Changeset - 2935e65f230e
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Branko Majic (branko) - 8 years ago 2015-10-27 16:29:10
MAR-18: Added more information on how the PHP apps are executed to the usage instructions (and where the files are served from). Added usage instructions for deploying a WSGI appliction (Django Wiki in this case).
1 file changed with 350 insertions and 3 deletions:
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@@ -1114,6 +1114,8 @@ we'll be using for the PHP part:
* The role is designed to execute every application via dedicated user and
  group. The user/group name is automatically derived from the FQDN of website,
  for example ``web-tbg_example_com``.
* PHP applications are executed via FastCGI, using the ``php5-fpm`` package.
* Static content (non-PHP) is served directly by *Nginx*.
* For administrative purposes you can use a separate user that you have created
  before (for example via the ``common`` role). This user will get added to
  application's group.
@@ -1123,6 +1125,11 @@ we'll be using for the PHP part:
  application's group. In other words, all directories will have ``SGID`` bit
  set-up, allowing you to create files/directories that will have their group
  automatically set to the group of the parent directory.
* Files are served (both by *Nginx* and *php5-fpm*) from sub-directory called
  ``htdocs`` (located in website directory). For example
  ``/var/www/``. Normally, this can be a symlink to some
  other sub-directory within the website directory (useful for having multiple
  versions for easier downgrades etc).
* Combination of admin user membership in application group, ``SGID``
  permission, and the way ownership of sub-directories is set-up usually means
  that the administrator will be capable of managing application files, and
@@ -1260,9 +1267,7 @@ we'll be using for the PHP part:

      - name: Deploy database configuration file for TBG
        copy: src="b2db.yml" dest="/var/www/{{ tbg_version }}/core/config/b2db.yml"
              mode=640 group=web-tbg_example_com
        become: yes
        become_user: admin
              mode=640 owner=admin group=web-tbg_example_com

      - name: Deploy expect script for installing TBG
        copy: src="tbg_expect_install" dest="/var/www/" mode=750
@@ -1322,3 +1327,345 @@ we'll be using for the PHP part:
8. At this point TBG has been installed, and you should be able to open the URL (or and log-in into
   *The Bug Genie* with username ``administrator`` and password ``admin``.


Deploying a WSGI application (Django Wiki)

Next thing up will be to deploy a WSGI Python application - our wiki website.

Similar to the PHP application deployment, we will use a couple of roles to make
it easier to deploy it in a standardised manner, and we will not have any kind
of parameters for configuring the application role.

Most of the notes on how the application is deployed in case of ``php_website``
role also stand for the ``wsgi_website`` role, but we will reitarte and clarify
them a bit just to be on the safe side:

* The role is designed to execute every application via dedicated user and
  group. The user/group name is automatically derived from the FQDN of website,
  for example ``web-wiki_example_com``.
* WSGI applications are executed via *Gunicorn*. The WSGI server listens on a
  Unix socket, making the socket accessible by *Nginx*.
* Static content is served directly by *Nginx*.
* For administrative purposes you can use a separate user that you have created
  before (for example via the ``common`` role). This user will get added to
  application's group. The administrator will also be able to switch to website
  virtual environment using the ``workon`` command from ``virtualenv-wrapper``
* Each web application gets distinct sub-directory under ``/var/www``, named
  after the FQDN. All sub-directories created under there are created with
  ``2750`` permissions, with ownership set to admin user, and group set to the
  application's group. In other words, all directories will have ``SGID`` bit
  set-up, allowing you to create files/directories that will have their group
  automatically set to the group of the parent directory.
* Each WSGI website gets a dedicated virtual environment, stored in the
  sub-directory ``virtualenv`` of the website directory, for example
* Static files are served from sub-directory ``htdocs`` in the website
  directory, for example ``/var/www/``.
* The base directory where your website/application code should be at is
  expected to be in sub-directory ``code`` in the website directory, for example
* Combination of admin user membership in application group, ``SGID``
  permission, and the way ownership of sub-directories is set-up usually means
  that the administrator will be capable of managing application files, and
  application can be granted write permissions to a *minimum* of necessary

  .. warning::
     Just keep in mind that some file-management commands, like ``mv``, do *not*
     respect the ``SGID`` bit. In fact, I would recommend using ``cp`` when you
     deploy new files to the directory instead (don't simply move them from your

1. Set-up the necessary directories first::

     mkdir -p ~/mysite/roles/wiki/{tasks,meta,files}/

2. Set-up some role dependencies, reusing the common role infrastructure.



         - role: wsgi_website
           admin: admin
           # Most of these packages are needed for building Python packages.
              - build-essential
              - python-dev
              - libjpeg-dev
              - libzip-dev
              - libtiff-dev
              - libfreetype6-dev
              - liblcms2-dev
              - libwebp-dev
              - libopenjpeg-dev
              - libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev
              - libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev-compat
              - /static/
           uid: 2001
              - pillow
              - wiki
              - MySQL-python
           wsgi_application: wiki_example_com.wsgi:application
         - role: database
           db_name: wiki
           db_password: wiki

3. Let's create a dedicated private key/certificate pair for the wiki website:

   1. Create new template for ``certtool``:


         organization = "Example Inc."
         country = SE
         cn = "Exampe Inc. Wiki"
         expiration_days = 365
         dns_name = ""

   2. Create the keys and certificates for the application::

        certtool --sec-param normal --generate-privkey --outfile ~/mysite/tls/wiki.example.com_https.key
        certtool --generate-certificate --load-ca-privkey ~/mysite/tls/ca.key --load-ca-certificate ~/mysite/tls/ca.pem --template ~/mysite/tls/wiki.example.com_https.cfg --load-privkey ~/mysite/tls/wiki.example.com_https.key --outfile ~/mysite/tls/wiki.example.com_https.pem

4. At this point we have exhausted what we can do with the built-in roles. Time
   to add some custom tasks.



      - name: Set-up symbolic link for mysql_config for building MySQL-python
        file: src="/usr/bin/mariadb_config" dest="/usr/bin/mysql_config"

      - name: Create Django project directory
        file: dest="/var/www/" state=directory
              owner=admin group=web-wiki_example_com

      - name: Start Django project for the Wiki website
        command: /var/www/ startproject wiki_example_com /var/www/
        become: yes
        become_user: admin

      - name: Deploy settings for wiki website
        copy: src="{{ item }}" dest="/var/www/{{ item }}"
              mode=640 owner=admin group=web-wiki_example_com
           - Restart website

      - name: Deploy project database and deploy static files
        django_manage: command="{{ item }}"
        become: yes
        become_user: admin
           - syncdb
           - migrate
           - collectstatic

      - name: Deploy the superadmin creation script
        copy: src="" dest="/var/www/"
              owner=admin group=web-wiki_example_com mode=750

      - name: Create initial superuser
        command: /var/www/ ./
        become: yes
        become_user: admin
        register: wiki_superuser
        changed_when: wiki_superuser.stdout == "Created superuser."

5. There is a couple of files that we are deploying through the above
   tasks. Let's create them as well.


      Django settings for wiki_example_com project.

      For more information on this file, see

      For the full list of settings and their values, see

      # Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...)
      import os
      BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))


      # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production
      # See

      # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
      SECRET_KEY = 'l^q+t$7h$ebls)v34+w9m9v4$n+^(9guxqntu&#cc4m&lfd-6_'

      # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
      DEBUG = False

      TEMPLATE_DEBUG = False

      ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["", "localhost"]


      # Application definition



      ROOT_URLCONF = 'wiki_example_com.urls'

      WSGI_APPLICATION = 'wiki_example_com.wsgi.application'


      # Database

      DATABASES = {
          'default': {
              'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
              'NAME': 'wiki',
              'USER': 'wiki',
              'PASSWORD': 'wiki',
              'HOST': '',
              'PORT': '3306',

      # Internationalization

      LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us'

      TIME_ZONE = 'Europe/Stockholm'

      USE_I18N = True

      USE_L10N = True

      USE_TZ = True


      # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images)

      STATIC_URL = '/static/'

      STATIC_ROOT = '/var/www/'

      from django.conf import settings




      from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url
      from wiki.urls import get_pattern as get_wiki_pattern
      from django_nyt.urls import get_pattern as get_nyt_pattern

      from django.contrib import admin

      urlpatterns = patterns('',
          # Examples:
          # url(r'^$', 'wiki_example_com.views.home', name='home'),
          # url(r'^blog/', include('blog.urls')),

          url(r'^admin/', include(,

      urlpatterns += patterns('',
          (r'^notifications/', get_nyt_pattern()),
          (r'', get_wiki_pattern())


      #!/usr/bin/env python

      import os
      from django.conf import settings
      from django.contrib.auth.models import User

      if len(User.objects.filter(username="admin")) == 0:
          User.objects.create_superuser('admin', '', 'admin')
          print("Created superuser.")

6. Time to add the new role to our web server.


      - hosts: web
        remote_user: ansible
        sudo: yes
          - common
          - ldap_client
          - mail_forwarder
          - web_server
          - database_server
          - tbg
          - wiki

7. Apply the changes::

     ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml

8. At this point Django Wiki has been installed, and you should be able to open
   the URL (or and log-in
   into *Django Wiki* with username ``admin`` and password ``admin``.
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