Changeset - 4acb74ace813
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Branko Majic (branko) - 9 years ago 2015-10-25 18:28:38
MAR-18: Adding usage instructions for bootstrap and common server configuration.
1 file changed with 117 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -274,3 +274,120 @@ with Python's built-in HTTP server::

  cd ~/mysite/preseed_files/
  python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000


Bootstrapping servers for Ansible set-up

In order to effectively use Ansible, a small initial bootstrap always has to be
done for managed servers. This mainly involves set-up of Ansible users on the
destination machine, and distributing the SSH public keys for authroisation.

When you use the preseed configuration files to deploy a server, you get the
benefit of having the authorized_keys set-up for the root operating system,
making it easier to bootstrap the machines subsequently via Ansible.

Let's bootstrap our two machines now:

1. For start, create a dedicated playbook for the bootstrap process.



      - hosts: [communications, web]
        remote_user: root
          - bootstrap

2. The ``bootstrap`` role actually has only one parameter - for specifying the
   SSH key to deploy to authorized_keys file for the Ansible user on managed
   server. This defaults to content of local file ``~/.ssh/``, so no
   need to make any changes so far.

3. SSH into both machines at least once from the Ansible server in order to
   store the SSH fingerprints into known hosts file::

     ssh date
     ssh date

4. Now, simply run the bootstrap role against the two servers::

     ansible-playbook playbooks/bootstrap.yml

6. At this point you won't be able to ssh into the machines with root account
   anymore. You would be able to ssh into the machine via public key using the
   ``ansible`` user. The ``ansible`` user will also be granted password-less
   sudo privileges.

7. After this you can finally move on to configuring what you really want -
   common configuration and services for your site.


Common server configuration

Each server needs to share some common configuration in order to be functioning
properly. This includes set-up of some shared accounts, perhaps some hardening

Let's take care of this common configuration right away:

1. Create playbook for the communications server:


      - hosts: communications
        remote_user: ansible
        sudo: yes
          - common

2. Create playbook for the web server:


      - hosts: web
        remote_user: ansible
        sudo: yes
          - common

3. Create the global site playbook:


      - include: preseed.yml
      - include: communications.yml
      - include: web.yml

4. Time to create configuration for the role. Since this role is supposed to
   set-up a common base, we'll set-up the variables file that applies to all



        - name: admin
          uid: 1000
            - sudo
            - "{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"
          password: "{{ 'admin' | password_hash('sha512') }}"

        - emacs24-nox

5. That's all for configuration, time to apply the changes::

     ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml

6. After this you should be able to ssh using the user ``admin`` via public
   key. The ``admin`` user's password has also been set to ``admin``, and the
   user will be member of ``sudo`` group.
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