Changeset - 180d7b99f777
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Branko Majic (branko) - 5 years ago 2019-08-25 19:36:20
MAR-146: Added separate parameter for Pyhton 3 virtual environment used for upgrade checks:

- Release notes updated to mention the breaking change.
- Updated role reference documentation to cover the new parameter.
- Updated default values for the dedicated Python virtual
- Update role common to deploy separate requirements for the two
- Include wheel package in the requirements.
7 files changed with 67 insertions and 26 deletions:
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@@ -5,6 +5,20 @@ Release notes

Breaking changes:

* ``common`` role:

  * Added separate parameter (``pip_check_requirements_py3``) for
    specifying dedicated Python 3 virtual environment package
    requirements used for package upgrade checks on (other
    user-provided) Python 3 virtual environments. If the existing
    ``pip_check_requirements`` parameter has been overridden, the new
    parameter will most likely need to be overridden in your site
    configuration as well. Take note that the new requirements will
    differ between Debian Jessie and Debian Stretch due to differnece
    in Python 3 minor version releases.

Bug fixes:

* ``backup_client`` role
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@@ -421,12 +421,29 @@ Parameters
    - ""
    - ""

**pip_check_requirements** (list, optional, ``[click==7.0, pip-tools==3.1.0, pip==18.1, setuptools==40.6.2, six==1.11.0, wheel==0.32.3]``)
  List of Python package requirements to install in Python 2 and
  Python 3 virtual environments in order to be able to run the
  ``pip-tools`` applications as part of pip requirements upgrade
  checks. This list needs to be updated from time to time as the new
  releases of ``pip-tools`` and related packages are coming out.
**pip_check_requirements** (list, optional, ``[click==7.0, pip-tools==4.0.0, pip==19.2.3, setuptools==41.2.0, six==1.12.0, wheel==0.33.6]``)
  List of Python package requirements to install in Python 2 virtual
  environment in order to be able to run the ``pip-tools``
  applications as part of pip requirements upgrade checks. This list
  needs to be updated from time to time as the new releases of
  ``pip-tools`` and related packages are coming out. For Python 3, see
  the dedicatd parameter ``pip_check_requirements_py3`` below.

**pip_check_requirements_py3** (list, optional, ``[click==7.0, pip-tools==3.9.0, pip==19.1.1, setuptools==41.2.0, six==1.12.0, wheel==0.33.6]``)
  List of Python package requirements to install in Python 3 virtual
  environment in order to be able to run the ``pip-tools``
  applications as part of pip requirements upgrade checks. This list
  needs to be updated from time to time as the new releases of
  ``pip-tools`` and related packages are coming out. For Python 2, see
  the dedicatd parameter ``pip_check_requirements`` above.

  Take note that on Debian Jessie and Stretch there will be
  differences in what the system uses because of differing Python 3
  versions and deprecation around Python 3 minor version releases. The
  listed defaults are conservative on the side of being usable on both
  Debian Jessie and Debian Stretch as of time of this writing. For
  Debian Stretch machines you will most likely end up updating the
  list almost immediatelly.

**pipreqcheck_uid** (integer, optional, ``whatever OS picks``)
  UID for user running the pip requirements upgrade checks. User is created with
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@@ -14,11 +14,18 @@ extra_backup_patterns:
  - "/home"
  - click==7.0
  - pip-tools==3.1.0
  - pip==18.1
  - setuptools==40.6.2
  - six==1.11.0
  - wheel==0.32.3
  - pip-tools==4.0.0
  - pip==19.2.3
  - setuptools==41.2.0
  - six==1.12.0
  - wheel==0.33.6
  - click==7.0
  - pip-tools==3.9.0
  - pip==19.1.1
  - setuptools==41.2.0
  - six==1.12.0
  - wheel==0.33.6
ntp_servers: []

# Internal use only.
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\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -308,19 +308,19 @@ def test_pipreqcheck_requirements(host, requirements_in_path, requirements_txt_p
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pip_path, expected_packages",  [
    ('/var/lib/pipreqcheck/virtualenv/bin/pip', [
    ('/var/lib/pipreqcheck/virtualenv-py3/bin/pip', [
def test_pipreqcheck_virtualenv_packages(host, pip_path, expected_packages):
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@@ -383,13 +383,15 @@
- name: Deploy requirements file for pipreqcheck virtual environment
    src: "pipreqcheck_requirements.txt.j2"
    dest: "{{ item }}"
    dest: "{{ item.file }}"
    owner: root
    group: pipreqcheck
    mode: 0640
    - "/etc/pip_check_requirements_upgrades/pipreqcheck/requirements.txt"
    - "/etc/pip_check_requirements_upgrades-py3/pipreqcheck/requirements.txt"
    - file: "/etc/pip_check_requirements_upgrades/pipreqcheck/requirements.txt"
      requirements: "{{ pip_check_requirements }}"
    - file: "/etc/pip_check_requirements_upgrades-py3/pipreqcheck/requirements.txt"
      requirements: "{{ pip_check_requirements_py3 }}"

- name: Install requirements in the pipreqcheck virtual environment
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{% for requirement in pip_check_requirements %}
{% for requirement in item.requirements %}
{{ requirement }}
{% endfor %}
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