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Branko Majic (branko) - 8 years ago 2015-10-25 18:28:43
MAR-18: Added usage instructions for the LDAP server/client roles.
1 file changed with 156 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -391,3 +391,159 @@ Let's take care of this common configuration right away:
6. After this you should be able to ssh using the user ``admin`` via public
   key. The ``admin`` user's password has also been set to ``admin``, and the
   user will be member of ``sudo`` group.


Introducing LDAP

Since some of the services actually depend on LDAP, we'll go ahead and set that
one up first. This includes both the LDAP *server* and *client* configuration.

1. Update the playbook for communications server to include the LDAP client and
   server roles (``ldap_client`` and ``ldap_server``, respectively).


      - hosts: communications
        remote_user: ansible
        sudo: yes
          - common
          - ldap_client
          - ldap_server

2. Update the playbook for web server to include the LDAP client role
   (``ldap_client``). You never know when it might come in handy :)


      - hosts: web
        remote_user: ansible
        sudo: yes
          - common
          - ldap_client

3. Time to configure the roles. For start, let us configure the LDAP server
   role. Keep in mind that there is a lot of default variables set-up by the
   role itself, making our config rather super-short.



      ldap_admin_password: admin
      ldap_server_organization: "Example Inc."

4. Phew. That was... Well, actually, easy :) Technically, only the LDAP admin
   password *must* be set, but it's nice to have better organisation specified
   than the default one. Let's add the LDAP client configuration next. We will
   start off with global LDAP client configuration. In case of LDAP client,
   we've got to be a bit more explicit.


      # Take note how we set the base DN. By default the ldap_server role
      # (defined up there) will use server's domain to form the base for LDAP.
        - comment: Set the base DN
          option: BASE
          value: dc=example,dc=com
        - comment: Set the default URI
          option: URI
          value: ldap://
        - comment: Set the LDAP TLS truststore
          option: TLS_CACERT
          value: /etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem
        - comment: Enforce TLS
          option: TLS_REQCERT
          value: demand

5. Ok, so this looks nice and dandy... But, let's have a bit better
   configuration on the communications server itself. Namely, on that one we
   should be able to connect to socket with LDAP clients instead over TCP port.


        - comment: Set the base DN
          option: BASE
          value: dc=example,dc=com
        - comment: Set the default URI
          option: URI
          value: ldapi:///
        - comment: Set the default bind DN, useful for administration.
          option: BINDDN
          value: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
        - comment: Set the LDAP TLS truststore
          option: TLS_CACERT
          value: /etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem
        - comment: Enforce TLS
          option: TLS_REQCERT
          value: demand

6. Ok, time to re-run the playbooks again... Wait a minute, something is missing
   here... Oh, right, forgot to mention one thing - Majic Ansible Roles use TLS
   throughout wherever possible. In other words, you *must* have TLS private
   keys and certificates issued by some CA for all servers in order to be able
   to use most of the roles (actually, you need them issued per *service*). This
   includes ``ldap_server`` too. So, let's make a slight detour to create a CA
   of our own, plus the necessary server certificate for the LDAP service...

   1. Let's first install a couple of more tools on the Ansible server, since we
      will be using ``certtool`` for our improvised CA needs::

        apt-get install gnutls-bin

   2. Create directory where the private keys and certificates will be stored

        mkdir ~/mysite/tls/

   3. It is time to create a couple of templates for the ``certtool`` so it
      would know what extensions and content to have in the certificates:


         organization = "Example Inc."
         country = "SE"
         cn = "Example Inc. Test Site CA"
         expiration_days = 1825


         organization = "Example Inc."
         country = SE
         cn = "Exampe Inc. LDAP Server"
         expiration_days = 365
         dns_name = ""

   4. Almost there... Now let's generate the keys and certificates::

        certtool --sec-param high --generate-privkey --outfile ~/mysite/tls/ca.key
        certtool --template ~/mysite/tls/ca.cfg --generate-self-signed --load-privkey ~/mysite/tls/ca.key --outfile ~/mysite/tls/ca.pem
        certtool --sec-param normal --generate-privkey --outfile ~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_ldap.key
        certtool --generate-certificate --load-ca-privkey ~/mysite/tls/ca.key --load-ca-certificate ~/mysite/tls/ca.pem --template ~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_ldap.cfg --load-privkey ~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_ldap.key --outfile ~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_ldap.pem

7. With private keys and certificates in place, we are almost ready to re-run
   the playbooks! Now, just a *small* tweak to the general configuration, and
   all should be fine.


      tls_private_key_dir: "~/mysite/tls/"
      tls_certificate_dir: "~/mysite/tls/"
         - "~/mysite/tls/ca.pem"

8. And now as finishing touch, simply run the playbooks again::

     ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml
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