Changeset - 0bab7aaa84d6
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Branko Majic (branko) - 8 years ago 2016-01-20 00:10:20
MAR-48: Fixed creation and handling of web server directories where unix sockets are created for PHP5 FPM and WSGI apps. Improved some permissions while at it.
2 files changed with 12 insertions and 10 deletions:
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@@ -64,19 +64,25 @@
    - virtualenv
    - virtualenvwrapper

- name: Create directory where WSGI will store per-site socket files
- name: Create directories for storing per-site socket files
  file: path="/run/wsgi/" state="directory"
        owner="root" group="www-data" mode="771"
        owner="root" group="www-data" mode="750"
    - "/run/wsgi/"
    - "/run/php5-fpm/"

- name: Create directories for storing per-site socket files on boot
  copy: content="d /run/{{ item }}/ 0750 root www-data - -" dest="/etc/tmpfiles.d/{{ item }}.conf"
        owner="root" group="root" mode=644
    - wsgi
    - php5-fpm

- name: Install base packages for PHP web applications
  apt: name="{{ item }}" state=installed
    - php5-fpm

- name: Create directory where PHP FPM will store per-site socket files
  file: path="/run/php5-fpm/" state="directory"
        owner="root" group="www-data" mode="770"

- name: Create directory for storing PHP FPM service configuration overrides
  file: path="/etc/systemd/system/php5-fpm.service.d/" state=directory
        owner=root group=root mode=755
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@@ -23,10 +23,6 @@
- name: Add admin to website group
  user: name="{{ admin }}" groups="{{ user }}" append="yes"

- name: Create directory for storing socket file
  file: path="/var/run/wsgi/{{ fqdn }}" state="directory"
        owner="{{ user }}" group="www-data" mode="750"

- name: Install extra packages for website
  apt: name="{{ item }}" state=present
  with_items: packages
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