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Branko Majic (branko) - 8 years ago 2015-10-25 18:29:14
MAR-18: Updated the usage instructions to include a full example for deploying a PHP application (including database). Picked The Bug Genie for this purpose. Fixed some http links.
1 file changed with 232 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ First of all, let's set-up some basic directory structure and configuration:


     force_handlers = True
     retry_files_save_path = /home/ansible/mysite/retry
     inventory = /home/ansible/mysite/hosts
@@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ Nginx on the server.
     ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml

5. If no errors have been reported, at this point you should have a default web
   page available and visible at ``. Feel free to try it
   page available and visible at Feel free to try it
   out with some browser. Keep in mind you will get a warning about the
   untrusted certificate!

@@ -1092,3 +1092,233 @@ server.
   Of course, no database has been created for either of the web applications,
   but we will get to that one later (there is a dedicated ``database`` role
   which can be combined with web app roles for this purpose).


Deploying a PHP web application (The Bug Genie)

We have some basic infrastructure up and running now on our web server, so we
shall move on to setting-up a PHP web application on it. As mentioned before, we
will take The Bug Genie as an example.

For this we will create a local role in our site to take care of it. This role
will in turn utilise two roles coming from *Majic Ansible Roles* that will make
our life (a little) easier.

To make the example a bit simpler, no parameters will be introducd to this role
(not even the password for database etc).

Here is also a couple of useful pointers regarding the ``php_website`` role
we'll be using for the PHP part:

* The role is designed to execute every application via dedicated user and
  group. The user/group name is automatically derived from the FQDN of website,
  for example ``web-tbg_example_com``.
* For administrative purposes you can use a separate user that you have created
  before (for example via the ``common`` role). This user will get added to
  application's group.
* Each web application gets distinct sub-directory under ``/var/www``, named
  after the FQDN. All sub-directories created under there are created with
  ``2750`` permissions, with ownership set to admin user, and group set to the
  application's group. In other words, all directories will have ``SGID`` bit
  set-up, allowing you to create files/directories that will have their group
  automatically set to the group of the parent directory.
* Combination of admin user membership in application group, ``SGID``
  permission, and the way ownership of sub-directories is set-up usually means
  that the administrator will be capable of managing application files, and
  application can be granted write permissions to a *minimum* of necessary

  .. warning::
     Just keep in mind that some file-management commands, like ``mv``, do *not*
     respect the ``SGID`` bit. In fact, I would recommend using ``cp`` when you
     deploy new files to the directory instead (don't simply move them from your

1. Start-off with creating the necessary directories for the new role::

     mkdir -p ~/mysite/roles/tbg/{tasks,meta,files}/

2. Let's set-up role dependencies, reusing some common roles to make our life



         # Ok, so this role helps us set-up Nginx virtual host for serving our
         # app.
         - role: php_website
           # We shall let our admin account be able to read/write files
           # belonging to the application. This allows us to use regular user
           # (admin in this case) without sudo.
           admin: admin
           # This will set-up a new virtual host for our app.
           # Some additional packages are required in order to deploy and use TBG.
              - php5-gd
              - php5-curl
              - git
              - php5-mysql
              - expect
           # Set-up URL rewriting. This is based on public/.htaccess file from
           # TBG.
              - ^(.*)$ /index.php?url=$1
           # We don't necessarily need this, but in case you have a policy on
           # uid/gid usage, this is useful. Take note that below value is used
           # for both the dedicated uid and gid for application user.
           uid: 2000
         # And this role sets up a new dedicated database for our web
         # application.
         - role: database
           # This is both the database name, _and_ name of the database user
           # that will be granted full privileges on the database.
           db_name: tbg
           # This will be the password of our user 'tbg' to access the
           # database. Take note the user can only login from localhost.
           db_password: tbg

3. Now for my favourite part again - creating private keys certificates! Why?
   Because the ``php_website`` role requires a private key/certificate pair to
   be deployed. So... Moving on:

   1. Create new template for ``certtool``:


         organization = "Example Inc."
         country = SE
         cn = "Exampe Inc. Issue Tracker"
         expiration_days = 365
         dns_name = ""

   2. Create the keys and certificates for the application::

        certtool --sec-param normal --generate-privkey --outfile ~/mysite/tls/tbg.example.com_https.key
        certtool --generate-certificate --load-ca-privkey ~/mysite/tls/ca.key --load-ca-certificate ~/mysite/tls/ca.pem --template ~/mysite/tls/tbg.example.com_https.cfg --load-privkey ~/mysite/tls/tbg.example.com_https.key --outfile ~/mysite/tls/tbg.example.com_https.pem

4. Time to get our hands a bit more dirty... Up until now we didn't have to write
   custom tasks, but at this point we need to.



      - name: Define TBG version
        set_fact: tbg_version=4.1.0

      - name: Download the TBG archive
        get_url: url={{ tbg_version }}.tar.gz
                 dest="/var/www/{{ tbg_version }}.tar.gz"
        become: yes
        become_user: admin

      - name: Download Composer
        get_url: url=
                 owner=root group=root mode=755

      - name: Unpack TBG
        unarchive: src="/var/www/{{ tbg_version }}.tar.gz"
                   dest="/var/www/" copy=no
                   creates="/var/www/{{ tbg_version }}"
        become: yes
        become_user: admin

      - name: Create TBG cache directory
        file: path="/var/www/{{ tbg_version }}/cache" state=directory mode=2770
        become: yes
        become_user: admin

      - name: Set-up writeable directories for TBG install
        file: path="{{ item }}" mode=g+w
           - /var/www/{{ tbg_version }}/
           - /var/www/{{ tbg_version }}/public/
           - /var/www/{{ tbg_version }}/core/config/

      - name: Create symbolic link to TBG application
        file: src="/var/www/{{ tbg_version }}/public"
              owner="admin" group="web-tbg_example_com" mode=2750
        become: yes
        become_user: admin

      - name: Install TBG dependencies
        composer: command=install working_dir="/var/www/{{ tbg_version }}"
        become: yes
        become_user: admin

      - name: Deploy database configuration file for TBG
        copy: src="b2db.yml" dest="/var/www/{{ tbg_version }}/core/config/b2db.yml"
              mode=640 group=web-tbg_example_com
        become: yes
        become_user: admin

      - name: Deploy expect script for installing TBG
        copy: src="tbg_expect_install" dest="/var/www/" mode=750
        become: yes
        become_user: admin

      - name: Run TBG installer via expect script
        command: /var/www/
                 chdir=/var/www/{{ tbg_version }} 
                 creates=/var/www/{{ tbg_version }}/installed
        become: yes
        become_user: admin

5. Set-up the files that are deployed via task above.


          username: "tbg"
          password: "tbg"
          dsn: "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=tbg"
          tableprefix: ''
          cacheclass: '\thebuggenie\core\framework\Cache'



      spawn ./tbg_cli install --accept_license=yes --url_subdir=/ --use_existing_db_info=yes --enable_all_modules=yes --setup_htaccess=yes

      expect "Press ENTER to continue with the installation: "
      send "\r"
      expect "Press ENTER to continue: "
      send "\r"

6. And... Let's add the new role to our web server.


      - hosts: web
        remote_user: ansible
        sudo: yes
          - common
          - ldap_client
          - mail_forwarder
          - web_server
          - database_server
          - tbg

7. Apply the changes::

     ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml

8. At this point TBG has been installed, and you should be able to open the URL (or and log-in into
   *The Bug Genie* with username ``administrator`` and password ``admin``.
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