Changeset - 40689344a8f3
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Branko Majic (branko) - 9 years ago 2015-08-16 21:41:53
MAR-15: Implemented role for deploying a MariaDB database.
5 files changed with 53 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -1121,96 +1121,132 @@ Parameters
  for HTTPS service. The file will be copied to directory ``/etc/ssl/certs/``.

**https_tls_key** (string, mandatory)
  Path to file on Ansible host that contains the private key used for TLS for
  HTTPS service. The file will be copied to directory ``/etc/ssl/private/``.

**packages** (list, optional)
  A list of additional packages to install for this particular WSGI
  website. This is usually going to be development libraries for building Python

**rewrites** (list, optional)
  A list of rewrite rules that are applied to incoming requests. Each element of
  the list should be a string value compatible with the format of ``nginx``
  option ``rewrite``. The keyword ``rewrite`` itself should be omitted, as well
  as trailing semi-colon (``;``).

**static_locations** (list, optional)
  List of locations that should be treated as static-only, and not processed by
  the WSGI application at all. This is normally used for designating serving of
  static/media files by Nginx (for example, in case of Django projects for
  ``/static/`` and ``/media/``).

**uid** (integer, mandatory)
  UID/GID (they are set-up to be the same) of the dedicated website

**use_paste** (boolean, optional)
  Tell Gunicorn to assume that the passed-in ``wsgi_application`` value is a
  filename of a Python Paste ``ini`` file instead of WSGI application.

**virtuaelnv_packages** (list, optional)
  A list of additional packages to install for this particular PHP
  appliction. This is usually going to be different PHP extensions.

**wsgi_application** (string, mandatory)
  WSGI application that should be started by Gunicorn. The format should be
  conformant to what the ``gunicorn`` command-line tool accepts. If the
  ``use_paste`` option is enabled, the value should be equal to filename of the
  Python Paste ini file, located in the ``code`` sub-directory.



Here is an example configuration for setting-up a (base) WSGI website (for
running a bare Django project):

.. code-block:: yaml

    - role: wsgi_website
      admin: admin
        - /static
        - /media
      uid: 2004
        - django
      wsgi_application: django_example_com.wsgi:application
      https_tls_key: "{{ inventory_dir }}/tls/wsgi.example.com_https.key"
      https_tls_certificate: "{{ inventory_dir }}/tls/wsgi.example.com_https.pem"


Database Server

The ``database_server`` role can be used for setting-up a MariaDB database
server on destination machine.

The role implements the following:

* Installs MariaDB server and client.
* Configures MariaDB server and client to use *UTF-8* encoding by default.
* Sets password for the database root user.
* Deploys MariaDB client configuration in location ``/root/.my.cnf`` that
  contains username and password for the root database user.



**db_root_password** (string, mandatory)
  Password for the *root* database user.



Here is an example configuration for setting-up the database server:

.. code-block:: yaml


   db_root_password: root



The ``database`` role can be used for creating a MariaDB database and
accompanying user on destination machine.

The role implements the following:

* Creates MariaDB database.
* Creates a dedicated user capable of performing any operation on the created
  database. Username is set to be same as the name of database.



**db_name** (string, mandatory)
  Name of the database that should be created.

**db_password** (string, mandatory)
  Password for the database user.



Here is an example configuration for creating a single database (for some

.. code-block:: yaml

  - role: database
    db_name: phpinfo_example_com
    db_password: phpinfo_example_com
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new file 100644

allow_duplicates: yes
\ No newline at end of file
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new file 100644

- name: "Create database {{ db_name }}"
  mysql_db: name="{{ db_name }}" state=present

- name: "Create database user {{ db_name }}"
  mysql_user: name="{{ db_name }}" password="{{ db_password }}"
              priv=*.*:ALL state=present
Show inline comments

  - role: php_website
    admin: admin
      - ^(.*) /index.php
    uid: 2000
    https_tls_key: "{{ inventory_dir }}/tls/phpinfo.example.com_https.key"
    https_tls_certificate: "{{ inventory_dir }}/tls/phpinfo.example.com_https.pem"
  - role: database
    db_name: phpinfo_example_com
    db_password: phpinfo_example_com
\ No newline at end of file
Show inline comments

  - role: wsgi_website
    admin: admin
    uid: 2001
    wsgi_application: wsgi:application
      - /static/
    https_tls_key: "{{ inventory_dir }}/tls/wsgi.example.com_https.key"
    https_tls_certificate: "{{ inventory_dir }}/tls/wsgi.example.com_https.pem"
  - role: database
    db_name: wsgi_example_com
    db_password: wsgi_example_com
\ No newline at end of file
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