Changeset - 2ecdd0639863
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Branko Majic (branko) - 10 days ago 2024-09-09 13:24:10
MAR-218: Update the usage tasks and instructions for Ansible 10.3:

- Update the module names to include the namespace.
- Drop references to Python 3, and bump up the installed package
1 file changed with 27 insertions and 28 deletions:
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@@ -88,152 +88,151 @@ Start-off by installing the operating system on the Ansible server:
11. Create a new user. For simplicity, call the user **Ansible user**, with
    username **ansible**.

12. Set-up partitioning in any way you want. You can go for **Guided - use
    entire disk** if you want to keep it simple and are just testing things.

13. Wait until the base system has been installed.

14. Pick whatever Debian archive mirror is closest to you.

15. If you have an HTTP proxy, provide its URL.

16. Pick if you want to participate in package survey or not.

17. Make sure that at least the **standard system utilities** and **SSH server**
    options are selected on task selection screen.

18. Wait for packages to be installed.

19. Install the GRUB boot loader on MBR.

20. Finalise the server install, and remove the installation media from server.


Installing required packages

With the operating system installed, it is necessary to install a couple of
packages, and to prepare the environment a bit on the Ansible server:

1. Install the necessary system packages (using the ``root`` account)::

     apt-get install -y virtualenv virtualenvwrapper git python3-pip python3-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev

2. Set-up loading of ``virtualenvwrapper`` via Bash completions (using the ``root`` account)::

     ln -s /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/virtualenvwrapper /etc/bash_completion.d/virtualenvwrapper

3. Set-up the virtual environment (using the ``ansible`` account):

   .. warning::
      If you are already logged-in as user ``ansible`` in the server, you will
      need to log-out and log-in again in order to be able to use
      ``virtualenvwrapper`` commands!


     mkdir ~/mysite/
     mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 -a ~/mysite/ mysite
     mkvirtualenv -a ~/mysite/ mysite
     pip install -U pip setuptools
     pip install 'ansible~=2.9.0' netaddr
     pip install 'ansible~=10.3.0' netaddr

.. warning::
   The ``netaddr`` package is needed for ``ipv4/ipv6`` lookup plugins
   which is used internally by some of the roles.


Cloning the *Majic Ansible Roles*

With most of the software pieces in place, the only missing thing is the Majic
Ansible Roles:

1. Clone the git repository::

     git clone ~/majic-ansible-roles

2. Checkout the correct version of the roles::

     cd ~/majic-ansible-roles/
     git checkout -b 8.0-dev 8.0-dev


Preparing the basic site configuration

Phew... Now that was a bit tedious and boring... But at least you are now ready
to set-up your own site :)

First of all, let's set-up some basic directory structure and configuration:

1. Create Ansible configuration file.

   .. warning::
      Since Ansible 2.x has introduced much stricter controls over security of
      deployed Python scripts, it is recommended (as in this example) to use the
      ``pipelining`` option (which should also improve performance). This is in
      particular necessary in cases where the SSH user connecting to remote
      machine is *not* ``root``, but there are tasks that use ``become`` with
      non-root ``become_user`` (which is the case in Majic Ansible Roles). See
      `official documentation
      and other alternatives to this.




     force_handlers = True
     inventory = /home/ansible/mysite/hosts
     interpreter_python = /usr/bin/python3

     pipelining = True

2. Create directory where retry files will be stored at (so they woudln't
   pollute your home directory)::

     mkdir ~/mysite/retry

3. Create the inventory file.



     localhost ansible_connection=local




4. Create a number of directories for storing playbooks, group
   variables, SSH keys, X.509 artefacts (for TLS), and GnuPG keyring
   (we'll get to this later)::

     mkdir ~/mysite/playbooks/
     mkdir ~/mysite/group_vars/
     mkdir ~/mysite/ssh/
     mkdir ~/mysite/tls/
     mkdir ~/mysite/gnupg/

5. Create SSH private/public key pair that will be used by Ansible for
   connecting to destination servers, as well as for some roles::

     ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -N ''


Protecting communications using TLS

In order to protect the communications between users and servers, as
well as between servers themselves, it is important to set-up and
@@ -1506,213 +1505,213 @@ Before we start, here is a couple of useful pointers regarding the
        # application.
        - role: database

          # This is both the database name, _and_ name of the database user
          # that will be granted full privileges on the database.
          db_name: nextcloud

          # Password for user used for accessing the database. Take note
          # that the user can only login from localhost.
          db_password: nextcloud



3. Now for my favourite part again - creating private keys and
   certificates!  Why?  Because the ``php_website`` role requires a
   private key/certificate pair to be deployed. So... Moving on:

   1. Create new template for ``certtool``:


         organization = "Example Inc."
         country = SE
         cn = "Example Inc. Cloud Service"
         expiration_days = 365
         dns_name = ""

   2. Create the keys and certificates for the application::

        certtool --sec-param normal --generate-privkey --outfile ~/mysite/tls/nextcloud.example.com_https.key
        certtool --generate-certificate --load-ca-privkey ~/mysite/tls/ca.key --load-ca-certificate ~/mysite/tls/ca.pem --template ~/mysite/tls/nextcloud.example.com_https.cfg --load-privkey ~/mysite/tls/nextcloud.example.com_https.key --outfile ~/mysite/tls/nextcloud.example.com_https.pem

4. Time to get our hands a bit more dirty... Up until now we didn't
   have to write custom tasks, but that ends now.



      # Deployment
      # ==========

      - name: Download the application archive
          url: ""
          dest: "/var/www/"
          sha256sum: "9ed413c0de16f5b033ceeffcca99c0d61fc698dbeb8db851ac9adf9eef951906"
        become: yes
        become_user: admin-nextcloud_example_com

      - name: Unpack the application archive
          src: "/var/www/"
          dest: "/var/www/"
          copy: no
          creates: "/var/www/"
        become: yes
        become_user: admin-nextcloud_example_com

      # Majic Ansible Roles currently only support utf8 encoding.
      - name: Disable opportunistic use of utf8mb4 on fresh installs
          dest: "/var/www/"
          line: "{{ '\t\t\t' }}$this->config->setValue('mysql.utf8mb4', true);"
          state: absent

      - name: Allow application user to install and update applications
          path: "/var/www/"
          mode: g+w

      - name: Allow CLI tool to be run by the user and group
          path: "/var/www/"
          mode: u+x,g+x

      - name: Create directory for storing data
          path: "/var/www/"
          state: directory
          mode: 02770
          owner: "admin-nextcloud_example_com"
          group: "web-nextcloud_example_com"

      - name: Create directory for storing configuration files
          path: "/var/www/"
          state: directory
          mode: 02750
          owner: "admin-nextcloud_example_com"
          group: "web-nextcloud_example_com"

      - name: Create an empty log file if it does not exist
          content: ""
          dest: "/var/www/"
          force: no

      - name: Set-up log file permissions
          path: "/var/www/"
          owner: "admin-nextcloud_example_com"
          group: "web-nextcloud_example_com"
          mode: 0660

      - name: Symlink the default path used by the web server for finding application files
          src: "/var/www/"
          dest: "/var/www/"
          state: link
          owner: "admin-nextcloud_example_com"
          group: "web-nextcloud_example_com"
          - Restart PHP-FPM


      # Installation
      # ============

      - name: Get application installation status
        command: "/var/www/ status"
        ansible.builtin.command: "/var/www/ status"
        become: yes
        become_user: "admin-nextcloud_example_com"
        register: nextcloud_status
        changed_when: False
        failed_when: False

      - name: Check if application is installed
          nextcloud_installed: "{{ 'Nextcloud is not installed' not in nextcloud_status.stderr }}"

      - name: Deploy installation script
          src: ""
          dest: "/var/www/"
          owner: "admin-nextcloud_example_com"
          group: "web-nextcloud_example_com"
          mode: 0700
        when: "not nextcloud_installed"

      - name: Install application
        command: "/var/www/"
        ansible.builtin.command: "/var/www/"
        become: yes
        become_user: "admin-nextcloud_example_com"
        when: "not nextcloud_installed"

      - name: Remove installation script
          path: "/var/www/"
          state: absent

      - name: Fix data file permissions for application user/group
          path: "/var/www/"
          mode: g+w
          recurse: yes
          follow: no

      - name: Deploy local configuration overrides
          src: "local.config.php"
          dest: "/var/www/"
          owner: "admin-nextcloud_example_com"
          group: "web-nextcloud_example_com"
          mode: 0640

5. Set-up files that are deployed by the role.


      $CONFIG = array (
        'config_is_read_only' => true,
        'instanceid' => 'suqw2cvca8sp',
        'trusted_domains' =>
          array (
            0 => '',


      #!/usr/bin/env python3

      import pexpect

      # Spawn the process.
      install_process = pexpect.spawnu('/var/www/',
                                       args = [ 'maintenance:install',
                                                '--database', 'mysql',
                                                '--database-name', 'nextcloud',
                                                '--database-user', 'nextcloud',
                                                '--database-host', 'localhost',
                                                '--database-port', '3306',
                                                '--admin-user', 'admin',
                                                '--data-dir', '/var/www/'])

      # If we get EOF, we probably already installed application, and ran
      # into error at the end since no patterns matched.
          # Provide database password.
          install_process.expect(u'What is the password to access the database with user.*\?', timeout=10)

          # Provide administrator password.
          install_process.expect(u'What is the password you like to use for the admin account.*\?', timeout=10)
@@ -1883,159 +1882,159 @@ on the safe side:
            - wiki~=0.10.0
            - mysqlclient
          # This is the name of the WSGI application to
          # serve. wiki_example_com.wsgi will be the Python "module" that is
          # accesed, while application is the object instantiated within it (the
          # application itself). The module is referenced relative to the code
          # directory (in our case /var/www/
          wsgi_application: wiki_example_com.wsgi:application
          # Specify explicitly requirements for installing Gunicorn.
            - gunicorn==21.2.0
            - packaging==23.2
            - gunicorn
        - role: database
          db_name: wiki
          db_password: wiki

3. Let's create a dedicated private key/certificate pair for the wiki website:

   1. Create new template for ``certtool``:


         organization = "Example Inc."
         country = SE
         cn = "Exampe Inc. Wiki"
         expiration_days = 365
         dns_name = ""

   2. Create the keys and certificates for the application::

        certtool --sec-param normal --generate-privkey --outfile ~/mysite/tls/wiki.example.com_https.key
        certtool --generate-certificate --load-ca-privkey ~/mysite/tls/ca.key --load-ca-certificate ~/mysite/tls/ca.pem --template ~/mysite/tls/wiki.example.com_https.cfg --load-privkey ~/mysite/tls/wiki.example.com_https.key --outfile ~/mysite/tls/wiki.example.com_https.pem

4. At this point we have exhausted what we can do with the built-in roles. Time
   to add some custom tasks.



      - name: Create Django project directory
          dest: "/var/www/"
          state: directory
          owner: admin-wiki_example_com
          group: web-wiki_example_com
          mode: 02750

      - name: Start Django project for the Wiki website
        command: "/var/www/ django-admin startproject wiki_example_com /var/www/"
        ansible.builtin.command: "/var/www/ django-admin startproject wiki_example_com /var/www/"
          chdir: "/var/www/"
          creates: "/var/www/"
        become: yes
        become_user: admin-wiki_example_com

      - name: Deploy settings for wiki website
          src: "{{ item }}"
          dest: "/var/www/{{ item }}"
          mode: 0640
          owner: admin-wiki_example_com
          group: web-wiki_example_com
          - Restart wiki

      - name: Deploy project database and deploy static files
          command: "{{ item }}"
          app_path: "/var/www/"
          virtualenv: "/var/www/"
        become: yes
        become_user: admin-wiki_example_com
          - migrate
          - collectstatic

      - name: Deploy the superuser creation script
          src: ""
          dest: "/var/www/"
          owner: admin-wiki_example_com
          group: web-wiki_example_com
          mode: 0750

      - name: Create initial superuser
        command: "/var/www/ ./"
        ansible.builtin.command: "/var/www/ ./"
          chdir: "/var/www/"
        become: yes
        become_user: admin-wiki_example_com
        register: wiki_superuser
        changed_when: "wiki_superuser.stdout ==  'Created superuser.'"



      - name: Restart wiki
          state: restarted

5. There is a couple of files that we are deploying through the above
   tasks. Let's create them as well.


      Django settings for wiki_example_com project.

      Generated by 'django-admin startproject' using Django 4.2.11.

      For more information on this file, see

      For the full list of settings and their values, see

      from pathlib import Path

      from django.urls import reverse_lazy

      # Build paths inside the project like this: BASE_DIR / 'subdir'.
      BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent


      # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production
      # See

      # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
      SECRET_KEY = 'django-insecure-*!yz4t12j5&x%-p%dd$uw!$-7(8vm)r%(87iz65-7t_7uh8j)0'

      # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
      DEBUG = False

      ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["", "localhost"]

      # Application definition

@@ -2539,82 +2538,82 @@ to invoke the handlers explicitly. Each role will include handlers as tasks,
provided that a special variable (``run_handlers``) is passed in to playbook run. To
make the run shorter, the handlers in such a run are also tagged with
``handlers``. This doubling of environment variable + tagging stems from current
limitations of Ansible (it is not possible to specify that certain task should
be run only if a tag is specified, therefore an additional variable has to be

Handlers alone can be invoked specifically with command similar to::

  ansible-playbook -t handlers -e run_handlers=true playbooks/site.yml

The ``run_handlers`` variable is treated as boolean, and by default it
is not set.


Checking for available package upgrades

One of the more annoying chores when you maintain your own infrastructure is
making sure everything is up-to-date. And this has to be done - both in order to
ensure for problem-free experience for users (yourself included), and for making
sure there are no security vulnerabilities that could be exploited by a (random)

*Majic Ansible Roles* try to keep you covered on this front as well. As part of
regular deployment, the ``common`` role will deploy and configure ``apticron`` -
a nifty little script that runs on hourly basis and checks if any of your
system-provided packages are outdated.

If ``apticron`` detects an outdated package, it will output this information to
standard output, which will result in the cron daemon sending out an e-mail to
the local root account. These mails can be further directed towards other mail
accounts via aliases (easily achieveable if you use either the
``mail_forwarder`` or ``mail_server`` roles).

No packages will be upgraded automatically - ensuring you can make sure upgrades
work correctly and do not cause major outage without anyone being present to
fix them.

Another useful package you may want to look into is ``needrestart`` - which runs
as a hook during the upgrade process to detect any processes that seem to be
running with outdated libraries, allowing you to restart them as well. This
package is *not* installed by the ``common`` role out-of-the-box, but you can
easily do so by updating the ``common_packages`` setting.

In addition to system packages, the ``common`` role makes it easy to check if
any of the pip requirements files are outdated as well. It should be noted,
though, that this check does *not* verify the Python virtual environments
themselves. Only Python 3 is supported at this time.

This is primarily useful when you use `pip-tools
<>`_ for maintaining the
requirements files. In fact, I would encourage you to utilise
``pip-tools`` for both this purpose and for keeping the virtual
environment in sync and up-to-date.

Roles that want to take advantage of this would:

- Create a sub-directory under
- Deploy ``.in`` and ``.txt`` files within the sub-directory (see ``pip-tools``
  docs for explanation of how the ``.in`` files work).
- Ensure the created sub-directory and files have ownership set to

.. note::
   If you are using the ``wsgi_website`` role as dependency, simply set-up the
   ``wsgi_requirements`` parameter, and then deploy the ``.in`` and ``.txt``
   file into directory ``/etc/pip_check_requirements_upgrades/FQDN`` (this
   directory is automatically created when ``wsgi_requirements`` is specified).


Where to go next?

Well, those were some rather lengthy usage instructions, but hopefuly they are
useful. Things you might want to check-out next:

* :ref:`rolereference`
* :ref:`testsite`
* Finally, if it tickles your interest, have a look at role implementations
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