Changeset - 500658358454
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Branko Majic (branko) - 8 years ago 2015-11-15 14:18:44
MAR-44: Added backup server implementation. Updated testsite to include deployment of dedicated backup server. Documented the backup server implementation (except for usage instructions).
15 files changed with 373 insertions and 9 deletions:
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@@ -9,4 +9,8 @@ testsite/preseed_files/
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@@ -1305,3 +1305,82 @@ website):
  - role: database
    db_name: phpinfo_example_com
    db_password: phpinfo_example_com


Backup Server

The ``backup_server`` role can be used for setting-up a server to act as backup
storage for the backup clients. Storage is made available to the clients
exclusively via SFTP on a dedicated port and dedicated OpenSSH server
instance. This instance is specifically configured and tailored for this

The role is primarily aimed for use with `Duplicity
<>`_, but should be also usable for generic SFTP

The role implements the following:

* Installs backup software (Duplicity, Duply).
* Creates a dedicated directory structure for backups with the following structure:

  * ``/srv/backups/`` - main directory under which all the backups reside.
  * ``/srv/backups/SERVER_NAME/`` - home directory for the backup user, name
    after the server. Backup users are confined to their respective home
    directory via chroot. Backup users can't write to their own home directory,
  * ``/srv/backups/SERVER_NAME/duplicity/`` - directory where the Duplicity
    backups are stored at. This directory is writable by the respective backup
  * ``SERVER_NAME/.ssh/`` - directory where authorized keys are stored. Backup
    user is not allowed to make modifications to this directory and files
    contained within (i.e. backup users can't add more keys to the
    ``authorized_keys`` file).
* Creates dedicated operating system users for backup clients. These users will
  be made members of the ``backup`` group as well (as an additional group).
* Sets-up ``authorized_keys`` for the backup clients.
* Makes sure the backup users can't log-in via regular OpenSSH server instance.
* Sets-up dedicated OpenSSH server instances to be used exclusively by backup
  clients. The instance listens on TCP port ``2222``.
* Updates firewall to allow incoming TCP connections to port
  ``2222``. Connections are allowed only from the configured IP addresses
  associated with backup clients.



**backup_clients** (list, optional)
  List of backup clients that are connecting to the backup server. This is
  usually done on a per-server basis. Each item in the list is a dictionary
  describing the backup client. The following keys are available:

  **server** (string, mandatory)
    Name of the server that is backed up. It is highly recommended to use
    server's FQDN for this purpose. The dedicated operating system user created
    will have the name of format ``bak-ESCAPED_SERVER_NAME``, where
    ``ESCAPED_SERVER_NAME`` is calculated by taking the passed-in server name
    and replacing all dots (``.``) with undescores (``_``). For example,
    ```` will be turned into ``bak-web_example_com``.

  **uid** (integer, optional, ``whatever OS picks``)
    Uid for the operating system user. User's default group will have a GID
    identical to the user's UID if specified. Otherwise user's default group
    will have OS-determined GID.

  **ip** (IPv4 address, mandatory)
    IPv4 address from which the backup client server is connecting to the backup
    server. Used for introducing stricter firewall rules.

**backup_host_ssh_private_keys** (dictionary, mandatory)
  Defines host keys used for the dedicated OpenSSH server instance for
  backup. Key values that must be provided are: **dsa**, **rsa**, **ed25519**,
  and **ecdsa**, with values for each one of them corresponding to a private key
  generated using the appropriate algorithm. Keys for this purpose can be easily
  created via commands::

    ssh-keygen -f backup_server_dsa_key -N '' -t dsa
    ssh-keygen -f backup_server_rsa_key -N '' -t rsa
    ssh-keygen -f backup_server_ed25519_key -N '' -t ed25519
    ssh-keygen -f backup_server_ecdsa_key -N '' -t ecdsa
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@@ -110,15 +110,29 @@ In order to deploy the test site, the following steps would normally be taken:
   location ``testsite/tls/ca.pem``. It is very important to
   include the full CA chain used for LDAP server.

6. Generate the preseed files:
6. Generate SSH keys to be used by the backup server and backup clients:

  .. code-block:: shell

    ssh-keygen -f ssh/backup_server_dsa_key -N '' -t dsa
    ssh-keygen -f ssh/backup_server_rsa_key -N '' -t rsa
    ssh-keygen -f ssh/backup_server_ed25519_key -N '' -t ed25519
    ssh-keygen -f ssh/backup_server_ecdsa_key -N '' -t ecdsa
    ssh-keygen -f ssh/ -N ''
    ssh-keygen -f ssh/ -N ''
    ssh-keygen -f ssh/ -N ''
    ssh-keygen -f ssh/ -N ''
    ssh-keygen -f ssh/ -N ''

7. Generate the preseed files:

  .. code-block:: shell

    ansible-playbook playbooks/preseed.yml

7. Install all servers using the generated preseed files.
8. Install all servers using the generated preseed files.

8. Add the SSH host fingerprints to your ``known_hosts`` file (don't forget to
9. Add the SSH host fingerprints to your ``known_hosts`` file (don't forget to
   remove old entries if you are redoing the process). You can easily obtain all
   the necessary fingerprints with command (don't forget to modify domain if you
   need to):
@@ -127,14 +141,14 @@ In order to deploy the test site, the following steps would normally be taken:

      ssh-keyscan -t ed25519 $(resolveip -s $(resolveip -s $(resolveip -s $(resolveip -s

9. Invoke the ``bootstrap.yml`` playbook in order to set-up some basic
   environment for Ansible runs on all servers:
10. Invoke the ``bootstrap.yml`` playbook in order to set-up some basic
    environment for Ansible runs on all servers:

  .. code-block:: shell

    ansible-playbook playbooks/bootstrap.yml

10. Finally, apply configuration on all servers:
11. Finally, apply configuration on all servers:

  .. code-block:: shell

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backup_clients: []
  dsa: "{{ ssh_key_dir }}/{{ ansible_fqdn }}_dsa_key"
  rsa: "{{ ssh_key_dir }}/{{ ansible_fqdn }}_rsa_key"
  ed25519: "{{ ssh_key_dir }}/{{ ansible_fqdn }}_ed25519_key"
  ecdsa: "{{ ssh_key_dir }}/{{ ansible_fqdn }}_ecdsa_key"
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# Listen on separate port for backup purposes.
Port 2222

# Use the SSH protocol version 2 (which is safer).
Protocol 2

# Define dedicated host keys for backup SSH server.
HostKey /etc/ssh-backup/ssh_host_rsa_key
HostKey /etc/ssh-backup/ssh_host_dsa_key
HostKey /etc/ssh-backup/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
HostKey /etc/ssh-backup/ssh_host_ed25519_key

# Use privilege separation for increased security.
UsePrivilegeSeparation yes

# Configure logging.
SyslogFacility AUTH
LogLevel INFO

# Users logging-in have 10 seconds to login upon established connection.
LoginGraceTime 10

# Don't allow root accounts logins.
PermitRootLogin no

# Enforce strict checking of home directory mode. However, this is not used for
# the chroots (chroots must check mode).
StrictModes yes

# Allow public key authentication.
PubkeyAuthentication yes

# Don't read the user's ~/.rhosts and ~/.shosts files for eventual
# RhostsRSAAuthentication or HostbasedAuthentication.
IgnoreRhosts yes

# Disable host-based authentication.
HostbasedAuthentication no

# Do not allow logins with empty passwords.
PermitEmptyPasswords no

# Don't allow challenge-response authentication.
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no

# Disable password-based authentication.
PasswordAuthentication no

# Disable X11 forwarding.
X11Forwarding no

# Do not print motd to avoid eventual issues for clients.
PrintMotd no

# Do not print the date and time of the last user login.
PrintLastLog no

# Use TPC keepalives for detecting dead connections.
TCPKeepAlive yes

# Use the internal SFTP so we can also easily utilise chroot.
Subsystem sftp internal-sftp

# Use PAM. But thanks to PasswordAuthentication being set to "no", PAM will be
# used just for session stuff.
UsePAM yes

# Specify a dedicated PID file for the backup SSH.
PidFile /var/run/

# Users logging-in are forced to use the SFTP server.
ForceCommand internal-sftp

# Chroot logged-in users to their home directories.
ChrootDirectory %h

# Do not allow any TCP forwarding.
AllowTCPForwarding no

# Only allow the members of this group to log-in into this instance of OpenSSH
# server.
AllowGroups backup
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# Default settings for OpenSSH backup server. Used by systemd service.

# Separate configuration file is used for backup instance.
SSHD_OPTS="-f /etc/ssh-backup/sshd_config"
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Description=OpenBSD Secure Shell server for backup purposes auditd.service

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/sshd -D $SSHD_OPTS
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID

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Description=OpenBSD Secure Shell server socket for backup purposes


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- name: Restart backup SSH server
  service: name=ssh-backup state=restarted
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- name: Install backup software
  apt: name="{{ item }}" state=installed
    - duplicity
    - duply

- name: Create directory for storing backups
  file: path="/srv/backups" state=directory
        owner="root" group="root" mode=751

- name: Create backup client groups
  group: name="{{ item.server | replace('.', '_') | regex_replace('^', 'bak-') }}"
         gid="{{ item.uid | default(omit) }}" system="yes"
  with_items: backup_clients

- name: Create backup client users
  user: name="{{ item.server | replace('.', '_') | regex_replace('^', 'bak-') }}"
        group="{{ item.server | replace('.', '_') | regex_replace('^', 'bak-') }}"
        uid="{{ item.uid | default(omit) }}"
        system=yes createhome=no state=present home="/srv/backups/{{ item.server }}"
  with_items: backup_clients

- name: Create home directories for backup client users
  file: path="/srv/backups/{{ item.server }}" state=directory
        owner="root" group="{{ item.server | replace('.', '_') | regex_replace('^', 'bak-') }}" mode=750
  with_items: backup_clients

- name: Create duplicity directories for backup client users
  file: path="/srv/backups/{{ item.server }}/duplicity" state=directory
        owner="{{ item.server | replace('.', '_') | regex_replace('^', 'bak-') }}"
        group="{{ item.server | replace('.', '_') | regex_replace('^', 'bak-') }}"
  with_items: backup_clients

- name: Create SSH directory for backup client users
  file: path="/srv/backups/{{ item.server }}/.ssh" state=directory
        owner="root" group="root" mode=751
  with_items: backup_clients

- name: Populate authorized keys for backup client users
  authorized_key: user="{{ item.server | replace('.', '_') | regex_replace('^', 'bak-') }}"
                  key="{{ item.public_key }}" manage_dir="no" state="present"
  with_items: backup_clients

- name: Set-up authorized_keys file permissions for backup client users
  file: path="/srv/backups/{{ item.server }}/.ssh/authorized_keys" state=file
        owner="root" group="{{ item.server | replace('.', '_') | regex_replace('^', 'bak-') }}"
  with_items: backup_clients

- name: Deny the backup group login via regular SSH
  lineinfile: dest="/etc/ssh/sshd_config" state=present line="DenyGroups backup"
    - Restart SSH

- name: Set-up directory for the backup OpenSSH server instance
  file: path="/etc/ssh-backup/" state=directory
        owner="root" group="root" mode="700"

- name: Deploy configuration file for the backup OpenSSH server instance service
  copy: src="ssh-backup.default" dest="/etc/default/ssh-backup"
        owner="root" group="root" mode="644"
    - Restart backup SSH server

- name: Deploy configuration file for the backup OpenSSH server instance
  copy: src="backup-sshd_config" dest="/etc/ssh-backup/sshd_config"
        owner="root" group="root" mode="600"
    - Restart backup SSH server

- name: Deploy the private keys for backup OpenSSH server instance
  copy: content="{{ item.value }}" dest="/etc/ssh-backup/ssh_host_{{ item.key }}_key"
        owner="root" group="root" mode="600"
  with_dict: backup_host_ssh_private_keys
  no_log: True
    - Restart backup SSH server

- name: Deploy backup OpenSSH server systemd service file
  copy: src="ssh-backup.service" dest="/etc/systemd/system/ssh-backup.service"
        owner=root group=root mode=644
    - Reload systemd
    - Restart backup SSH server

- name: Start and enable OpenSSH backup service
  service: name="ssh-backup" state="started" enabled="yes"

- name: Deploy firewall configuration for backup server
  template: src="ferm_backup.conf.j2" dest="/etc/ferm/conf.d/40-backup.conf" owner=root group=root mode=640
    - Restart ferm
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{% if backup_clients -%}
table filter {
    chain INPUT {
        saddr ({% for client in backup_clients %} {{ client.ip }}{% endfor %}) @subchain "backup_in" {
            # SSH
            proto tcp dport 2222 ACCEPT;
{%- endif %}
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  root: "root john.doe@{{ testsite_domain }}"

smtp_relay_host: mail.{{ testsite_domain }}

smtp_relay_truststore: /etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem

  - server:
    uid: 3000
    public_key: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/') }}"
  - server:
    public_key: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/') }}"

  dsa: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/backup_server_dsa_key') }}"
  rsa: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/backup_server_rsa_key') }}"
  ed25519: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/backup_server_ed25519_key') }}"
  ecdsa: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/backup_server_ecdsa_key') }}"
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@@ -13,8 +13,12 @@


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- hosts: backup
  remote_user: ansible
  sudo: yes
    - common
    - mail_forwarder
    - backup_server
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@@ -4,4 +4,5 @@
- include: ldap.yml
- include: xmpp.yml
- include: mail.yml
- include: web.yml
\ No newline at end of file
- include: web.yml
- include: backup.yml
\ No newline at end of file
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