Changeset - 09625826d96f
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Branko Majic (branko) - 9 years ago 2015-08-16 21:25:25
MAR-15: Added implementation for the database server role. Performs very simpled deployment and set-up of MariaDB database server.
7 files changed with 76 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -1087,96 +1087,130 @@ The role is implemented with the following layout/logic in mind:
  on the directory. This allows admin, with correct umask, to create necessary
  files and directories that should be readable (and eventually writeable) by
  the website user (running the WSGI application) without having to become root.
* All files placed in the website directory should be either created there
  directly, or copied to the directory in order to make sure the ``SGID`` gets
  honored. **Do not move the files, the permissions will not be set correctly.**
* Within the website directory, Python virtual environment can be found within
  the ``virtualenv`` sub-directory. The virtual environment is also symlinked to
  website admin's ``~/.virtualenvs/`` directory for easier access (and
  auto-completion with virtualenvwrapper).
* Within the website directory, nginx will expect to find the static files
  within the ``htdocs`` sub-directory (this can be symlink too). Locations/aliases
  can be configured for static file serving.
* Within the website directory, systemd service will expect to find the website
  code within the ``code`` sub-directory (this can be symlink too).
* nginx communicates with WSGI server over a dedicated Unix socket for each



**admin** (string, mandatory)
  Name of the operating system user in charge of maintaining the website. This
  user is capable of making modifications to website configuration anda data
  stored within the website directory.

**fqdn** (string, mandatory)
  Fully-qualified domain name where the website is reachable. This value is used
  for calculating the user/group name for dedicated website user, as well as
  home directory of the website user (where data/code should be stored at).

**https_tls_certificate** (string, mandatory)
  Path to file on Ansible host that contains the X.509 certificate used for TLS
  for HTTPS service. The file will be copied to directory ``/etc/ssl/certs/``.

**https_tls_key** (string, mandatory)
  Path to file on Ansible host that contains the private key used for TLS for
  HTTPS service. The file will be copied to directory ``/etc/ssl/private/``.

**packages** (list, optional)
  A list of additional packages to install for this particular WSGI
  website. This is usually going to be development libraries for building Python

**rewrites** (list, optional)
  A list of rewrite rules that are applied to incoming requests. Each element of
  the list should be a string value compatible with the format of ``nginx``
  option ``rewrite``. The keyword ``rewrite`` itself should be omitted, as well
  as trailing semi-colon (``;``).

**static_locations** (list, optional)
  List of locations that should be treated as static-only, and not processed by
  the WSGI application at all. This is normally used for designating serving of
  static/media files by Nginx (for example, in case of Django projects for
  ``/static/`` and ``/media/``).

**uid** (integer, mandatory)
  UID/GID (they are set-up to be the same) of the dedicated website

**use_paste** (boolean, optional)
  Tell Gunicorn to assume that the passed-in ``wsgi_application`` value is a
  filename of a Python Paste ``ini`` file instead of WSGI application.

**virtuaelnv_packages** (list, optional)
  A list of additional packages to install for this particular PHP
  appliction. This is usually going to be different PHP extensions.

**wsgi_application** (string, mandatory)
  WSGI application that should be started by Gunicorn. The format should be
  conformant to what the ``gunicorn`` command-line tool accepts. If the
  ``use_paste`` option is enabled, the value should be equal to filename of the
  Python Paste ini file, located in the ``code`` sub-directory.



Here is an example configuration for setting-up a (base) WSGI website (for
running a bare Django project):

.. code-block:: yaml

    - role: wsgi_website
      admin: admin
        - /static
        - /media
      uid: 2004
        - django
      wsgi_application: django_example_com.wsgi:application
      https_tls_key: "{{ inventory_dir }}/tls/wsgi.example.com_https.key"
      https_tls_certificate: "{{ inventory_dir }}/tls/wsgi.example.com_https.pem"


Database Server

The ``database_server`` role can be used for setting-up a MariaDB database
server on destination machine.

The role implements the following:

* Installs MariaDB server and client.
* Configures MariaDB server and client to use *UTF-8* encoding by default.
* Sets password for the database root user.
* Deploys MariaDB client configuration in location ``/root/.my.cnf`` that
  contains username and password for the root database user.



**db_root_password** (string, mandatory)
  Password for the *root* database user.



Here is an example configuration for setting-up the database server:

.. code-block:: yaml


   db_root_password: root
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new file 100644
default-character-set = utf8

character-set-server  = utf8
collation-server      = utf8_general_ci
character_set_server  = utf8
collation_server      = utf8_general_ci
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new file 100644

- name: Restart MariaDB
  service: name=mysql state=restarted
\ No newline at end of file
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new file 100644

- name: Install MariaDB
  apt: name="{{ item }}" state=installed
    - mariadb-client
    - mariadb-server
    - python-mysqldb

- name: Enable and start MariaDB
  service: name=mysql enabled=yes state=started

- name: Set password for the root database user
  mysql_user: check_implicit_admin=yes name=root password="{{ db_root_password }}"

- name: Deploy username and password for the root database user
  template: src="root_my.cnf.j2" dest="/root/.my.cnf"
            owner=root group=root mode=400

- name: Set UTF-8 encoding as default for MariaDB
  copy: src="utf8.cnf" dest="/etc/mysql/conf.d/utf8.cnf"
        owner=root group=root mode=644
  notify: Restart MariaDB
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new file 100644
password={{ db_root_password }}
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  - comment: Set the base DN
    option: BASE
    value: dc=example,dc=com
  - comment: Set the default URI
    option: URI
    value: ldap://
  - comment: Set the LDAP TLS truststore
    option: TLS_CACERT
    value: /etc/ssl/certs/example_ca_chain.pem

  root: "root"


smtp_relay_truststore: /etc/ssl/certs/example_ca_chain.pem

https_tls_key: "{{ inventory_dir }}/tls/web.example.com_https.key"
https_tls_certificate: "{{ inventory_dir }}/tls/web.example.com_https.pem"

web_default_title: "Welcome to Example Inc."
web_default_message: "You are attempting to access the web server using a wrong name or an IP address. Please check your URL."
\ No newline at end of file
web_default_message: "You are attempting to access the web server using a wrong name or an IP address. Please check your URL."

db_root_password: "root"
\ No newline at end of file
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- hosts: web
  remote_user: ansible
  sudo: yes
    - common
    - ldap_client
    - mail_forwarder
    - database_server
    - web_server
    - phpinfo
    - wsgihello
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