Changeset - 8001cba3f698
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Branko Majic (branko) - 9 years ago 2015-03-08 11:23:54
MAR-3: Added role documentation.
1 file changed with 84 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -279,6 +279,8 @@ packages on all servers:
    - debconf-utils


.. _ldap_client:

LDAP Client

@@ -477,3 +479,85 @@ Here is an example configuration for setting-up LDAP server:
      uid: john
      cn: John Doe
      sn: Doe



The ``prosody`` role can be used for setting-up Prosody, an XMPP server, on
destination machine.

The role implements the following:

* Sets-up the Prosody apt repository.
* Installs Prosody.
* Configures Prosody.

Prosody is configured as follows:

* Modules enabled: roster, saslauth, tls, dialback, posix, private, vcard,
  version, uptime, time, ping, pep, register, admin_adhoc, announce.
* Self-registration is not allowed.
* TLS is configured.
* Client-to-server communication requires encryption (TLS).
* Authentication is done via LDAP. For setting the LDAP TLS truststore, see
  :ref:`LDAP Client <ldap_client>`.
* Internal storage is used.
* For each domain specified, a dedicated conference/multi-user chat (MUC)
  service is set-up, with FQDN set to ``conference.DOMAIN``.
* For each domain specified, a dedicated file proxy service will be set-up, with
  FQDN set to ``proxy.DOMAIN``.



**prosody_administrators** (list, mandatory)
  List of Prosody users that should be granted administrator privileges over
  Prosody. Each item is a string with value equal to XMPP user ID
  (i.e. ````).

**prosody_tls_key** (string, mandatory)
  Path to private key (on server itself) that should be used as server's private
  key for TLS connections. The private key should correspond to certificate
  listed in option ``prosody_tls_certificate``. The key file should be provided
  in ``PEM`` format.

**prosody_tls_certificate** (string, mandatory)
  Path to *X.509* certificate (on server itself) that should be used as server
  certificate for TLS connections. The certificate file should be provided in
  ``PEM`` format.

**prosody_domains** (list, mandatory)
  List of domains that are served by this Prosody instance. Each item is a
  string specifying a domain.

**prosody_ldap_server** (string, mandatory)
  Fully qualified domain name, hostname, or IP address of the LDAP server used
  for user authentication and listing.

**prosody_ldap_bind_dn** (string, mandatory)
  Distinguished name of LDAP user used for authenticating to the LDAP
  server. This user is used for looking-up the users available on the
  server. Users themselves authenticate via their own account.

**prosody_ldap_password** (string, mandatory)
  Password used for authenticating to the LDAP server.

**prosody_ldap_filter** (string, mandatory)
  LDAP filter used for obtaining a list of users available on the Prosody
  server. Two special strings can be used for specifying the user and domain,
  ``$user``, and ``$host`` within. These will be replaced with real values in
  the filter every time a user is looked-up.

**prosody_ldap_scope** (string, mandatory)
  Scope for performing the LDAP search for obtaining a list of users available
  on the Prosody server.

**prosody_ldap_tls** (boolean, mandatory)
  Specifies whether to use STARTTLS extension when connecting to the LDAP server
  or not.

**prosody_ldap_base** (string, mandatory)
  Base DN under which the lists of users available on the Prosody should be
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