, ``[]``)
  Dictionary defining the local aliases. Aliases defined this way will either be
  appended to default aliases on the server, or replace the existing entries (if
  the alias/recipient is already present). Keys in the dictionary are the local
  recipients/aliases, while the value provided should be a space-separated list
  of mail addresses (or local users) where the mails should be forwarded.

**mail_message_size_limit** (integer, optional, ``10240000``)
  Maximum size of message in bytes that the SMTP server should accept
  for incoming mails. If the mail message size exceeds the listed
  value, it will be rejected by the server. The size is also
  advertised as part of SMTP server capabilities (in response to the
  ``ehlo`` SMTP command). Changing the value is primarily useful when
  SMTP from relay is allowed (via the ``smtp_from_relay_allowed``
  parameter), since incoming SMTP communication is otherwise not
  allowed at all.

**smtp_from_relay_allowed** (boolean, optional, ``True``)
  Specify if SMTP traffic from SMTP relay should be allowed or not (for bounced
  messages, for example). This parameter should be set to ``False`` on systems
  behind NAT or on systems that may not have constant network connectivity (such
  as laptops) to avoid firewall failures since SMTP relay name needs to be

**smtp_relay_host** (string, optional, ``None``)
  SMTP server via which the mails are sent out for non-local recipients.

**smtp_relay_host_port** (integer, optional, ``None``)
  Port to use when connecting to the SMTP relay host.

**smtp_relay_truststore** (string, mandatory)
  X.509 certificate chain used for issuing certificate for the SMTP relay
  service. The file will be stored in location


Distribution compatibility

Role is compatible with the following distributions:

- Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Debian 12 (Bookworm)



Here is an example configuration for setting-up the mail forwarder:

.. code-block:: yaml


  # All mails sent to local user root will be forwarded to external account as
  # well.
    root: "root"


  smtp_relay_host_port: 27

  smtp_from_relay_allowed: False

  smtp_relay_truststore: /etc/ssl/certs/example_ca_chain.pem


Web Server

The ``web_server`` role can be used for setting-up a web server on destination

The role is supposed to be very lightweight, providing a basis for deployment of
web applications.

The role implements the following:

* Installs and configures nginx with a single, default vhost with a small static
  index page.
* Deploys the HTTPS TLS private key and certificate (for default vhost).
* Configures TLS versions and ciphers supported by Nginx.
* Uses 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman parameters for relevant TLS ciphers for
  incoming connections.
* Configures firewall to allow incoming connections to the web server.
* Installs and configures virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper as a common base for
  Python apps.
* Installs and configures PHP FPM as a common base for PHP apps.

@@ -1469,97 +1457,96 @@ Parameters
  directory ``/etc/ssl/private/`` under name ``{{ ansible_fqdn }}_https.key``.

**environment_indicator** (dictionary, optional, ``null``)
  Specify configuration for including environment indicator on all
  HTML pages. Indicator is a simple strip at bottom of a page with
  custom background colour, text colour, and text. Indicator can be
  collapsed by clicking on the arrows on the left side of the strip.

  Specifying environment indicator is useful for avoiding mistakes
  when testing by having better visibility what environment you are in

  The following keys need to be specified:

  **background_colour** (string, mandatory)
    Background colour to use for the strip at bottom. This should be value
    compatible with CSS ``background-color`` attribute.

  **text_colour** (string, mandatory)
    Text colour to use for the strip at bottom. This should be value compatible
    with CSS ``color`` attribute.

  **text** (string, mandatory)
    Text to show in show in the strip at bottom.

**web_default_title** (string, optional, ``Welcome``)
  Title for the default web page shown to users (if no other vhosts were matched).

**web_default_message** (string, optional, ``You are attempting to access the web server using a wrong name or an IP address. Please check your URL.``)
  Message for the default web page shown to users (if no other vhosts were

**web_server_tls_protocols** (list, optional, ``[ "TLSv1.2" ]``)
  List of TLS protocols the web server should support. Each value specified
  should be compatible with Nginx configuration option ``ssl_protocols``.

**web_server_tls_ciphers** (string, optional, ``DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:!aNULL:!MD5:!EXPORT``)
  TLS ciphers to enable on the web server. This should be an OpenSSL-compatible
  cipher specification. Value should be compatible with Nginx configuration
  option ``ssl_ciphers``. Default value allows only TLSv1.2 and strong PFS
  ciphers with RSA private keys.


Distribution compatibility

Role is compatible with the following distributions:

- Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Debian 12 (Bookworm)



Here is an example configuration for setting-up web server:

.. code-block:: yaml


  default_https_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/tls/web.example.com_https.key') }}"
  default_https_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/tls/web.example.com_https.pem') }}"

  web_default_title: "Welcome to Example Inc."
  web_default_message: "You are attempting to access the web server using a wrong name or an IP address. Please check your URL."


PHP Website

The ``php_website`` role can be used for setting-up a website powered by PHP on
destination machine.

This role is normally not supposed to be used directly, but should instead serve
as the basis for writing website-specific roles. Therefore the role is written
in quite generic way, allowing the integrator to write his/her own logic for
deploying the necessary PHP applications, while still reusing a common base and
reducing the workload.

The role implements the following:

* Creates a dedicated user/group for running the PHP scripts.
* Creates a dedicated administrator user for maintaining the website.
* Creates a base directory where the website-specific code and data should be
  stored at.
* Adds nginx to website's group, so nginx could read the necessary files.
* Adds website administrator to website's group, so administrator could manage
  the code and data.
* Installs additional packages required for running the role (as configured).
* Deploys the HTTPS TLS private key and certificate (for website vhost).
* Configures PHP FPM and nginx to serve the website.

The role is implemented with the following layout/logic in mind:

* Clients are served with ``Strict-Transport-Security`` header with
  value of ``max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains``. This forces
@@ -1692,97 +1679,96 @@ Parameters
  string. Nginx variables can be used as well, however keep in mind
  that the dollar sign (``$``) *cannot* be used/escaped due to Nginx
  configuration file syntax limitations.

**https_tls_certificate** (string, mandatory)
  X.509 certificate used for TLS for HTTPS service. The file will be stored in
  directory ``/etc/ssl/certs/`` under name ``{{ fqdn }}_https.pem``.

**https_tls_key** (string, optional, mandatory)
  Private key used for TLS for HTTPS service. The file will be stored in
  directory ``/etc/ssl/private/`` under name ``{{ fqdn }}_https.key``.

**php_file_regex** (string, optional, ``\.php$``)
  Regular expression used for determining which file should be interepted via

**php_rewrite_urls** (list, optional, ``[]``)
  A list of rewrite rules that are applied to incoming requests. These rewrite
  rules are specifically targetted at prettying-up the URLs used by the PHP
  scripts. Each element of the list should be a string value compatible with the
  format of ``nginx`` option ``rewrite``. The keyword ``rewrite`` itself should
  be omitted, as well as trailing semi-colon (``;``).

**rewrites** (list, optional, ``[]``)
  A list of rewrite rules that are applied to incoming requests. Each element of
  the list should be a string value compatible with the format of ``nginx``
  option ``rewrite``. The keyword ``rewrite`` itself should be omitted, as well
  as trailing semi-colon (``;``).

**packages** (list, optional, ``[]``)
  A list of additional packages to install for this particular PHP
  appliction. This is usually going to be different PHP extensions.

**uid** (integer, optional, ``whatever OS picks``)
  UID/GID (they are set-up to be the same) of the dedicated website

**website_mail_recipients** (string, optional, ``root``)
  Space-separated list of e-mails or local users to which the mails, sent to
  either the website admin or website user, should be forwarded to. Forwarding
  is configured via ``~/.forward`` configuration file.


Distribution compatibility

Role is compatible with the following distributions:

- Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Debian 12 (Bookworm)



Here is an example configuration for setting-up two (base) PHP websites (for
running *ownCloud* and *The Bug Genie* applications):

.. code-block:: yaml

    - role: php_website
      uid: 2001
      php_file_regex: \.php($|/)
        - ^/\.well-known/host-meta /public.php?service=host-meta
        - ^/\.well-known/host-meta\.json /public.php?service=host-meta-json
        - ^/\.well-known/carddav /remote.php/carddav/ redirect
        - ^/\.well-known/caldav /remote.php/caldav/ redirect
        - ^/apps/calendar/caldav\.php /remote.php/caldav/
        - ^/apps/contacts/carddav\.php /remote.php/carddav/
        - ^/remote/(.*) /remote.php
        - ^(\.|autotest|occ|issue|indie|db_|console|build/|tests/|config/|lib/|3rdparty/|templates/).*
        # For ownCloud
        - php5-gd
        - php5-json
        - php5-mysql
        - php5-curl
      https_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/tls/cloud.example.com_https.key') }}"
      https_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/tls/cloud.example.com_https.pem') }}"
        - comment: Use custom page for forbidden files.
          value: error_page 403 /core/templates/403.php;
        - comment: Use custom page for non-existing locations/files.
          value: error_page 404 /core/templates/404.php;
        "env[PATH]": "\"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin\""
      website_mail_recipients: "root"
        background_colour: "green"
        text_colour: "black"
        text: "TEST ENVIRONMENT"
    - role: php_website
        - ^\..*
@@ -1994,237 +1980,234 @@ Parameters

**wsgi_application** (string, mandatory)
  WSGI application that should be started by Gunicorn. The format should be
  conformant to what the ``gunicorn`` command-line tool accepts. If the
  ``use_paste`` option is enabled, the value should be equal to filename of the
  Python Paste ini file, located in the ``code`` sub-directory. It should be
  noted that in either case the value should be specsified relative to the
  ``code`` sub-directory. I.e. don't use full paths.

**wsgi_requirements** (list, optional, ``[ gunicorn==21.2.0, packaging==23.2 ]``)
  Complete list of pip requirements used for deploying Gunicorn. If
  specified, this list will be used to create requirements file and
  install Gunicorn and its dependencies from that one. This allows to
  have pinned packages for both Gunicorn and its dependencies.

  It should be noted that this installation method is meant primarily in case of
  roles that want to take advantage of upgrade checks for pip requirements
  files, and that employ `pip-tools <>`_.

  In addition to change of installation method, when this parameter is
  specified the role will deploy necessary files for running the pip
  requirements upgrade check (see the ``common`` role for
  description). For this a directory is created under
  ``/etc/pip_check_requirements_upgrades/FQDN``. The same directory
  should be used by dependant roles to deploy their own ``.in`` and
  ``.txt`` files. Make sure the file ownership is set to

  Should you need to utilise the requirements file in some manner (other than
  checking for its upgrades), it will be also stored (and made accessible to
  application user/admin)) in application's home directory under the name

  To create complete requirements list, it is recommended to use `pip-tools
  <>`_ (the ``pip-compile`` utility) with
  ``gunicorn`` and ``futures`` in the ``.in.`` file.

**wsgi_requirements_in** (list, optional, ``[ gunicorn ]``)
  List of top level packages to use when performing the pip
  requirements upgrade checks for the Gunicorn requirements (listed
  via ``wsgi_requirements`` parameter).


Distribution compatibility

Role is compatible with the following distributions:

- Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Debian 12 (Bookworm)



Here is an example configuration for setting-up a (base) WSGI website (for
running a bare Django project):

.. code-block:: yaml

    # Sample for a Django installation.
    - role: wsgi_website
        - /static
        - /media
      uid: 2004
        - django
      wsgi_application: django_example_com.wsgi:application
        DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE: "django_example_com.settings.production"
      https_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/tls/wsgi.example.com_https.key') }}"
      https_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/tls/wsgi.example.com_https.pem') }}"
        - comment: Use custom page for forbidden files.
          value: error_page 403 /static/403.html;
        - comment: Use custom page for non-existing locations/files.
          value: error_page 404 /static/404.html;
      website_mail_recipients: "root"
        background_colour: "green"
        text_colour: "black"
        text: "TEST ENVIRONMENT"
        Accept-Encoding: ""

    # Use wsgi_requirements to deploy Gunicorn.
    - role: wsgi_website
      wsgi_application: wsgi:main
        - gunicorn==19.7.1
	- futures==3.1.1


Database Server

The ``database_server`` role can be used for setting-up a MariaDB database
server on destination machine.

The role implements the following:

* Installs MariaDB server and client.
* Configures MariaDB server and client to use *UTF-8* encoding by default.
* Sets-up the database root user for passwordless login via UNIX
  socket authentication.


Role dependencies

Depends on the following roles:

* **common**



This role has no parameters.


Distribution compatibility

Role is compatible with the following distributions:

- Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Debian 12 (Bookworm)



This role has no parameters which can be configured configure.



The ``database`` role can be used for creating a MariaDB database and
accompanying user on destination machine.

The role implements the following:

* Creates MariaDB database.
* Creates a dedicated user capable of performing any operation on the created
  database. Username is set to be same as the name of database.
* Sets-up pre-backup task that creates database dump in location
  ``/srv/backup/mariadb/{{ db_name }}.sql``.


Role dependencies

Depends on the following roles:

* **database_server**
* **backup_client**



If the backup for this role has been enabled, the following paths are backed-up:

**/srv/backup/maraidb/{{ db_name }}.sql**
  Dump of the database. Database dump is created every day at 01:45 in the



**db_name** (string, mandatory)
  Name of the database that should be created.

**db_password** (string, mandatory)
  Password for the database user.


Distribution compatibility

Role is compatible with the following distributions:

- Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Debian 12 (Bookworm)



Here is an example configuration for creating a single database (for some

.. code-block:: yaml

  - role: database
    db_name: phpinfo_example_com
    db_password: phpinfo_example_com


Backup Server

The ``backup_server`` role can be used for setting-up a server to act as backup
storage for the backup clients. Storage is made available to the clients
exclusively via SFTP on a dedicated port and dedicated OpenSSH server
instance. This instance is specifically configured and tailored for this

The role is primarily aimed for use with `Duplicity
<>`_, but should be also usable for generic SFTP

The role implements the following:

* Installs backup software (Duplicity, Duply).
* Creates a dedicated directory structure for backups with the following structure:

  * ``/srv/backups/`` - main directory under which all the backups reside.
  * ``/srv/backups/SERVER_NAME/`` - home directory for the backup user, name
    after the server. Backup users are confined to their respective home
    directory via chroot. Backup users can't write to their own home directory,
  * ``/srv/backups/SERVER_NAME/duplicity/`` - directory where the Duplicity
    backups are stored at. This directory is writable by the respective backup
  * ``SERVER_NAME/.ssh/`` - directory where authorized keys are stored. Backup
    user is not allowed to make modifications to this directory and files
    contained within (i.e. backup users can't add more keys to the
    ``authorized_keys`` file).
* Creates dedicated operating system users for backup clients. These users will
  be made members of the ``backup`` group as well (as an additional group).
@@ -2250,97 +2233,96 @@ Parameters

**backup_clients** (list, optional)
  List of backup clients that are connecting to the backup server. This is
  usually done on a per-server basis. Each item in the list is a dictionary
  describing the backup client. The following keys are available:

  **server** (string, mandatory)
    Name of the server that is backed up. It is highly recommended to use
    server's FQDN for this purpose. The dedicated operating system user created
    will have the name of format ``bak-ESCAPED_SERVER_NAME``, where
    ``ESCAPED_SERVER_NAME`` is calculated by taking the passed-in server name
    and replacing all dots (``.``) with undescores (``_``). For example,
    ```` will be turned into ``bak-web_example_com``.

  **uid** (integer, optional, ``whatever OS picks``)
    Uid for the operating system user. User's default group will have a GID
    identical to the user's UID if specified. Otherwise user's default group
    will have OS-determined GID.

  **ip** (IPv4 address, mandatory)
    IPv4 address from which the backup client server is connecting to the backup
    server. Used for introducing stricter firewall rules.

  **public_key** (string, mandatory)
    SSH public key used by backup client to connect to the backup server.

**backup_host_ssh_private_keys** (dictionary, mandatory)
  Defines host keys used for the dedicated OpenSSH server instance for
  backup. Key values that must be provided are:

  - **rsa**
  - **ed25519**
  - **ecdsa**

  Values for each key should be the corresponding private key
  generated using the appropriate algorithm. Keys for this purpose can
  be easily created via commands::

    ssh-keygen -f backup_server_rsa_key -N '' -t rsa
    ssh-keygen -f backup_server_ed25519_key -N '' -t ed25519
    ssh-keygen -f backup_server_ecdsa_key -N '' -t ecdsa


Distribution compatibility

Role is compatible with the following distributions:

- Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Debian 12 (Bookworm)



Here is an example configuration for setting-up the backup server role:

.. code-block:: yaml

  - role: backup_server
      - server:
        uid: 3000
        public_key: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/') }}"
      - server:
        public_key: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/') }}"
      rsa: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/backup_server_rsa_key') }}"
      ed25519: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/backup_server_ed25519_key') }}"
      ecdsa: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/backup_server_ecdsa_key') }}"


Backup Client

The ``backup_client`` role can be used for setting-up the server as a backup
client so it can perform backups to the backup server.

Backup clients utilise duplicity (via the duply convenience wrapper) for
performing the backups to a backup server via *SFTP* protocol.

The role itself will take care of deploying the necessary software,
configuration files, and encryption/signing private key to the backup client in
order to be able to perform backup.

Files that should be backed-up are specified using the ``backup`` role.

The role implements the following:

* Installs backup software (Duplicity, Duply).
* Sets-up Duply configuration under directory ``/etc/duply/main/``.
* Deploys encryption/signing private key (usually host-specific), as well as
  additional encryption public keys to the server, and imports them into local
  GnuPG keyring used by backup software.
* Deploys private SSH key for logging-in into the backup server over SFTP.
@@ -2382,134 +2364,132 @@ Duply is configured as follows:

   This may not be the most elegant solution, but for now it offers better
   flexibility (theoretically, you could store all those keys etc as plaintext
   files instead).



**backup_additional_encryption_keys** (list, optional, ``[]``)
  List of additional public encryption keys used for backup operation. Each item
  in the list should be an ASCII armour-encoded public key exported from a GnuPG
  keyring. These additional public keys are useful in cases where the backups
  should be decryptable with some master key in addition to server-specific key.

**backup_client_username** (string, optional, ``bak-{{ ansible_fqdn | replace('.', '_') }}``)
  Username for connecting to the backup server via SFTP.

**backup_encryption_key** (string, mandatory)
  Private GnuPG key, encoded using ASCII armor, used for encryption and signing
  operations when running the backup on the client server. This *must* be a
  private key! This is normally host-specific encryption key that is distributed
  to destination server and that can be also used for the restore operations
  (for data decryption). The key must not be password-protected.

**backup_server** (string, mandatory)
  Backup server to connect to.

**backup_server_destination** (string, optional, ``/duplicity``)
  Target directory on the backup server where the backups are stored.

**backup_server_host_ssh_public_keys** (list, mandatory)
  SSH public keys presented by the server during client authentication. These
  public keys are used for populating the known hosts on the backup client side
  for host verification purposes.

**backup_server_port** (int, optional, ``2222``)
  Port on the backup server to connect to for accessing the SFTP service.

**backup_ssh_key** (string, mandatory)
  SSH private key for logging-in into the backup server.


Distribution compatibility

Role is compatible with the following distributions:

- Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Debian 12 (Bookworm)



Here is an example configuration for setting-up the role (take note that lookup
plugin is quite useful here for fetching key values from some local directory):

.. code-block:: yaml

  - role: backup_client
    backup_additional_encryption_keys: "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n...\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"
    backup_client_username: "user"
    backup_encryption_key: "-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----\n...\n-----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----"
    backup_server: ""
    backup_server_destination: "//example/host"
      - "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/') }}"
      - "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/') }}"
      - "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/') }}"
    backup_server_port: 22
    backup_ssh_key: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/') }}"



The ``backup`` role can be used to specify what files should be backed-up to the
backup server.

The role provides a convenient way to deploy a file containing file and
directory patterns describing the file/directory paths that should be included
in the back-up.

The role implements the following:

* Installs a file with provided patterns in directory
* Assembles/refresshes the main include pattern file at


Role dependencies

Depends on the following roles:

* **backup_client**



**backup_patterns_filename** (string, mandatory)
  Name of the backup patterns file. The file is stored in directory
  ``/etc/duply/main/patterns/``. This should be a unique filename amongst all
  roles. If role can be included multiple times, make sure the filename is
  always unique when depending on the backup role.

**backup_patterns** (list, optional, ``[]``)
  List of globbing patterns defining which files or directories should be


Distribution compatibility

Role is compatible with the following distributions:

- Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Debian 12 (Bookworm)



Here is an example configuration for setting-up the role:

.. code-block:: yaml

  - role: backup
    backup_patterns_filename: myapp
      - /var/www/
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)