Changeset - 8018788c81c4
[Not reviewed]
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Branko Majic (branko) - 5 months ago 2023-12-12 17:20:14
MAR-189: Rework fix for legacy iptables and ferm:

- Unfortunately, using diversions with iptables legacy binaries does
not work correctly because the iptables package will try to run
update-alternatives on install/upgrade, and error out because the
files are not available in the original locations.
- Divert the ferm binary instead, and roll-out a custom patched
version of it instead.
- Use a custom script to drop the legacy iptables (for both IPv4 and
- Update the tests accordingly.
6 files changed with 3516 insertions and 31 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
Show inline comments
new file 100644

# ferm, a firewall setup program that makes firewall rules easy!
# Copyright 2001-2017 Max Kellermann, Auke Kok
# Bug reports and patches for this program may be sent to the GitHub
# repository: L<>

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301 USA.

# $Id$

use File::Spec;
use File::Temp;

    eval { require strict; import strict; };
    $has_strict = not $@;
    if ($@) {
        # we need no if there is not even
        $INC{''} = 1;
        *vars::import = sub {};
    } else {
        require IO::Handle;

    eval { require Getopt::Long; import Getopt::Long; };
    $has_getopt = not $@;

use vars qw($has_strict $has_getopt);

use vars qw($VERSION);

$VERSION = '2.5.1';
#$VERSION .= '~git';

## interface variables
# %option = command line and other options
use vars qw(%option);

## hooks
use vars qw(@pre_hooks @post_hooks @flush_hooks);

## parser variables
# $script: current script file
# @stack = ferm's parser stack containing local variables
# $auto_chain = index for the next auto-generated chain
use vars qw($script @stack $auto_chain);

## netfilter variables
# %domains = state information about all domains ("ip" and "ip6")
# - initialized: domain initialization is done
# - tools: hash providing the paths of the domain's tools
# - previous: save file of the previous ruleset, for rollback
# - tables{$name}: ferm state information about tables
#   - has_builtin: whether built-in chains have been determined in this table
#   - chains{$chain}: ferm state information about the chains
#     - builtin: whether this is a built-in chain
use vars qw(%domains);

## constants
use vars qw(%deprecated_keywords);

# keywords from ferm 1.1 which are deprecated, and the new one; these
# are automatically replaced, and a warning is printed
%deprecated_keywords = ( realgoto => 'goto',

# these hashes provide the Netfilter module definitions
use vars qw(%proto_defs %match_defs %target_defs);

# This subsubsystem allows you to support (most) new netfilter modules
# in ferm.  Add a call to one of the "add_XY_def()" functions below.
# Ok, now about the cryptic syntax: the function "add_XY_def()"
# registers a new module.  There are three kinds of modules: protocol
# module (e.g. TCP, ICMP), match modules (e.g. state, physdev) and
# target modules (e.g. DNAT, MARK).
# The first parameter is always the module name which is passed to
# iptables with "-p", "-m" or "-j" (depending on which kind of module
# this is).
# After that, you add an encoded string for each option the module
# supports.  This is where it becomes tricky.
# foo           defaults to an option with one argument (which may be a ferm
#               array)
# foo*0         option without any arguments
# foo=s         one argument which must not be a ferm array ('s' stands for
#               'scalar')
# u32=m         an array which renders into multiple iptables options in one
#               rule
# ctstate=c     one argument, if it's an array, pass it to iptables as a
#               single comma separated value; example:
#                 ctstate (ESTABLISHED RELATED)  translates to:
#                 --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED
# foo=sac       three arguments: scalar, array, comma separated; you may
#               concatenate more than one letter code after the '='
# foo&bar       one argument; call the perl function '&bar()' which parses
#               the argument
# !foo          negation is allowed and the '!' is written before the keyword
# foo!          same as above, but '!' is after the keyword and before the
#               parameters
# to:=to-destination    makes "to" an alias for "to-destination"; you have
#                       to add a declaration for option "to-destination"

# prototype declarations
sub open_script($);
sub resolve($@);
sub enter($$);
sub rollback();
sub execute_fast($);
sub execute_slow($$);
sub join_value($$);
sub ipfilter($@);

# add a module definition
sub add_def_x {
    my $defs = shift;
    my $domain_family = shift;
    my $params_default = shift;
    my $name = shift;
    die if exists $defs->{$domain_family}{$name};
    my $def = $defs->{$domain_family}{$name} = {};
    foreach (@_) {
        my $keyword = $_;
        my $k;

        if ($keyword =~ s,:=(\S+)$,,) {
            $k = $def->{keywords}{$1} || die;
            $k->{ferm_name} ||= $keyword;
        } else {
            my $params = $params_default;
            $params = $1 if $keyword =~ s,\*(\d+)$,,;
            $params = $1 if $keyword =~ s,=([acs]+|m)$,,;
            if ($keyword =~ s,&(\S+)$,,) {
                $params = eval "\\&$1";
                die $@ if $@;

            $k = {};
            $k->{params} = $params if $params;

            $k->{negation} = $k->{pre_negation} = 1 if $keyword =~ s,^!,,;
            $k->{negation} = 1 if $keyword =~ s,!$,,;
            $k->{name} = $keyword;

        $def->{keywords}{$keyword} = $k;

    return $def;

# add a protocol module definition
sub add_proto_def_x(@) {
    my $domain_family = shift;
    add_def_x(\%proto_defs, $domain_family, 1, @_);

# add a match module definition
sub add_match_def_x(@) {
    my $domain_family = shift;
    add_def_x(\%match_defs, $domain_family, 1, @_);

# add a target module definition
sub add_target_def_x(@) {
    my $domain_family = shift;
    add_def_x(\%target_defs, $domain_family, 's', @_);

sub add_def {
    my $defs = shift;
    add_def_x($defs, 'ip', @_);

# add a protocol module definition
sub add_proto_def(@) {
    add_def(\%proto_defs, 1, @_);

# add a match module definition
sub add_match_def(@) {
    add_def(\%match_defs, 1, @_);

# add a target module definition
sub add_target_def(@) {
    add_def(\%target_defs, 's', @_);

add_proto_def 'dccp', qw(dccp-types!=c dccp-option!);
add_proto_def 'mh', qw(mh-type!);
add_proto_def 'icmp', qw(icmp-type! icmpv6-type:=icmp-type);
add_proto_def 'sctp', qw(chunk-types!=sc);
add_proto_def 'tcp', qw(tcp-flags!=cc !syn*0 tcp-option! mss);
add_proto_def 'udp', qw();

add_match_def '',
  # --source, --destination
  qw(source!&address_magic saddr:=source),
  qw(destination!&address_magic daddr:=destination),
  # --in-interface
  qw(in-interface! interface:=in-interface if:=in-interface),
  # --out-interface
  qw(out-interface! outerface:=out-interface of:=out-interface),
  # --fragment
add_match_def 'account', qw(aaddr=s aname=s ashort*0);
add_match_def 'addrtype', qw(!src-type !dst-type),
  qw(limit-iface-in*0 limit-iface-out*0);
add_match_def 'ah', qw(ahspi! ahlen! ahres*0);
add_match_def 'bpf', qw(bytecode);
add_match_def 'cgroup', qw(path! cgroup&cgroup_classid);
add_match_def 'comment', qw(comment=s);
add_match_def 'condition', qw(condition!);
add_match_def 'connbytes', qw(!connbytes connbytes-dir connbytes-mode);
add_match_def 'connlabel', qw(!label set*0);
add_match_def 'connlimit', qw(!connlimit-upto !connlimit-above connlimit-mask connlimit-saddr*0 connlimit-daddr*0);
add_match_def 'connmark', qw(!mark);
add_match_def 'conntrack', qw(!ctstate=c !ctproto ctorigsrc! ctorigdst! ctorigsrcport! ctorigdstport!),
  qw(ctreplsrc! ctrepldst! !ctstatus !ctexpire=s ctdir=s);
add_match_def 'cpu', qw(!cpu);
add_match_def 'devgroup', qw(!src-group !dst-group);
add_match_def 'dscp', qw(dscp dscp-class);
add_match_def 'dst', qw(!dst-len=s dst-opts=c);
add_match_def 'ecn', qw(ecn-tcp-cwr*0 ecn-tcp-ece*0 ecn-ip-ect);
add_match_def 'esp', qw(espspi!);
add_match_def 'eui64';
add_match_def 'fuzzy', qw(lower-limit=s upper-limit=s);
add_match_def 'geoip', qw(!src-cc=s !dst-cc=s);
add_match_def 'hbh', qw(hbh-len! hbh-opts=c);
add_match_def 'helper', qw(helper);
add_match_def 'hl', qw(hl-eq! hl-lt=s hl-gt=s);
add_match_def 'hashlimit', qw(hashlimit=s hashlimit-burst=s hashlimit-mode=c hashlimit-name=s),
  qw(hashlimit-upto=s hashlimit-above=s),
  qw(hashlimit-srcmask=s hashlimit-dstmask=s),
  qw(hashlimit-htable-size=s hashlimit-htable-max=s),
  qw(hashlimit-htable-expire=s hashlimit-htable-gcinterval=s);
add_match_def 'iprange', qw(!src-range !dst-range);
add_match_def 'ipv4options', qw(flags!=c any*0);
add_match_def 'ipv6header', qw(header!=c soft*0);
add_match_def 'ipvs', qw(!ipvs*0 !vproto !vaddr !vport vdir !vportctl);
add_match_def 'length', qw(length!);
add_match_def 'limit', qw(limit=s limit-burst=s);
add_match_def 'mac', qw(mac-source!);
add_match_def 'mark', qw(!mark);
add_match_def 'multiport', qw(source-ports!&multiport_params),
  qw(destination-ports!&multiport_params ports!&multiport_params);
add_match_def 'nth', qw(every counter start packet);
add_match_def 'osf', qw(!genre ttl=s log=s);
add_match_def 'owner', qw(!uid-owner !gid-owner pid-owner sid-owner),
  qw(cmd-owner !socket-exists=0);
add_match_def 'physdev', qw(physdev-in! physdev-out!),
  qw(!physdev-is-in*0 !physdev-is-out*0 !physdev-is-bridged*0);
add_match_def 'pkttype', qw(pkt-type!),
add_match_def 'policy',
  qw(dir pol strict*0 !reqid !spi !proto !mode !tunnel-src !tunnel-dst next*0);
add_match_def 'psd', qw(psd-weight-threshold psd-delay-threshold),
  qw(psd-lo-ports-weight psd-hi-ports-weight);
add_match_def 'quota', qw(quota=s);
add_match_def 'random', qw(average);
add_match_def 'realm', qw(realm!);
add_match_def 'recent', qw(name=s !set*0 !remove*0 !rcheck*0 !update*0 !seconds !hitcount rttl*0 rsource*0 rdest*0 mask=s reap*0);
add_match_def 'rpfilter', qw(loose*0 validmark*0 accept-local*0 invert*0);
add_match_def 'rt', qw(rt-type! rt-segsleft! rt-len! rt-0-res*0 rt-0-addrs=c rt-0-not-strict*0);
add_match_def 'set', qw(!match-set=sc set:=match-set return-nomatch*0 !update-counters*0 !update-subcounters*0 !packets-eq=s packets-lt=s packets-gt=s !bytes-eq=s bytes-lt=s bytes-gt=s);
add_match_def 'socket', qw(transparent*0 nowildcard*0 restore-skmark*0);
add_match_def 'state', qw(!state=c);
add_match_def 'statistic', qw(mode=s probability=s every=s packet=s);
add_match_def 'string', qw(algo=s from=s to=s string hex-string);
add_match_def 'tcpmss', qw(!mss);
add_match_def 'time', qw(timestart=s timestop=s days=c datestart=s datestop=s),
  qw(!monthday=c !weekdays=c kerneltz*0 contiguous*0);
add_match_def 'tos', qw(!tos);
add_match_def 'ttl', qw(ttl-eq ttl-lt=s ttl-gt=s);
add_match_def 'u32', qw(!u32=m);

add_target_def 'AUDIT', qw(type);
add_target_def 'BALANCE', qw(to-destination to:=to-destination);
add_target_def 'CHECKSUM', qw(checksum-fill*0);
add_target_def 'CLASSIFY', qw(set-class);
add_target_def 'CLUSTERIP', qw(new*0 hashmode clustermac total-nodes local-node hash-init);
add_target_def 'CONNMARK', qw(set-xmark save-mark*0 restore-mark*0 nfmask ctmask),
  qw(and-mark or-mark xor-mark set-mark mask);
add_target_def 'CONNSECMARK', qw(save*0 restore*0);
add_target_def 'CT', qw(notrack*0 helper ctevents=c expevents=c zone timeout);
add_target_def 'DNAT', qw(to-destination=m to:=to-destination persistent*0 random*0);
add_target_def 'DNPT', qw(src-pfx dst-pfx);
add_target_def 'DSCP', qw(set-dscp set-dscp-class);
add_target_def 'ECN', qw(ecn-tcp-remove*0);
add_target_def 'HL', qw(hl-set hl-dec hl-inc);
add_target_def 'HMARK', qw(hmark-tuple hmark-mod hmark-offset),
  qw(hmark-src-prefix hmark-dst-prefix hmark-sport-mask),
  qw(hmark-dport-mask hmark-spi-mask hmark-proto-mask hmark-rnd);
add_target_def 'IDLETIMER', qw(timeout label);
add_target_def 'IPV4OPTSSTRIP';
add_target_def 'LED', qw(led-trigger-id led-delay led-always-blink*0);
add_target_def 'LOG', qw(log-level log-prefix),
  qw(log-tcp-sequence*0 log-tcp-options*0 log-ip-options*0 log-uid*0);
add_target_def 'MARK', qw(set-mark set-xmark and-mark or-mark xor-mark);
add_target_def 'MASQUERADE', qw(to-ports random*0);
add_target_def 'MIRROR';
add_target_def 'NETMAP', qw(to);
add_target_def 'NFLOG', qw(nflog-group nflog-prefix nflog-range nflog-threshold);
add_target_def 'NFQUEUE', qw(queue-num queue-balance queue-bypass*0 queue-cpu-fanout*0);
add_target_def 'NOTRACK';
add_target_def 'RATEEST', qw(rateest-name rateest-interval rateest-ewmalog);
add_target_def 'REDIRECT', qw(to-ports random*0);
add_target_def 'REJECT', qw(reject-with);
add_target_def 'ROUTE', qw(oif iif gw continue*0 tee*0);
add_target_def 'RTPENGINE', qw(id);
add_target_def 'SAME', qw(to nodst*0 random*0);
add_target_def 'SECMARK', qw(selctx);
add_target_def 'SET', qw(add-set=sc del-set=sc timeout exist*0);
add_target_def 'SNAT', qw(to-source=m to:=to-source persistent*0 random*0);
add_target_def 'SNPT', qw(src-pfx dst-pfx);
add_target_def 'SYNPROXY', qw(sack-perm*0 timestamp*0 ecn*0 wscale=s mss=s);
add_target_def 'TARPIT';
add_target_def 'TCPMSS', qw(set-mss clamp-mss-to-pmtu*0);
add_target_def 'TCPOPTSTRIP', qw(strip-options=c);
add_target_def 'TEE', qw(gateway);
add_target_def 'TOS', qw(set-tos and-tos or-tos xor-tos);
add_target_def 'TPROXY', qw(tproxy-mark on-ip on-port);
add_target_def 'TRACE';
add_target_def 'TTL', qw(ttl-set ttl-dec ttl-inc);
add_target_def 'ULOG', qw(ulog-nlgroup ulog-prefix ulog-cprange ulog-qthreshold);

add_match_def_x 'arp', '',
  # ip
  qw(source-ip! destination-ip! saddr:=source-ip daddr:=destination-ip),
  # mac
  qw(source-mac! destination-mac!),
  # --in-interface
  qw(in-interface! interface:=in-interface if:=in-interface),
  # --out-interface
  qw(out-interface! outerface:=out-interface of:=out-interface),
  # misc
  qw(h-length=s opcode=s h-type=s proto-type=s),
  qw(mangle-ip-s=s mangle-ip-d=s mangle-mac-s=s mangle-mac-d=s mangle-target=s);

add_proto_def_x 'eb', 'IPv4',
  qw(ip-source! ip-destination! ip-src:=ip-source ip-dst:=ip-destination),
  qw(ip-protocol! ip-proto:=ip-protocol),
  qw(ip-source-port! ip-sport:=ip-source-port),
  qw(ip-destination-port! ip-dport:=ip-destination-port);

add_proto_def_x 'eb', 'IPv6',
  qw(ip6-source! ip6-destination! ip6-src:=ip6-source ip6-dst:=ip6-destination),
  qw(ip6-protocol! ip6-proto:=ip6-protocol),
  qw(ip6-source-port! ip6-sport:=ip6-source-port),
  qw(ip6-destination-port! ip6-dport:=ip6-destination-port);

add_proto_def_x 'eb', 'ARP',
  qw(arp-opcode! arp-htype!=ss arp-ptype!=ss),
  qw(arp-ip-src! arp-ip-dst! arp-mac-src! arp-mac-dst!);

add_proto_def_x 'eb', 'RARP',
  qw(arp-opcode! arp-htype!=ss arp-ptype!=ss),
  qw(arp-ip-src! arp-ip-dst! arp-mac-src! arp-mac-dst!);

add_proto_def_x 'eb', '802_1Q',
  qw(vlan-id! vlan-prio! vlan-encap!),

add_match_def_x 'eb', '',
  # --in-interface
  qw(in-interface! interface:=in-interface if:=in-interface),
  # --out-interface
  qw(out-interface! outerface:=out-interface of:=out-interface),
  # logical interface
  qw(logical-in! logical-out!),
  # --source, --destination
  qw(source! saddr:=source destination! daddr:=destination),
  # 802.3
  qw(802_3-sap! 802_3-type!),
  # among
  qw(!among-dst=c !among-src=c !among-dst-file !among-src-file),
  # limit
  qw(limit=s limit-burst=s),
  # mark_m
  # pkttype
  # stp
  qw(stp-type! stp-flags! stp-root-prio! stp-root-addr! stp-root-cost!),
  qw(stp-sender-prio! stp-sender-addr! stp-port! stp-msg-age! stp-max-age!),
  qw(stp-hello-time! stp-forward-delay!),
  # log
  qw(log*0 log-level=s log-prefix=s log-ip*0 log-arp*0);

add_target_def_x 'eb', 'arpreply', qw(arpreply-mac arpreply-target);
add_target_def_x 'eb', 'dnat', qw(to-destination dnat-target);
add_target_def_x 'eb', 'MARK', qw(set-mark mark-target);
add_target_def_x 'eb', 'redirect', qw(redirect-target);
add_target_def_x 'eb', 'snat', qw(to-source snat-target snat-arp*0);

my %shortcuts = (
    ip => {
        sports => ['multiport', 'source-ports'],
        dports => ['multiport', 'destination-ports'],
        comment => ['comment', 'comment'],

# import-ferm uses the above tables
return 1 if $0 =~ /import-ferm$/;

sub append_option(\%$$);

# Realize the "auto_protocol" option which is used to copy "protocol"
# specifications to subchains, but only if needed.  This is the magic
# which allows something like "proto http @subchain { dport http; }".
sub realize_protocol($) {
    my $rule = shift;
    my $proto = $rule->{protocol};

    unless (defined $proto){
        $proto = $rule->{auto_protocol};
        if (defined $proto) {
            # yes, do realize the auto_protocol now, we need it
            $rule->{protocol} = $proto;
            delete $rule->{auto_protocol};
            append_option(%$rule, 'protocol', $proto);

    return $proto;

# Like realize_protocol() but do it only if the given keyword belongs
# to one of the "auto_protocols".
sub realize_protocol_keyword(\%$) {
    my ($rule, $keyword) = @_;
    my $protos = $rule->{auto_protocol};
    return unless defined $protos;

    my $domain_family = $rule->{domain_family};
    return unless defined $domain_family;
    my $defs = $proto_defs{$domain_family};
    return unless defined $defs;

    foreach my $proto (to_array($protos)) {
        my $def = $defs->{$proto};
        if (defined $def and exists $def->{keywords}{$keyword}) {
            $rule->{protocol} = $proto;
            delete $rule->{auto_protocol};
            append_option(%$rule, 'protocol', $proto);

# parameter parser for ipt_multiport
sub multiport_params {
    my $rule = shift;

    # multiport only allows 15 ports at a time. For this
    # reason, we do a little magic here: split the ports
    # into portions of 15, and handle these portions as
    # array elements

    my $proto = realize_protocol($rule);
    error('To use multiport, you have to specify "proto tcp" or "proto udp" first')
      unless defined $proto and grep { /^(?:tcp|udp|udplite)$/ } to_array($proto);

    my $value = getvalues(undef, allow_negation => 1,
                          allow_array_negation => 1);
    if (ref $value and ref $value eq 'ARRAY') {
        my @value = @$value;
        my @params;
        my @chunk;
        my $size;

        for my $ports (@value) {
            my $incr = $ports =~ /:/ ? 2 : 1;
            if ($size + $incr > 15) {
               push @params, join(',', @chunk);
               @chunk = ();
               $size = 0;
            push @chunk, $ports;
            $size += $incr;
        push @params, join(',', @chunk)
          if @chunk;

        return @params == 1
          ? $params[0]
            : \@params;
    } else {
        return join_value(',', $value);

sub ipfilter($@) {
    my $domain = shift;
    my @ips = to_array(shift);
    # very crude IPv4/IPv6 address detection
    if ($domain eq 'ip') {
        @ips = grep { !/:[0-9a-f]*:/ } @ips;
    } elsif ($domain eq 'ip6') {
        @ips = grep { !m,^[0-9./]+$,s } @ips;
    return @ips;

sub address_magic {
    my $rule = shift;
    my $domain = $rule->{domain};
    my $value = getvalues(undef, allow_negation => 1);

    my @ips;
    my $negated = 0;
    if (ref $value and ref $value eq 'ARRAY') {
        @ips = realize_deferred($domain, @$value);
    } elsif (ref $value and ref $value eq 'deferred') {
        @ips = realize_deferred($domain, $value);
    } elsif (ref $value and ref $value eq 'negated') {
        @ips = @$value;
        $negated = 1;
    } elsif (ref $value) {
    } else {
        @ips = ($value);

    # only do magic on domain (ip ip6); do not process on a single-stack rule
    # as to let admins spot their errors instead of silently ignoring them
    @ips = ipfilter($domain, \@ips) if defined $rule->{domain_both};

    if ($negated && scalar @ips) {
        return bless \@ips, 'negated';
    } else {
        return \@ips;

sub cgroup_classid {
    my $rule = shift;
    my $value = getvalues(undef, allow_negation => 1);

    my @classids;
    my $negated = 0;
    if (ref $value and ref $value eq 'ARRAY') {
        @classids = @$value;
    } elsif (ref $value and ref $value eq 'negated') {
        @classids = @$value;
        $negated = 1;
    } elsif (ref $value) {
    } else {
        @classids = ($value);

    foreach (@classids) {
        if ($_ =~ /^([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}):([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})$/) {
            $_ = (hex($1) << 16) + hex($2);
        } elsif ($_ !~ /^-?\d+$/) {
            error('classid must be hex:hex or decimal');
        error('classid must be non-negative') if $_ < 0;
        error('classid is too large') if $_ > 0xffffffff;

    if ($negated && scalar @classids) {
        return bless \@classids, 'negated';
    } else {
        return \@classids;

# initialize stack: command line definitions
unshift @stack, {};

# Get command line stuff
if ($has_getopt) {
    my ($opt_noexec, $opt_flush, $opt_noflush, $opt_lines, $opt_interactive,
        $opt_timeout, $opt_help,
        $opt_version, $opt_test, $opt_fast, $opt_slow, $opt_shell,

    Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling', 'auto_help', 'no_ignore_case',

    sub opt_def {
        my ($opt, $value) = @_;
        die 'Invalid --def specification'
          unless $value =~ /^\$?(\w+)=(.*)$/s;
        my ($name, $unparsed_value) = ($1, $2);
        my $tokens = tokenize_string($unparsed_value);
        $value = getvalues(sub { shift @$tokens; });
        die 'Extra tokens after --def'
          if @$tokens > 0;
        $stack[0]{vars}{$name} = $value;

    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die $_[0]; };
    GetOptions('noexec|n' => \$opt_noexec,
               'flush|F' => \$opt_flush,
               'noflush' => \$opt_noflush,
               'lines|l' => \$opt_lines,
               'interactive|i' => \$opt_interactive,
               'timeout|t=s' => \$opt_timeout,
               'help|h' => \$opt_help,
               'version|V' => \$opt_version,
               test => \$opt_test,
               remote => \$opt_test,
               fast => \$opt_fast,
               slow => \$opt_slow,
               shell => \$opt_shell,
               'domain=s' => \$opt_domain,
               'def=s' => \&opt_def,

    if (defined $opt_help) {
        require Pod::Usage;
        Pod::Usage::pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0);

    if (defined $opt_version) {
        exit 0;

    $option{noexec} = $opt_noexec || $opt_test;
    $option{flush} = $opt_flush;
    $option{noflush} = $opt_noflush;
    $option{lines} = $opt_lines || $opt_test || $opt_shell;
    $option{interactive} = $opt_interactive && !$opt_noexec;
    $option{timeout} = defined $opt_timeout ? $opt_timeout : "30";
    $option{test} = $opt_test;
    $option{fast} = !$opt_slow;
    $option{shell} = $opt_shell;

    die("ferm interactive mode not possible: /dev/stdin is not a tty\n")
      if $option{interactive} and not -t STDIN;
    die("ferm interactive mode not possible: /dev/stderr is not a tty\n")
      if $option{interactive} and not -t STDERR;
    die("ferm timeout has no sense without interactive mode")
        if not $opt_interactive and defined $opt_timeout;
    die("invalid timeout. must be an integer")
        if defined $opt_timeout and not $opt_timeout =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/;

    $option{domain} = $opt_domain if defined $opt_domain;
} else {
    # tiny getopt emulation for microperl

    $option{fast} = 1;

    my $filename;
    foreach (@ARGV) {
        if ($_ eq '--noexec' or $_ eq '-n') {
            $option{noexec} = 1;
        } elsif ($_ eq '--lines' or $_ eq '-l') {
            $option{lines} = 1;
        } elsif ($_ eq '--fast') {
            $option{fast} = 1;
        } elsif ($_ eq '--slow') {
            delete $option{fast};
        } elsif ($_ eq '--test') {
            $option{test} = 1;
            $option{noexec} = 1;
            $option{lines} = 1;
        } elsif ($_ eq '--shell') {
            $option{$_} = 1 foreach qw(shell lines);
        } elsif (/^-/) {
            printf STDERR "Usage: ferm [--noexec] [--lines] [--slow] [--shell] FILENAME\n";
            exit 1;
        } else {
            $filename = $_;
    undef @ARGV;
    push @ARGV, $filename;

unless (@ARGV == 1) {
    require Pod::Usage;
    Pod::Usage::pod2usage(-exitstatus => 1);

if ($has_strict) {
    open LINES, ">&STDOUT" if $option{lines};
    open STDOUT, ">&STDERR" if $option{shell};
} else {
    # microperl can't redirect file handles

    if ($option{fast} and not $option{noexec}) {
        print STDERR "Sorry, ferm on microperl does not allow --fast without --noexec\n";
        exit 1

unshift @stack, {};

my( $volume,$dirs,$file ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $ARGV[0] );
$stack[0]{auto}{FILENAME} = $ARGV[0];
$stack[0]{auto}{FILEBNAME} = $file;
$stack[0]{auto}{DIRNAME} = $dirs;



# parse all input recursively
enter(0, undef);
die unless @stack == 2;

# enable/disable hooks depending on --flush

if ($option{flush}) {
    undef @pre_hooks;
    undef @post_hooks;
} else {
    undef @flush_hooks;

# execute all generated rules
my $status;

foreach my $cmd (@pre_hooks) {
    print LINES "$cmd\n" if $option{lines};
    system($cmd) unless $option{noexec};

foreach my $domain (sort keys %domains) {
    my $domain_info = $domains{$domain};
    next unless $domain_info->{enabled};
    my $s = $option{fast} &&
      defined $domain_info->{tools}{'tables-restore'}
      ? execute_fast($domain_info) : execute_slow($domain_info, $domain);
    $status = $s if defined $s;

foreach my $cmd (@post_hooks, @flush_hooks) {
    print LINES "$cmd\n" if $option{lines};
    system($cmd) unless $option{noexec};

if (defined $status) {
    exit $status;

# ask user, and rollback if there is no confirmation

if ($option{interactive}) {
    if ($option{shell}) {
        print LINES "echo 'ferm has applied the new firewall rules.'\n";
        print LINES "echo 'Please press Ctrl-C to confirm.'\n";
        print LINES "sleep $option{timeout}\n";
        foreach my $domain (sort keys %domains) {
            my $domain_info = $domains{$domain};
            my $restore = $domain_info->{tools}{'tables-restore'};
            next unless defined $restore;
            print LINES "$restore <\$${domain}_tmp\n";

    confirm_rules() or rollback() unless $option{noexec};

exit 0;

# end of program execution!


# funcs

sub printversion {
    print "ferm $VERSION\n";
    print "Copyright 2001-2017 Max Kellermann, Auke Kok\n";
    print "This program is free software released under GPLv2.\n";
    print "See the included COPYING file for license details.\n";


sub error {
    # returns a nice formatted error message, showing the
    # location of the error.
    my $tabs = 0;
    my @lines;
    my $l = 0;
    my @words = map { @$_ } @{$script->{past_tokens}};

    for my $w ( 0 .. $#words ) {
        if ($words[$w] eq "\x29")
            { $l++ ; $lines[$l] = "    " x ($tabs-- -1) ;};
        if ($words[$w] eq "\x28")
            { $l++ ; $lines[$l] = "    " x $tabs++ ;};
        if ($words[$w] eq "\x7d")
            { $l++ ; $lines[$l] = "    " x ($tabs-- -1) ;};
        if ($words[$w] eq "\x7b")
            { $l++ ; $lines[$l] = "    " x $tabs++ ;};
        if ( $l > $#lines ) { $lines[$l] = "" };
        $lines[$l] .= $words[$w] . " ";
        if ($words[$w] eq "\x28")
            { $l++ ; $lines[$l] = "    " x $tabs ;};
        if (($words[$w] eq "\x29") && ($words[$w+1] ne "\x7b"))
            { $l++ ; $lines[$l] = "    " x $tabs ;};
        if ($words[$w] eq "\x7b")
            { $l++ ; $lines[$l] = "    " x $tabs ;};
        if (($words[$w] eq "\x7d") && ($words[$w+1] ne "\x7d"))
            { $l++ ; $lines[$l] = "    " x $tabs ;};
        if (($words[$w] eq "\x3b") && ($words[$w+1] ne "\x7d"))
            { $l++ ; $lines[$l] = "    " x $tabs ;}
        if ($words[$w-1] eq "option")
            { $l++ ; $lines[$l] = "    " x $tabs ;}
    my $start = $#lines - 4;
    if ($start < 0) { $start = 0 } ;
    print STDERR "Error in $script->{filename} line $script->{line}:\n";
    for $l ( $start .. $#lines)
        { print STDERR $lines[$l]; if ($l != $#lines ) {print STDERR "\n"} ; };
    print STDERR "<--\n";

# print a warning message about code from an input file
sub warning {
    print STDERR "Warning in $script->{filename} line $script->{line}: "
      . (shift) . "\n";

sub find_tool($) {
    my $name = shift;
    return $name if $option{test};
    my @path = ('/usr/sbin', '/sbin', split ':', $ENV{PATH});

    foreach my $path (@path) {
        my $ret = "$path/$name";
        return $ret if -x $ret;
    die "$name not found in PATH\n";

sub initialize_domain {
    my $domain = shift;
    my $domain_info = $domains{$domain} ||= {};

    return if exists $domain_info->{initialized};

    die "Invalid domain '$domain'\n" unless $domain =~ /^(?:ip6?|arp|eb)$/;

    my @tools = qw(tables);
    push @tools, qw(tables-save tables-restore)
      if $domain =~ /^ip6?$/;

    # determine the location of this domain's tools
    my %tools = map { $_ => find_tool($domain . $_) } @tools;
    $domain_info->{tools} = \%tools;

    # make tables-save tell us about the state of this domain
    # (which tables and chains do exist?), also remember the old
    # save data which may be used later by the rollback function
    local *SAVE;
    if (!$option{test} &&
        exists $tools{'tables-save'} &&
        open(SAVE, "$tools{'tables-save'}|")) {
        my $save = '';

        my $table_info;
        while (<SAVE>) {
            $save .= $_;

            if (/^\*(\w+)/) {
                my $table = $1;
                $table_info = $domain_info->{tables}{$table} ||= {};
            } elsif (defined $table_info and /^:(\w+)\s+(\S+)/
                     and $2 ne '-') {
                $table_info->{chains}{$1}{builtin} = 1;
                $table_info->{has_builtin} = 1;

        # for rollback
        $domain_info->{previous} = $save;

    if ($option{shell} && $option{interactive} &&
          exists $tools{'tables-save'}) {
        print LINES "${domain}_tmp=\$(mktemp ferm.XXXXXXXXXX)\n";
        print LINES "$tools{'tables-save'} >\$${domain}_tmp\n";

    if ($domain eq 'eb') {
        my $tempfile = File::Temp->new(TEMPLATE => 'ferm.XXXXXXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, OPEN => 0, UNLINK => 1);
        my $filename = $tempfile->filename;
        my $domain_cmd = $domain_info->{tools}{tables};
        execute_command("$domain_cmd --atomic-file $filename --atomic-save");
        $domain_info->{ebt_previous} = $tempfile;

    $domain_info->{initialized} = 1;

sub check_domain($) {
    my $domain = shift;
    my @result;

    return if exists $option{domain}
      and $domain ne $option{domain};

    eval {
    error($@) if $@;

    return 1;

# split the input string into words and delete comments
sub tokenize_string($) {
    my $string = shift;

    my @ret;

    foreach my $word ($string =~ m/(".*?"|'.*?'|`.*?`|[!,=&\$\%\(\){};]|[-+\w\/\.:]+|@\w+|#)/g) {
        last if $word eq '#';
        push @ret, $word;

    return \@ret;

# generate a "line" special token, that marks the line number; these
# special tokens are inserted after each line break, so ferm keeps
# track of line numbers
sub make_line_token($) {
    my $line = shift;
    return bless(\$line, 'line');

# read some more tokens from the input file into a buffer
sub prepare_tokens() {
    my $tokens = $script->{tokens};
    while (@$tokens == 0) {
        my $handle = $script->{handle};
        return unless defined $handle;
        my $line = <$handle>;
        return unless defined $line;

        push @$tokens, make_line_token($script->{line} + 1);

        # the next parser stage eats this
        push @$tokens, @{tokenize_string($line)};

    return 1;

sub handle_special_token($) {
    my $token = shift;
    die unless ref $token;
    if (ref $token eq 'line') {
        $script->{line} = $$token;
        return undef;
    } elsif (ref $token and ref $token eq 'deferred') {
        return $token;
    } else {

sub handle_special_tokens() {
    my $tokens = $script->{tokens};
    while (@$tokens > 0 and ref $tokens->[0]) {
        unless (handle_special_token($tokens->[0])) {
            shift @$tokens;
        } else {

# wrapper for prepare_tokens() which handles "special" tokens
sub prepare_normal_tokens() {
    my $tokens = $script->{tokens};
    while (1) {
        return 1 if @$tokens > 0;
        return unless prepare_tokens();

# open a ferm sub script
sub open_script($) {
    my $filename = shift;

    for (my $s = $script; defined $s; $s = $s->{parent}) {
        die("Circular reference in $script->{filename} line $script->{line}: $filename\n")
          if $s->{filename} eq $filename;

    my $handle;
    if ($filename eq '-') {
        # Note that this only allowed in the command-line argument and not
        # @includes, since those are filtered by collect_filenames()
        $handle = *STDIN;
        # also set a filename label so that error messages are more helpful
        $filename = "<stdin>";
    } else {
        local *FILE;
        open FILE, "$filename" or die("Failed to open $filename: $!\n");
        $handle = *FILE;

    $script = { filename => $filename,
                handle => $handle,
                line => 0,
                past_tokens => [],
                tokens => [],
                parent => $script,

    return $script;

# collect script filenames which are being included
sub collect_filenames(@) {
    my @ret;

    # determine the current script's parent directory for relative
    # file names
    die unless defined $script;
    my $parent_dir = $script->{filename} =~ m,^(.*/),
      ? $1 : './';

    foreach my $pathname (@_) {
        # non-absolute file names are relative to the parent script's
        # file name
        $pathname = $parent_dir . $pathname
          unless $pathname =~ m,^/|\|$,;

        if ($pathname =~ m,/$,) {
            # include all regular files in a directory

            error("'$pathname' is not a directory")
              unless -d $pathname;

            local *DIR;
            opendir DIR, $pathname
              or error("Failed to open directory '$pathname': $!");
            my @names = readdir DIR;
            closedir DIR;

            # sort those names for a well-defined order
            foreach my $name (sort { $a cmp $b } @names) {
                # ignore dpkg's backup files
                next if $name =~ /\.dpkg-(old|dist|new|tmp)$/;
                # don't include hidden and backup files
                next if $name =~ /^\.|~$/;

                my $filename = $pathname . $name;
                push @ret, $filename
                  if -f $filename;
        } elsif ($pathname =~ m,\|$,) {
            # run a program and use its output
            push @ret, $pathname;
        } elsif ($pathname =~ m,^\|,) {
            error('This kind of pipe is not allowed');
        } else {
            # include a regular file

            error("'$pathname' is a directory; maybe use trailing '/' to include a directory?")
              if -d $pathname;
            error("'$pathname' is not a file")
              unless -f $pathname;

            push @ret, $pathname;

    return @ret;

# peek a token from the queue, but don't remove it
sub peek_token() {
    return unless prepare_normal_tokens();
    return $script->{tokens}[0];

# get a token from the queue, including "special" tokens
sub next_raw_token() {
    return unless prepare_tokens();
    return shift @{$script->{tokens}};

# get a token from the queue
sub next_token() {
    return unless prepare_normal_tokens();
    my $token = shift @{$script->{tokens}};

    # update $script->{past_tokens}
    my $past_tokens = $script->{past_tokens};

    if (@$past_tokens > 0) {
        my $prev_token = $past_tokens->[-1][-1];
        $past_tokens->[-1] = @$past_tokens > 1 ? ['{'] : []
          if $prev_token eq ';';
        if ($prev_token eq '}') {
            pop @$past_tokens;
            $past_tokens->[-1] = $past_tokens->[-1][0] eq '{'
              ? [ '{' ] : []
                if @$past_tokens > 0;

    push @$past_tokens, [] if $token eq '{' or @$past_tokens == 0;
    push @{$past_tokens->[-1]}, $token;

    # return
    return $token;

sub expect_token($;$) {
    my $expect = shift;
    my $msg = shift;
    my $token = next_token();
    error($msg || "'$expect' expected")
      unless defined $token and $token eq $expect;

# require that another token exists, and that it's not a "special"
# token, e.g. ";" and "{"
sub require_next_token {
    my $code = shift || \&next_token;

    my $token = &$code(@_);

    error('unexpected end of file')
      unless defined $token;

    error("'$token' not allowed here")
      if $token =~ /^[;{}]$/;

    return $token;

# return the value of a variable
sub variable_value($) {
    my $name = shift;

    if ($name eq "LINE") {
        return $script->{line};

    foreach (@stack) {
        return $_->{vars}{$name}
          if exists $_->{vars}{$name};

    return $stack[0]{auto}{$name}
      if exists $stack[0]{auto}{$name};


# determine the value of a variable, die if the value is an array
sub string_variable_value($) {
    my $name = shift;
    my $value = variable_value($name);

    error("variable '$name' must be a string, but it is an array")
      if ref $value;

    return $value;

# similar to the built-in "join" function, but also handle negated
# values in a special way
sub join_value($$) {
    my ($expr, $value) = @_;

    unless (ref $value) {
        return $value;
    } elsif (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') {
        return join($expr, @$value);
    } elsif (ref $value eq 'negated') {
        # bless'negated' is a special marker for negated values
        $value = join_value($expr, $value->[0]);
        return bless [ $value ], 'negated';
    } else {

sub negate_value($$;$) {
    my ($value, $class, $allow_array) = @_;

    if (ref $value) {
        error('double negation is not allowed')
          if ref $value eq 'negated' or ref $value eq 'pre_negated';

        error('it is not possible to negate an array')
          if ref $value eq 'ARRAY' and not $allow_array;

    return bless [ $value ], $class || 'negated';

sub format_bool($) {
    return $_[0] ? 1 : 0;

sub pick_resolver() {
    my $resolver;
    unless ($option{test}) {
        eval { require Net::DNS; };
        error('You need the Perl library Net::DNS to resolve')
          if $@;
        $resolver = new Net::DNS::Resolver;
    } else {
        eval { require Net::DNS::Resolver::Mock; };
        error('You need the Perl library Net::DNS::Resolver::Mock to test')
          if $@;
        $resolver = new Net::DNS::Resolver::Mock;
        my $parent_dir = $script->{filename} =~ m,^(.*/),
          ? $1 : './';
        $resolver->zonefile_read($parent_dir . 'zonefile');

    return $resolver;

sub resolve($@) {
    my ($domain, $names, $type) = @_;
    my @names = to_array($names);
    error('String expected') if ref $type;

    my $resolver = pick_resolver();

    $type = ($domain eq 'ip6') ? 'AAAA' : 'A'
        unless $type;

    my @result;
    foreach my $hostname (@names) {
        if (($type eq 'A' and $hostname =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/) or
              (($type eq 'AAAA' and
                $hostname =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F:]*:[0-9a-fA-F:]*$/))) {
            push @result, $hostname;

        my $query = $resolver->search($hostname, $type);
        unless ($query) {
            if (!$resolver->errorstring ||
                $resolver->errorstring eq 'NOERROR' ||
                $resolver->errorstring eq 'NXDOMAIN') {
                # skip NOERROR/NXDOMAINs, i.e. don't error out but return nothing
            } else {
                error("DNS query for '$hostname' failed: " . $resolver->errorstring);

        foreach my $rr ($query->answer) {
            next unless $rr->type eq $type;

            if ($type eq 'NS') {
                push @result, $rr->nsdname;
            } elsif ($type eq 'MX') {
                push @result, $rr->exchange;
            } else {
                push @result, $rr->address;

    # NS/MX records return host names; resolve these again in the second pass
    @result = resolve($domain, \@result, undef)
      if $type eq 'NS' or $type eq 'MX';

    return @result;

sub lookup_function($) {
    my $name = shift;

    foreach (@stack) {
        return $_->{functions}{$name}
          if exists $_->{functions}{$name};


# Flatten all arrays in the argument list and return all elements as a
# new array.
sub flatten(@);
sub flatten(@) {
    return map {
        if (ref $_ and ref $_ eq 'ARRAY') {
        } else {
    } @_;

# Implementation of the @cat() function
sub cat(@) {
    my $value = '';
    map {
        error('String expected') if ref $_;
        $value .= $_;
    } flatten(@_);
    return $value;

# returns the next parameter, which may either be a scalar or an array
sub getvalues {
    my $code = shift;
    my %options = @_;

    my $token = require_next_token($code);

    if ($token eq '(') {
        # read an array until ")"
        my @wordlist;

        for (;;) {
            $token = getvalues($code,
                               parenthesis_allowed => 1,
                               comma_allowed => 1);

            unless (ref $token) {
                last if $token eq ')';

                if ($token eq ',') {
                    error('Comma is not allowed within arrays, please use only a space');

                push @wordlist, $token;
            } elsif (ref $token eq 'ARRAY') {
                push @wordlist, @$token;
            } elsif (ref $token eq 'deferred') {
                push @wordlist, $token;
            } else {
                error('unknown token type');

        error('empty array not allowed here')
          unless @wordlist or not $options{non_empty};

        return @wordlist == 1
          ? $wordlist[0]
            : \@wordlist;
    } elsif ($token =~ /^\`(.*)\`$/s) {
        # execute a shell command, insert output
        my $command = $1;
        my $output = `$command`;
        unless ($? == 0) {
            if ($? == -1) {
                error("failed to execute: $!");
            } elsif ($? & 0x7f) {
                error("child died with signal " . ($? & 0x7f));
            } elsif ($? >> 8) {
                error("child exited with status " . ($? >> 8));

        # remove comments
        $output =~ s/#.*//mg;

        # tokenize
        my @tokens = grep { length } split /\s+/s, $output;

        my @values;
        while (@tokens) {
            my $value = getvalues(sub { shift @tokens });
            push @values, to_array($value);

        # and recurse
        return @values == 1
          ? $values[0]
            : \@values;
    } elsif ($token =~ /^\'(.*)\'$/s) {
        # single quotes: a string
        return $1;
    } elsif ($token =~ /^\"(.*)\"$/s) {
        # double quotes: a string with escapes
        $token = $1;
        $token =~ s,\$(\w+),string_variable_value($1),eg;
        return $token;
    } elsif ($token eq '!') {
        error('negation is not allowed here')
          unless $options{allow_negation};

        $token = getvalues($code);

        return negate_value($token, undef, $options{allow_array_negation});
    } elsif ($token eq ',') {
        return $token
          if $options{comma_allowed};

        error('comma is not allowed here');
    } elsif ($token eq '=') {
        error('equals operator ("=") is not allowed here');
    } elsif ($token eq '$') {
        my $name = require_next_token($code);
        error('variable name expected - if you want to concatenate strings, try using double quotes')
          unless $name =~ /^\w+$/;

        my $value = variable_value($name);

        error("no such variable: \$$name")
          unless defined $value;

        return $value;
    } elsif ($token eq '&') {
        error("function calls are not allowed as keyword parameter");
    } elsif ($token eq ')' and not $options{parenthesis_allowed}) {
        error('Syntax error');
    } elsif ($token =~ /^@/) {
        if ($token eq '@defined') {
            expect_token('(', 'function name must be followed by "()"');
            my $type = require_next_token();
            if ($type eq '$') {
                my $name = require_next_token();
                error('variable name expected')
                  unless $name =~ /^\w+$/;
                return defined variable_value($name);
            } elsif ($type eq '&') {
                my $name = require_next_token();
                error('function name expected')
                  unless $name =~ /^\w+$/;
                return defined lookup_function($name);
            } else {
                error("'\$' or '&' expected")
        } elsif ($token eq '@eq') {
            my @params = get_function_params();
            error('Usage: @eq(a, b)') unless @params == 2;
            return format_bool($params[0] eq $params[1]);
        } elsif ($token eq '@ne') {
            my @params = get_function_params();
            error('Usage: @ne(a, b)') unless @params == 2;
            return format_bool($params[0] ne $params[1]);
        } elsif ($token eq '@not') {
            my @params = get_function_params();
            error('Usage: @not(a)') unless @params == 1;
            return format_bool(not $params[0]);
        } elsif ($token eq '@cat') {
            return cat(get_function_params());
        } elsif ($token eq '@join') {
            my @params = get_function_params();
            return '' unless @params;
            my $separator = shift @params;
            @params = flatten(@params);
            return join_value($separator, \@params);
        } elsif ($token eq '@substr') {
            my @params = get_function_params();
            error('Usage: @substr(string, num, num)') unless @params == 3;
            error('String expected') if ref $params[0] or ref $params[1] or ref $params[2];
            return substr($params[0],$params[1],$params[2]);
        } elsif ($token eq '@length') {
            my @params = get_function_params();
            error('Usage: @length(string)') unless @params == 1;
            error('String expected') if ref $params[0];
            return length($params[0]);
        } elsif ($token eq '@basename') {
            my @params = get_function_params();
            error('Usage: @basename(path)') unless @params == 1;
            error('String expected') if ref $params[0];
            my($volume,$path,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $params[0] );
            return $file;
        } elsif ($token eq '@dirname') {
            my @params = get_function_params();
            error('Usage: @dirname(path)') unless @params == 1;
            error('String expected') if ref $params[0];
            my($volume,$path,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $params[0] );
            return $path;
        } elsif ($token eq '@glob') {
            my @params = get_function_params();
            error('Usage: @glob(string)') unless @params == 1;

            # determine the current script's parent directory for relative
            # file names
            die unless defined $script;
            my $parent_dir = $script->{filename} =~ m,^(.*/),
              ? $1 : './';

            my @result = map {
                my $path = $_;
                $path = $parent_dir . $path unless $path =~ m,^/,;
            } to_array($params[0]);
            return @result == 1 ? $result[0] : \@result;
        } elsif ($token eq '@resolve') {
            my @params = get_function_params();
            error('Usage: @resolve((hostname ...), [type])')
              unless @params == 1 or @params == 2;
            unshift @params, \&resolve;
            return bless \@params, 'deferred';
        } elsif ($token eq '@ipfilter') {
            my @params = get_function_params();
            error('Usage: @ipfilter((ip1 ip2 ...))') unless @params == 1;
            unshift @params, \&ipfilter;
            return bless \@params, 'deferred';
        } else {
            error("unknown ferm built-in function");
    } else {
        return $token;

# returns the next parameter, but only allow a scalar
sub getvar() {
    my $token = getvalues();

    error('array not allowed here')
      if ref $token and ref $token eq 'ARRAY';

    return $token;

sub get_function_params(%) {
    expect_token('(', 'function name must be followed by "()"');

    my $token = peek_token();
    if ($token eq ')') {

    my @params;

    while (1) {
        if (@params > 0) {
            $token = require_next_token();
              if $token eq ')';

            error('"," expected')
              unless $token eq ',';

        push @params, getvalues(undef, @_);

    return @params;

# collect all tokens in a flat array reference until the end of the
# command is reached
sub collect_tokens {
    my %options = @_;

    my @level;
    my @tokens;

    # re-insert a "line" token, because the starting token of the
    # current line has been consumed already
    push @tokens, make_line_token($script->{line});

    while (1) {
        my $keyword = next_raw_token();
        error('unexpected end of file within function/variable declaration')
          unless defined $keyword;

        if (ref $keyword) {
        } elsif ($keyword =~ /^[\{\(]$/) {
            push @level, $keyword;
        } elsif ($keyword =~ /^[\}\)]$/) {
            my $expected = $keyword;
            $expected =~ tr/\}\)/\{\(/;
            my $opener = pop @level;
            error("unmatched '$keyword'")
              unless defined $opener and $opener eq $expected;
        } elsif ($keyword eq ';' and @level == 0) {
            push @tokens, $keyword
              if $options{include_semicolon};

            if ($options{include_else}) {
                my $token = peek_token;
                next if $token eq '@else';


        push @tokens, $keyword;

          if $keyword eq '}' and @level == 0;

    return \@tokens;


# returns the specified value as an array. dereference arrayrefs
sub to_array($) {
    my $value = shift;
    die unless wantarray;
    die if @_;
    if (!ref $value || ref $value eq 'deferred') {
        return $value;
    } elsif (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') {
        return @$value;
    } else {

# evaluate the specified value as bool
sub eval_bool($) {
    my $value = shift;
    die if wantarray;
    die if @_;
    unless (ref $value) {
        return $value;
    } elsif (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') {
        return @$value > 0;
    } else {

sub realize_deferred {
    my $domain = shift;
    my @values;
    foreach my $inside_value (@_) {
        # realize deferred values even within arrays
        if (ref $inside_value and ref $inside_value eq 'deferred') {
            my @args = @$inside_value;
            my $function = shift @args;
            push @values, &$function($domain, @args);
        } else {
            push @values, $inside_value;
    return @values;

sub is_netfilter_core_target($) {
    my $target = shift;
    die unless defined $target and length $target;
    return grep { $_ eq $target } qw(ACCEPT DROP RETURN QUEUE);

sub is_netfilter_module_target($$) {
    my ($domain_family, $target) = @_;
    die unless defined $target and length $target;

    return defined $domain_family &&
      exists $target_defs{$domain_family} &&

sub is_netfilter_builtin_chain($$) {
    my ($table, $chain) = @_;

    return grep { $_ eq $chain }

sub netfilter_canonical_protocol($) {
    my $proto = shift;
    return 'icmp'
      if $proto eq 'ipv6-icmp' or $proto eq 'icmpv6';
    return 'mh'
      if $proto eq 'ipv6-mh';
    return $proto;

sub netfilter_protocol_module($) {
    my $proto = shift;
    return unless defined $proto;
    return 'icmp6'
      if $proto eq 'icmpv6';
    return $proto;

# escape the string in a way safe for the shell
sub shell_escape($) {
    my $token = shift;

    return $token if $token =~ /^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+$/s;

    if ($option{fast}) {
        # iptables-save/iptables-restore are quite buggy concerning
        # escaping and special characters... we're trying our best
        # here

        $token =~ s,",\\",g;
        $token = '"' . $token . '"'
          if $token =~ /[\s\'\\;&]/s or length($token) == 0;
    } else {
        return $token
          if $token =~ /^\`.*\`$/;
        $token =~ s/'/'\\''/g;
        $token = '\'' . $token . '\''
          if $token =~ /[\s\"\\;<>&|]/s or length($token) == 0;

    return $token;

# append an option to the shell command line, using information from
# the module definition (see %match_defs etc.)
sub shell_format_option($$) {
    my ($keyword, $value) = @_;

    my $cmd = '';
    if (ref $value) {
        if ((ref $value eq 'negated') || (ref $value eq 'pre_negated')) {
            $value = $value->[0];
            $cmd = ' !';

    unless (defined $value) {
        $cmd .= " --$keyword";
    } elsif (ref $value) {
        if (ref $value eq 'params') {
            $cmd .= " --$keyword ";
            $cmd .= join(' ', map { shell_escape($_) } @$value);
        } elsif (ref $value eq 'multi') {
            foreach (@$value) {
                $cmd .= " --$keyword " . shell_escape($_);
        } else {
    } else {
        $cmd .= " --$keyword " . shell_escape($value);

    return $cmd;

sub format_option($$$) {
    my ($domain, $name, $value) = @_;

    $value = 'icmpv6' if $domain eq 'ip6' and $name eq 'protocol'
      and $value eq 'icmp';
    $name = 'icmpv6-type' if $domain eq 'ip6' and $name eq 'icmp-type';

    if ($domain eq 'ip6' and $name eq 'reject-with') {
        my %icmp_map = (
            'icmp-net-unreachable'  => 'icmp6-no-route',
            'icmp-host-unreachable' => 'icmp6-addr-unreachable',
            'icmp-port-unreachable' => 'icmp6-port-unreachable',
            'icmp-net-prohibited'   => 'icmp6-adm-prohibited',
            'icmp-host-prohibited'  => 'icmp6-adm-prohibited',
            'icmp-admin-prohibited' => 'icmp6-adm-prohibited',
        $value = $icmp_map{$value} if exists $icmp_map{$value};

    return shell_format_option($name, $value);

sub append_rule($$) {
    my ($chain_rules, $rule) = @_;

    my $cmd = join('', map { $_->[2] } @{$rule->{options}});
    push @$chain_rules, { rule => $cmd,
                          script => $rule->{script},

sub unfold_rule {
    my ($domain, $chain_rules, $rule) = (shift, shift, shift);
    return append_rule($chain_rules, $rule) unless @_;

    my $option = shift;
    my @values = @{$option->[1]};

    foreach my $value (@values) {
        $option->[2] = format_option($domain, $option->[0], $value);
        unfold_rule($domain, $chain_rules, $rule, @_);

sub mkrules2($$$) {
    my ($domain, $chain_rules, $rule) = @_;

    my @unfold;
    foreach my $option (@{$rule->{options}}) {
        if (ref $option->[1] and ref $option->[1] eq 'ARRAY') {
            push @unfold, $option
        } else {
            $option->[2] = format_option($domain, $option->[0], $option->[1]);

    unfold_rule($domain, $chain_rules, $rule, @unfold);

# convert a bunch of internal rule structures in iptables calls,
# unfold arrays during that
sub mkrules($) {
    my $rule = shift;

    my $domain = $rule->{domain};
    my $domain_info = $domains{$domain};
    $domain_info->{enabled} = 1;

    foreach my $table (to_array $rule->{table}) {
        my $table_info = $domain_info->{tables}{$table} ||= {};

        foreach my $chain (to_array $rule->{chain}) {
            my $chain_rules = $table_info->{chains}{$chain}{rules} ||= [];
            mkrules2($domain, $chain_rules, $rule)
              if $rule->{has_rule} and not $option{flush};

# parse a keyword from a module definition
sub parse_keyword(\%$$) {
    my ($rule, $def, $negated_ref) = @_;

    my $params = $def->{params};

    my $value;

    my $negated;
    if ($$negated_ref && exists $def->{pre_negation}) {
        $negated = 1;
        undef $$negated_ref;

    unless (defined $params) {
        undef $value;
    } elsif (ref $params && ref $params eq 'CODE') {
        $value = &$params($rule);
    } elsif ($params eq 'm') {
        my $domain = $stack[0]{auto}{DOMAIN};
        $value = bless [ realize_deferred($domain, to_array getvalues()) ], 'multi';
    } elsif ($params =~ /^[a-z]/) {
        if (exists $def->{negation} and not $negated) {
            my $token = peek_token();
            if ($token eq '!') {
                $negated = 1;

        my @params;
        foreach my $p (split(//, $params)) {
            if ($p eq 's') {
                push @params, getvar();
            } elsif ($p eq 'c') {
                my @v = to_array getvalues(undef, non_empty => 1);
                push @params, join(',', @v);
            } else {

        $value = @params == 1
          ? $params[0]
            : bless \@params, 'params';
    } elsif ($params == 1) {
        if (exists $def->{negation} and not $negated) {
            my $token = peek_token();
            if ($token eq '!') {
                $negated = 1;

        $value = getvalues();

        warning("log-prefix is too long; truncating to 29 characters: '$1'")
          if $def->{name} eq 'log-prefix' && $value =~ s,^(.{29}).+$,$1,;
    } else {
        if (exists $def->{negation} and not $negated) {
            my $token = peek_token();
            if ($token eq '!') {
                $negated = 1;

        $value = bless [ map {
        } (1..$params) ], 'params';

    $value = negate_value($value, exists $def->{pre_negation} && 'pre_negated')
      if $negated;

    return $value;

sub append_option(\%$$) {
    my ($rule, $name, $value) = @_;
    push @{$rule->{options}}, [ $name, $value ];

# parse options of a module
sub parse_option($\%$) {
    my ($def, $rule, $negated_ref) = @_;

    append_option(%$rule, $def->{name},
                  parse_keyword(%$rule, $def, $negated_ref));

sub copy_on_write($$) {
    my ($rule, $key) = @_;
    return unless exists $rule->{cow}{$key};
    $rule->{$key} = {%{$rule->{$key}}};
    delete $rule->{cow}{$key};

sub new_level(\%$) {
    my ($rule, $prev) = @_;

    %$rule = ();
    if (defined $prev) {
        # copy data from previous level
        $rule->{cow} = { keywords => 1, };
        $rule->{keywords} = $prev->{keywords};
        $rule->{match} = { %{$prev->{match}} };
        $rule->{options} = [@{$prev->{options}}];
        foreach my $key (qw(domain domain_family domain_both table chain protocol auto_protocol has_rule has_action)) {
            $rule->{$key} = $prev->{$key}
              if exists $prev->{$key};
    } else {
        $rule->{cow} = {};
        $rule->{keywords} = {};
        $rule->{match} = {};
        $rule->{options} = [];

sub merge_keywords(\%$) {
    my ($rule, $keywords) = @_;
    copy_on_write($rule, 'keywords');
    while (my ($name, $def) = each %$keywords) {
        $rule->{keywords}{$name} = $def;

sub set_domain(\%$) {
    my ($rule, $domain) = @_;

    return unless check_domain($domain);

    my $domain_family;
    unless (ref $domain) {
        $domain_family = $domain eq 'ip6' ? 'ip' : $domain;
    } elsif (@$domain == 0) {
        $domain_family = 'none';
    } elsif (grep { not /^ip6?$/s } @$domain) {
        error('Cannot combine non-IP domains');
    } else {
        $domain_family = 'ip';

    $rule->{domain_family} = $domain_family;
    $rule->{keywords} = $match_defs{$domain_family}{''}{keywords};
    $rule->{cow}{keywords} = 1;

    $rule->{domain} = $stack[0]{auto}{DOMAIN} = $domain;

sub set_target(\%$$) {
    my ($rule, $name, $value) = @_;
    error('There can only one action per rule')
      if exists $rule->{has_action};
    $rule->{has_action} = 1;
    append_option(%$rule, $name, $value);

sub set_module_target(\%$$) {
    my ($rule, $name, $defs) = @_;

    if ($name eq 'TCPMSS') {
        my $protos = realize_protocol($rule);
        error('No protocol specified before TCPMSS')
          unless defined $protos;
        foreach my $proto (to_array $protos) {
            error(qq{TCPMSS not available for protocol "$proto"})
              unless $proto eq 'tcp';

    # in ebtables, there is both "--mark" and "-j mark"... workaround:
    $name = 'mark' if $name eq 'MARK' and $rule->{domain_family} eq 'eb';

    set_target(%$rule, 'jump', $name);
    merge_keywords(%$rule, $defs->{keywords});

# the main parser loop: read tokens, convert them into internal rule
# structures
sub enter($$) {
    my $lev = shift;  # current recursion depth
    my $prev = shift; # previous rule hash

    # enter is the core of the firewall setup, it is a
    # simple parser program that recognizes keywords and
    # retrieves parameters to set up the kernel routing
    # chains

    my $base_level = $script->{base_level} || 0;
    die if $base_level > $lev;

    my %rule;
    new_level(%rule, $prev);

    # read keywords 1 by 1 and dump into parser
    while (defined (my $keyword = next_token())) {
        # check if the current rule should be negated
        my $negated = $keyword eq '!';
        if ($negated) {
            # negation. get the next word which contains the 'real'
            # rule
            $keyword = getvar();

            error('unexpected end of file after negation')
              unless defined $keyword;

        # the core: parse all data
        for ($keyword)
            # deprecated keyword?
            if (exists $deprecated_keywords{$keyword}) {
                my $new_keyword = $deprecated_keywords{$keyword};
                warning("'$keyword' is deprecated, please use '$new_keyword' instead");
                $keyword = $new_keyword;

            # effectuation operator
            if ($keyword eq ';') {
                error('Empty rule before ";" not allowed')
                  unless $rule{non_empty};

                if ($rule{has_rule} and not exists $rule{has_action}) {
                    # something is wrong when a rule was specified,
                    # but no action
                    error('No action defined; did you mean "NOP"?');

                error('No chain defined') unless exists $rule{chain};

                $rule{script} = { filename => $script->{filename},
                                     line => $script->{line},


                # and clean up variables set in this level
                new_level(%rule, $prev);


            # conditional expression
            if ($keyword eq '@if') {
                unless (eval_bool(getvalues)) {
                    my $token = peek_token();
                    if ($token and $token eq '@else') {
                    } else {
                        new_level(%rule, $prev);


            if ($keyword eq '@else') {
                # hack: if this "else" has not been eaten by the "if"
                # handler above, we believe it came from an if clause
                # which evaluated "true" - remove the "else" part now.

            # hooks for custom shell commands
            if ($keyword eq 'hook') {
                warning("'hook' is deprecated, use '\@hook'");
                $keyword = '@hook';

            if ($keyword eq '@hook') {
                error('"hook" must be the first token in a command')
                  if exists $rule{domain};

                my $position = getvar();
                my $hooks;
                if ($position eq 'pre') {
                    $hooks = \@pre_hooks;
                } elsif ($position eq 'post') {
                    $hooks = \@post_hooks;
                } elsif ($position eq 'flush') {
                    $hooks = \@flush_hooks;
                } else {
                    error("Invalid hook position: '$position'");

                push @$hooks, getvar();


            # recursing operators
            if ($keyword eq '{') {
                # push stack
                my $old_stack_depth = @stack;

                unshift @stack, { auto => { %{$stack[0]{auto} || {}} } };

                # recurse
                enter($lev + 1, \%rule);

                # pop stack
                shift @stack;
                die unless @stack == $old_stack_depth;

                # after a block, the command is finished, clear this
                # level
                new_level(%rule, $prev);


            if ($keyword eq '}') {
                error('Unmatched "}"')
                  if $lev <= $base_level;

                # consistency check: check if they haven't forgotten
                # the ';' after the last statement
                error('Missing semicolon before "}"')
                  if $rule{non_empty};

                # and exit

            # include another file
            if ($keyword eq '@include' or $keyword eq 'include') {
                # don't call collect_filenames() if the file names
                # have been expanded already by @glob()
                my @files = peek_token() eq '@glob'
                  ? to_array(getvalues)
                  : collect_filenames(to_array(getvalues));
                $keyword = next_token;
                error('Missing ";" - "include FILENAME" must be the last command in a rule')
                  unless defined $keyword and $keyword eq ';';

                foreach my $filename (@files) {
                    # save old script, open new script
                    my $old_script = $script;
                    $script->{base_level} = $lev + 1;

                    # push stack
                    my $old_stack_depth = @stack;

                    my $stack = {};

                    if (@stack > 0) {
                        # include files may set variables for their parent
                        $stack->{vars} = ($stack[0]{vars} ||= {});
                        $stack->{functions} = ($stack[0]{functions} ||= {});
                        $stack->{auto} = { %{ $stack[0]{auto} || {} } };

                    my( $volume,$dirs,$file ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $filename );
                    $stack->{auto}{FILENAME} = $filename;
                    $stack->{auto}{FILEBNAME} = $file;
                    $stack->{auto}{DIRNAME} = $dirs;

                    unshift @stack, $stack;

                    # parse the script
                    enter($lev + 1, \%rule);

                    #check for exit status
                    error("'$script->{filename}': exit status is not 0") if not close $script->{handle};

                    # pop stack
                    shift @stack;
                    die unless @stack == $old_stack_depth;

                    # restore old script
                    $script = $old_script;


            # definition of a variable or function
            if ($keyword eq '@def' or $keyword eq 'def') {
                error('"def" must be the first token in a command')
                  if $rule{non_empty};

                my $type = require_next_token();
                if ($type eq '$') {
                    my $name = require_next_token();
                    error('invalid variable name')
                      unless $name =~ /^\w+$/;


                    my $value = getvalues(undef, allow_negation => 1);


                    $stack[0]{vars}{$name} = $value
                      unless exists $stack[-1]{vars}{$name};
                } elsif ($type eq '&') {
                    my $name = require_next_token();
                    error('invalid function name')
                      unless $name =~ /^\w+$/;

                    expect_token('(', 'function parameter list or "()" expected');

                    my @params;
                    while (1) {
                        my $token = require_next_token();
                        last if $token eq ')';

                        if (@params > 0) {
                            error('"," expected')
                              unless $token eq ',';

                            $token = require_next_token();

                        error('"$" and parameter name expected')
                          unless $token eq '$';

                        $token = require_next_token();
                        error('invalid function parameter name')
                          unless $token =~ /^\w+$/;

                        push @params, $token;

                    my %function;

                    $function{params} = \@params;


                    my $tokens = collect_tokens();
                    $function{block} = 1 if grep { $_ eq '{' } @$tokens;
                    $function{tokens} = $tokens;

                    $stack[0]{functions}{$name} = \%function
                      unless exists $stack[-1]{functions}{$name};
                } else {
                    error('"$" (variable) or "&" (function) expected');


            if ($keyword eq '@preserve') {
                error('@preserve not implemented for --slow mode')
                  unless $option{fast};
                error('@preserve without chain')
                  unless exists $rule{chain};
                error('Cannot specify matches for @preserve')
                  if $rule{has_rule};

                my $domain = $rule{domain};
                my $domain_info = $domains{$domain};

                error("\@preserve not supported on domain $domain")
                  unless $option{test} or exists $domain_info->{previous};

                my $chains = $rule{chain};
                foreach my $table (to_array $rule{table}) {
                    my $table_info = $domain_info->{tables}{$table};
                    foreach my $chain (to_array $chains) {
                        my $chain_info = $table_info->{chains}{$chain};
                        error("Cannot \@preserve chain $chain because it is not empty")
                          if exists $chain_info->{rules} and @{$chain_info->{rules}};

                        $chain_info->{preserve} = 1;

                new_level(%rule, $prev);

            # this rule has something which isn't inherited by its
            # parent closure.  This variable is used in a lot of
            # syntax checks.

            $rule{non_empty} = 1;

            # def references
            if ($keyword eq '$') {
                error('variable references are only allowed as keyword parameter');

            if ($keyword eq '&') {
                # this "line token" will later restore the line number
                # counter after the function call, or else we'd still
                # see the function definition's line number
                my $line_token = make_line_token($script->{line});

                my $name = require_next_token();
                error('function name expected')
                  unless $name =~ /^\w+$/;

                my $function = lookup_function($name);
                error("no such function: \&$name")
                  unless defined $function;

                my $paramdef = $function->{params};
                die unless defined $paramdef;

                my @params = get_function_params(allow_negation => 1);

                error("Wrong number of parameters for function '\&$name': "
                      . @$paramdef . " expected, " . @params . " given")
                  unless @params == @$paramdef;

                my %vars;
                for (my $i = 0; $i < @params; $i++) {
                    $vars{$paramdef->[$i]} = $params[$i];

                if ($function->{block}) {
                    # block {} always ends the current rule, so if the
                    # function contains a block, we have to require
                    # the calling rule also ends here

                my @tokens = @{$function->{tokens}};
                for (my $i = 0; $i < @tokens; $i++) {
                    if ($tokens[$i] eq '$' and $i + 1 < @tokens and
                        exists $vars{$tokens[$i + 1]}) {
                        my @value = to_array($vars{$tokens[$i + 1]});
                        @value = ('(', @value, ')')
                          unless @tokens == 1;
                        splice(@tokens, $i, 2, @value);
                        $i += @value - 2;
                    } elsif ($tokens[$i] =~ m,^"(.*)"$,) {
                        $tokens[$i] =~ s,\$(\w+),exists $vars{$1} ? $vars{$1} : "\$$1",eg;

                unshift @{$script->{tokens}}, @tokens, $line_token;


            # where to put the rule?
            if ($keyword eq 'domain') {
                error('Domain is already specified')
                  if exists $rule{domain};

                my $domains = getvalues();
                if (ref $domains) {
                    my $tokens = collect_tokens(include_semicolon => 1,
                                                include_else => 1);

                    my $old_line = $script->{line};
                    my $old_handle = $script->{handle};
                    my $old_tokens = $script->{tokens};
                    my $old_base_level = $script->{base_level};
                    unshift @$old_tokens, make_line_token($script->{line});
                    delete $script->{handle};

                    for my $domain (@$domains) {
                        my %inner;
                        new_level(%inner, \%rule);
                        set_domain(%inner, $domain) or next;
                        $inner{domain_both} = 1;
                        $script->{base_level} = 0;
                        $script->{tokens} = [ @$tokens ];
                        enter(0, \%inner);

                    $script->{base_level} = $old_base_level;
                    $script->{tokens} = $old_tokens;
                    $script->{handle} = $old_handle;
                    $script->{line} = $old_line;

                    new_level(%rule, $prev);
                } else {
                    unless (set_domain(%rule, $domains)) {
                        new_level(%rule, $prev);


            if ($keyword eq 'table') {
                warning('Table is already specified')
                  if exists $rule{table};

                my $tables = getvalues();

                set_domain(%rule, $option{domain} || 'ip')
                  unless exists $rule{domain};

                if (ref $tables) {
                    my $tokens = collect_tokens(include_semicolon => 1,
                                                include_else => 1);

                    my $old_line = $script->{line};
                    my $old_handle = $script->{handle};
                    my $old_tokens = $script->{tokens};
                    my $old_base_level = $script->{base_level};
                    unshift @$old_tokens, make_line_token($script->{line});
                    delete $script->{handle};

                    for my $table (@$tables) {
                        my %inner;
                        new_level(%inner, \%rule);
                        $inner{table} = $stack[0]{auto}{TABLE} = $table;
                        $script->{base_level} = 0;
                        $script->{tokens} = [ @$tokens ];
                        enter(0, \%inner);

                    $script->{base_level} = $old_base_level;
                    $script->{tokens} = $old_tokens;
                    $script->{handle} = $old_handle;
                    $script->{line} = $old_line;

                    new_level(%rule, $prev);
                } else {
                    $rule{table} = $stack[0]{auto}{TABLE} = $tables;


            if ($keyword eq 'chain') {
                warning('Chain is already specified')
                  if exists $rule{chain};

                my $chains = getvalues();

                # ferm 1.1 allowed lower case built-in chain names
                foreach (to_array $chains) {
                    error('Please write built-in chain names in upper case')
                      if /^(?:input|forward|output|prerouting|postrouting)$/;

                set_domain(%rule, $option{domain} || 'ip')
                  unless exists $rule{domain};

                $rule{table} = 'filter'
                  unless exists $rule{table};

                my $domain = $rule{domain};
                foreach my $table (to_array $rule{table}) {
                    foreach my $c (to_array $chains) {
                        error("Chain name too long, must be 29 characters or less: $c") if length($c) > 29;
                        $domains{$domain}{tables}{$table}{chains}{$c} ||= {};

                if (ref $chains) {
                    my $tokens = collect_tokens(include_semicolon => 1,
                                                include_else => 1);

                    my $old_line = $script->{line};
                    my $old_handle = $script->{handle};
                    my $old_tokens = $script->{tokens};
                    my $old_base_level = $script->{base_level};
                    unshift @$old_tokens, make_line_token($script->{line});
                    delete $script->{handle};

                    for my $chain (@$chains) {
                        my %inner;
                        new_level(%inner, \%rule);
                        $inner{chain} = $stack[0]{auto}{CHAIN} = $chain;
                        $script->{base_level} = 0;
                        $script->{tokens} = [ @$tokens ];
                        enter(0, \%inner);

                    $script->{base_level} = $old_base_level;
                    $script->{tokens} = $old_tokens;
                    $script->{handle} = $old_handle;
                    $script->{line} = $old_line;

                    new_level(%rule, $prev);
                } else {
                    $rule{chain} = $stack[0]{auto}{CHAIN} = $chains;


            error('Chain must be specified')
              unless exists $rule{chain};

            # policy for built-in chain
            if ($keyword eq 'policy') {
                error('Cannot specify matches for policy')
                  if $rule{has_rule};

                my $policy = getvar();
                error("Invalid policy target: $policy")
                  unless is_netfilter_core_target($policy);


                my $domain = $rule{domain};
                my $domain_info = $domains{$domain};
                $domain_info->{enabled} = 1;

                foreach my $table (to_array $rule{table}) {
                    foreach my $chain (to_array $rule{chain}) {
                        $domain_info->{tables}{$table}{chains}{$chain}{policy} = $policy;

                new_level(%rule, $prev);

            # create a subchain
            if ($keyword eq '@subchain' or $keyword eq 'subchain' or $keyword eq '@gotosubchain') {
                error('Chain must be specified')
                  unless exists $rule{chain};

                my $jumptype = ($keyword =~ /^\@go/) ? 'goto' : 'jump';
                my $jumpkey = $keyword;
                $jumpkey =~ s/^sub/\@sub/;

                error(qq{No rule specified before '$jumpkey'})
                  unless $rule{has_rule};

                my $subchain;
                my $token = peek_token();

                if ($token =~ /^(["'])(.*)\1$/s) {
                    $subchain = $2;
                    $keyword = next_token();
                } elsif ($token eq '{') {
                    $keyword = next_token();
                    $subchain = 'ferm_auto_' . ++$auto_chain;
                } else {
                    $subchain = getvar();
                    $keyword = next_token();

                error("Chain name too long, must be 29 characters or less: $subchain") if length($subchain) > 29;

                my $domain = $rule{domain};
                foreach my $table (to_array $rule{table}) {
                    if (exists $domains{$domain}{tables}{$table}{chains}{$subchain}) {
                        warning("Chain $subchain already exists")
                    } else {
                        $domains{$domain}{tables}{$table}{chains}{$subchain} = {};

                set_target(%rule, $jumptype, $subchain);

                error(qq["{" or chain name expected after $jumpkey])
                  unless $keyword eq '{';

                # create a deep copy of %rule, only containing values
                # which must be in the subchain
                my %inner = ( cow => { keywords => 1, },
                              match => {},
                              options => [],
                $inner{$_} = $rule{$_} foreach qw(domain domain_family domain_both table keywords);
                $inner{chain} = $inner{auto}{CHAIN} = $subchain;

                if (exists $rule{protocol}) {
                    # remember the current protocol, to be used later
                    # by realize_protocol() if needed
                    $inner{auto_protocol} = $rule{protocol};
                } elsif (exists $rule{auto_protocol}) {
                    $inner{auto_protocol} = $rule{auto_protocol};

                # create a new stack frame
                my $old_stack_depth = @stack;
                my $stack = { auto => { %{$stack[0]{auto} || {}} } };
                $stack->{auto}{CHAIN} = $subchain;
                unshift @stack, $stack;

                # enter the block
                enter($lev + 1, \%inner);

                # pop stack frame
                shift @stack;
                die unless @stack == $old_stack_depth;

                # now handle the parent - it's a jump to the sub chain
                $rule{script} = {
                    filename => $script->{filename},
                    line => $script->{line},


                # and clean up variables set in this level
                new_level(%rule, $prev);
                delete $rule{has_rule};


            # everything else must be part of a "real" rule, not just
            # "policy only"
            $rule{has_rule} = 1;

            # extended parameters:
            if ($keyword =~ /^mod(?:ule)?$/) {
                foreach my $module (to_array getvalues) {
                    next if exists $rule{match}{$module};

                    my $domain_family = $rule{domain_family};
                    my $defs = $match_defs{$domain_family}{$module};

                    append_option(%rule, 'match', $module);
                    $rule{match}{$module} = 1;

                    merge_keywords(%rule, $defs->{keywords})
                      if defined $defs;


            # shortcuts

            unless (exists $rule{keywords}{$keyword}) {
                my $domain_family = $rule{domain_family};
                my $shortcut = $shortcuts{$domain_family}{$keyword};
                if (defined $shortcut) {
                    my $module = $shortcut->[0];
                    my $defs = $match_defs{$domain_family}{$module};

                    append_option(%rule, 'match', $module);
                    $rule{match}{$module} = 1;
                    merge_keywords(%rule, $defs->{keywords});

                    $keyword = $shortcut->[1];

            # keywords from $rule{keywords}

            if (exists $rule{keywords}{$keyword}) {
                realize_protocol_keyword(%rule, $keyword);
                my $def = $rule{keywords}{$keyword};
                parse_option($def, %rule, \$negated);

            # actions

            # jump action
            if ($keyword eq 'jump') {
                my $jump_target = getvar();
                error("Chain name too long, must be 29 characters or less: $jump_target") if length($jump_target) > 29;
                set_target(%rule, 'jump', $jump_target);

            # goto action
            if ($keyword eq 'goto') {
                my $goto_target = getvar();
                error("Chain name too long, must be 29 characters or less: $goto_target") if length($goto_target) > 29;
                set_target(%rule, 'goto', $goto_target);

            # action keywords
            if (is_netfilter_core_target($keyword)) {
                set_target(%rule, 'jump', $keyword);

            if ($keyword eq 'NOP') {
                error('There can only one action per rule')
                  if exists $rule{has_action};
                $rule{has_action} = 1;

            if (my $defs = is_netfilter_module_target($rule{domain_family}, $keyword)) {
                set_module_target(%rule, $keyword, $defs);

            # protocol specific options

            if ($keyword eq 'proto' or $keyword eq 'protocol') {
                my $protocol = parse_keyword(%rule,
                                             { params => 1, negation => 1 },
                delete $rule{auto_protocol};
                $rule{protocol} = $protocol;
                append_option(%rule, 'protocol', $rule{protocol});

                unless (ref $protocol) {
                    $protocol = netfilter_canonical_protocol($protocol);
                    my $domain_family = $rule{domain_family};
                    if (my $defs = $proto_defs{$domain_family}{$protocol}) {
                        merge_keywords(%rule, $defs->{keywords});
                        my $module = netfilter_protocol_module($protocol);
                        $rule{match}{$module} = 1;

            # port switches
            if ($keyword =~ /^[sd]port$/) {
                my $proto = realize_protocol(\%rule);
                error('To use sport or dport, you have to specify "proto tcp" or "proto udp" first')
                  unless defined $proto and grep { /^(?:tcp|udp|udplite|dccp|sctp)$/ } to_array $proto;

                append_option(%rule, $keyword,
                              getvalues(undef, allow_negation => 1));

            # default
            error("Unrecognized keyword: $keyword");

        # if the rule didn't reset the negated flag, it's not
        # supported
        error("Doesn't support negation: $keyword")
          if $negated;

    error('Missing "}" at end of file')
      if $lev > $base_level;

    # consistency check: check if they haven't forgotten
    # the ';' before the last statement
    error("Missing semicolon before end of file")
      if $rule{non_empty};

sub execute_command {
    my ($command, $script) = @_;

    print LINES "$command\n"
      if $option{lines};
    return if $option{noexec};

    my $ret = system($command);
    unless ($ret == 0) {
        if ($? == -1) {
            print STDERR "failed to execute: $!\n";
            exit 1;
        } elsif ($? & 0x7f) {
            printf STDERR "child died with signal %d\n", $? & 0x7f;
            return 1;
        } else {
            print STDERR "(rule declared in $script->{filename}:$script->{line})\n"
              if defined $script;
            return $? >> 8;


sub execute_slow($$) {
    my $domain_info = shift;
    my $domain = shift;

    my $domain_cmd = $domain_info->{tools}{tables};

    if ($domain eq 'eb') {
        my $tempfile = File::Temp->new(TEMPLATE => 'ferm.XXXXXXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, OPEN => 0, UNLINK => 1);
        my $filename = $tempfile->filename;
        $domain_info->{ebt_current} = $tempfile;
        $domain_cmd .= " --atomic-file $filename";
        execute_command("$domain_cmd --atomic-init");

    my $status;
    while (my ($table, $table_info) = each %{$domain_info->{tables}}) {
        my $table_cmd = "$domain_cmd -t $table";

        # reset chain policies
        while (my ($chain, $chain_info) = each %{$table_info->{chains}}) {
            next unless $chain_info->{builtin} or
              (not $table_info->{has_builtin} and
               is_netfilter_builtin_chain($table, $chain));
            $status ||= execute_command("$table_cmd -P $chain ACCEPT")
              unless $option{noflush};

        # clear
        unless ($option{noflush}) {
            $status ||= execute_command("$table_cmd -F");
            $status ||= execute_command("$table_cmd -X");

        next if $option{flush};

        # create chains / set policy
        while (my ($chain, $chain_info) = each %{$table_info->{chains}}) {
            if (is_netfilter_builtin_chain($table, $chain)) {
                if (exists $chain_info->{policy}) {
                    $status ||= execute_command("$table_cmd -P $chain $chain_info->{policy}")
                      unless $chain_info->{policy} eq 'ACCEPT';
            } else {
                if (exists $chain_info->{policy}) {
                    $status ||= execute_command("$table_cmd -N $chain -P $chain_info->{policy}");
                else {
                    $status ||= execute_command("$table_cmd -N $chain");

        # dump rules
        while (my ($chain, $chain_info) = each %{$table_info->{chains}}) {
            my $chain_cmd = "$table_cmd -A $chain";
            foreach my $rule (@{$chain_info->{rules}}) {
                $status ||= execute_command($chain_cmd . $rule->{rule});

    if ($domain eq 'eb') {
        execute_command("$domain_cmd --atomic-commit");

    return $status;

sub table_to_save($$) {
    my ($result_r, $table_info) = @_;

    foreach my $chain (sort keys %{$table_info->{chains}}) {
        my $chain_info = $table_info->{chains}{$chain};

        $$result_r .= $chain_info->{preserve}
          if exists $chain_info->{preserve};

        next if $option{flush};

        foreach my $rule (@{$chain_info->{rules}}) {
            $$result_r .= "-A $chain$rule->{rule}\n";

sub extract_table_from_save($$) {
    my ($save, $table) = @_;
    return $save =~ /^\*${table}\s*${\}s*(.*?)^COMMIT\s*$/ms
      ? $1
      : '';

sub extract_chain_from_table_save($$) {
    my ($table_save, $chain) = @_;
    my $result = '';
    $result .= $& while $table_save =~ /^-A \Q${chain}\E .*\n/gm;
    return $result;

sub rules_to_save($) {
    my ($domain_info) = @_;

    # convert this into an iptables-save text
    my $tool = $domain_info->{tools}{'tables-save'};
    $tool =~ s,.*/,,;  # remove path
    my $result = "# Generated by ferm $VERSION ($tool) on " . localtime() . "\n";

    foreach my $table (sort keys %{$domain_info->{tables}}) {
        my $table_info = $domain_info->{tables}{$table};

        # select table
        $result .= '*' . $table . "\n";

        # create chains / set policy
        foreach my $chain (sort keys %{$table_info->{chains}}) {
            my $chain_info = $table_info->{chains}{$chain};

            if (exists $chain_info->{preserve}) {
                my $table_save =
                  extract_table_from_save($domain_info->{previous}, $table);
                my $chain_save = extract_chain_from_table_save($table_save, $chain);
                $chain_info->{preserve} = $chain_save;

                if ($table_save =~ /^:\Q${chain}\E .*\n/m) {
                    $result .= $&;

            my $policy = $option{flush} ? undef : $chain_info->{policy};
            unless (defined $policy) {
                if (is_netfilter_builtin_chain($table, $chain)) {
                    $policy = 'ACCEPT';
                } else {
                    next if $option{flush};
                    $policy = '-';

            $result .= ":$chain $policy\ [0:0]\n";

        table_to_save(\$result, $table_info);

        # do it
        $result .= "COMMIT\n";

    return $result;

sub restore_domain($$) {
    my ($domain_info, $save) = @_;

    my $path = $domain_info->{tools}{'tables-restore'};
    $path .= " --noflush" if $option{noflush};

    local *RESTORE;
    open RESTORE, "|$path"
      or die "Failed to run $path: $!\n";

    print RESTORE $save;

    close RESTORE
      or die "Failed to run $path\n";

sub execute_fast($) {
    my $domain_info = shift;

    my $save = rules_to_save($domain_info);

    if ($option{lines}) {
        my $path = $domain_info->{tools}{'tables-restore'};
        $path .= " --noflush" if $option{noflush};
        print LINES "$path <<EOT\n"
          if $option{shell};
        print LINES $save;
        print LINES "EOT\n"
          if $option{shell};

    return if $option{noexec};

    eval {
        restore_domain($domain_info, $save);
    if ($@) {
        print STDERR $@;
        return 1;


sub rollback() {
    my $error;
    while (my ($domain, $domain_info) = each %domains) {
        next unless $domain_info->{enabled};
        if ($domain eq 'eb') {
            my $previous_rules = $domain_info->{ebt_previous}->filename;
            my $domain_cmd = $domain_info->{tools}{tables};
            execute_command("$domain_cmd --atomic-file $previous_rules --atomic-commit");
        unless (defined $domain_info->{tools}{'tables-restore'}) {
            print STDERR "Cannot rollback domain '$domain' because there is no ${domain}tables-restore\n";

        my $reset = '';
        while (my ($table, $table_info) = each %{$domain_info->{tables}}) {
            my $reset_chain = '';
            foreach my $chain (keys %{$table_info->{chains}}) {
                next unless is_netfilter_builtin_chain($table, $chain);
                $reset_chain .= ":${chain} ACCEPT [0:0]\n";
            $reset .= "*${table}\n${reset_chain}COMMIT\n"
              if length $reset_chain;

        $reset .= $domain_info->{previous}
          if defined $domain_info->{previous};

        restore_domain($domain_info, $reset);

    print STDERR "\nFirewall rules rolled back.\n" unless $error;
    exit 1;

sub alrm_handler {
    # do nothing, just interrupt a system call

sub confirm_rules {
    $SIG{ALRM} = \&alrm_handler;


    print STDERR "\n"
      . "ferm has applied the new firewall rules.\n"
        . "Please type 'yes' to confirm:\n";


    my $line = '';
    STDIN->sysread($line, 3);

    eval {
        require POSIX;
        POSIX::tcflush(*STDIN, 2);
    print STDERR "$@" if $@;


    return $line eq 'yes';

# end of ferm


=head1 NAME

ferm - a firewall rule parser for linux


B<ferm> I<options> I<inputfiles>

=head1 OPTIONS

 -n, --noexec      Do not execute the rules, just simulate
 -F, --flush       Flush all netfilter tables managed by ferm
 -l, --lines       Show all rules that were created
 -i, --interactive Interactive mode: revert if user does not confirm
 -t, --timeout s   Define interactive mode timeout in seconds
 --remote          Remote mode; ignore host specific configuration.
                   This implies --noexec and --lines.
 -V, --version     Show current version number
 -h, --help        Look at this text
 --slow            Slow mode, don't use iptables-restore
 --shell           Generate a shell script which calls iptables-restore
 --domain {ip|ip6} Handle only the specified domain
 --def '$name=v'   Override a variable

Show inline comments
file renamed from roles/common/files/ferm to roles/common/files/ferm_default
Show inline comments
new file 100755
# Copyright (C) 2023, Branko Majic <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# Treat unset variables as errors.
set -u


function usage() {
    cat <<EOF
$PROGRAM, helper tool for removing legacy iptables rules


function short_help() {
    cat <<EOF

For more details see $PROGRAM -h.

function long_help() {
    cat <<EOF

$PROGRAM is a helper tool that can be used to remove the legacy
iptables rules.

The tool works by resetting the default policies on all the relevant
chains and tables, flushing the rules, as well as unloading the
related kernel modules.

Tool implements multiple commands, as documented below.


    Removes the legacy iptables rules.

$PROGRAM accepts the following options:

        Quiet mode.
        Enable debug mode.
        Show script version and licensing information.
        Show full help.

Please report bugs and send feature requests to <>.

function version() {
    cat <<EOF

| Copyright (C) 2023, Branko Majic <>                    |
|                                                                       |
| This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  |
| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  |
| the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or     |
| (at your option) any later version.                                   |
|                                                                       |
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        |
| GNU General Public License for more details.                          |
|                                                                       |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     |
| along with this program.  If not, see <>. |


# Set-up colours for message printing if we're not piping and terminal is
# capable of outputting the colors.
_COLOR_TERMINAL=$(tput colors 2>&1)
if [[ -t 1 ]] && (( _COLOR_TERMINAL > 0 )); then
    _TEXT_BOLD=$(tput bold)
    _TEXT_WHITE=$(tput setaf 7)
    _TEXT_BLUE=$(tput setaf 6)
    _TEXT_GREEN=$(tput setaf 2)
    _TEXT_YELLOW=$(tput setaf 3)
    _TEXT_RED=$(tput setaf 1)
    _TEXT_RESET=$(tput sgr0)

# Set-up functions for printing coloured messages.
function debug() {
    if [[ $DEBUG != 0 ]]; then
        echo "${_TEXT_BOLD}${_TEXT_BLUE}[DEBUG]${_TEXT_RESET}" "$@"

function info() {
    if [[ $QUIET == 0 ]]; then
        echo "${_TEXT_BOLD}${_TEXT_WHITE}[INFO] ${_TEXT_RESET}" "$@"

function success() {
    if [[ $QUIET == 0 ]]; then
        echo "${_TEXT_BOLD}${_TEXT_GREEN}[OK]   ${_TEXT_RESET}" "$@"

function warning() {
    echo "${_TEXT_BOLD}${_TEXT_YELLOW}[WARN] ${_TEXT_RESET}" "$@" >&2

function error() {
    echo "${_TEXT_BOLD}${_TEXT_RED}[ERROR]${_TEXT_RESET}" "$@" >&2

# Removes legacy iptables (both IPv4 and IPv6) rules.
# Returns:
#   0 in case of success, 1 otherwise.
function remove_legacy_iptables() {
    local family table tables chain iptables_save iptables_legacy module
    declare -a removed_families=()

    family=(ip ip6)
    tables=(filter nat mangle raw security)

    for family in "${family[@]}"; do


        if "$iptables_save" 2>&1 | grep -q "Warning: ${family}tables-legacy tables present"; then
            info "Legacy iptables detected for IP family: $family"

            for table in "${tables[@]}"; do

                info "Processing table: $family/$table"

                # Iterate over all chains with default policy.
                for chain in $("$iptables_legacy_save" -t "$table" | grep -E '^:.*(ACCEPT|DROP)' | sed -e 's/^://;s/ .*//'); do

                    info "Setting default policy for chain: $family/$table/$chain"
                    if ! "$iptables_legacy" -t "$table" -P "$chain" ACCEPT; then
                        error "Failed to set policy for chain: $chain ($table)"
                        return 1


                info "Flushing table: $family/$table"
                if ! "$iptables_legacy" -t "$table" -F; then
                    error "Failed to flush the table: $table"
                    return 1

                info "Removing user chains: $family/$table"
                if ! "$iptables_legacy" -t "$table" -X; then
                    error "Failed to remove user chains: $family/$table"
                    return 1


            # Modules are named after a table.
            for table in "${tables[@]}"; do

                info "Unloading module: $module"
                if ! rmmod "$module"; then
                    error "Failed to unload module: $module"
                    return 1




    if (( ${#removed_families[@]} > 0 )); then
        success "Removed legacy iptables for families: ${removed_families[*]}"
        success "No legacy iptables are present on the system."

    return 0

# Define error codes.

# Disable debug and quiet modes by default.

# If no arguments were given, just show usage help.
if [[ -z ${1-} ]]; then

# Parse the arguments
while getopts "qdvh" opt; do
    case "$opt" in
	q) QUIET=1;;
	d) DEBUG=1;;
        v) version
           exit "$SUCCESS";;
        h) long_help
           exit "$SUCCESS";;
        *) short_help
           exit "$ERROR_ARGUMENTS";;
shift $(( i-1 ))

# Quiet and debug are mutually exclusive.
if [[ $QUIET != 0 && $DEBUG != 0 ]]; then
    error "Quiet and debug options are mutually exclusive."


if [[ $COMMAND == remove ]]; then

    if ! remove_legacy_iptables; then
        error "Failed to remove legacy iptables."
        exit "$ERROR_GENERAL"


    error "Unsupported command: $COMMAND"

Show inline comments
@@ -97,6 +97,40 @@

    - name: Load legacy iptables to test their removal
        name: "{{ item }}"
        state: present
        - iptable_filter
        - iptable_nat
        - iptable_mangle
        - iptable_security
        - iptable_raw
        - ip6table_filter
        - ip6table_nat
        - ip6table_mangle
        - ip6table_security
        - ip6table_raw

    - name: Create some custom legacy iptables chains for testing their removal (max chain name length is 29)
      command: "iptables-legacy -t '{{ item }}' -N '{{ (ansible_date_time.iso8601_micro | to_uuid)[:28] }}'"
        - filter
        - nat
        - mangle
        - security
        - raw

    - name: Create some custom legacy ip6tables chains for testing their removal (max chain name length is 29)
      command: "ip6tables-legacy -t '{{ item }}' -N '{{ (ansible_date_time.iso8601_micro | to_uuid)[:28] }}'"
        - filter
        - nat
        - mangle
        - security
        - raw

- hosts: parameters-mandatory,parameters-optional
  become: true
Show inline comments
@@ -440,32 +440,69 @@ def test_pipreqcheck_script_output(host, environment, config_directory):
    assert expected_package_diff in report.stdout


@pytest.mark.parametrize('binary_default_path', [
@pytest.mark.parametrize('default_path', [
def test_legacy_iptables_diversions(host, binary_default_path):
def test_dpkg_diversions(host, default_path):
    Tests if diversions have been put in place for the legacy iptables
    tools (prevents newer ferm versions from locating and using them).
    Tests if dpkg diversions have been put in place.

    binary_default = host.file(binary_default_path)
    binary_diversion = host.file(binary_default_path + '.original')
    dpkg_divert ='dpkg-divert --list %s', binary_default_path)
    default = host.file(default_path)
    diversion = host.file(default_path + '.original')
    dpkg_divert ='dpkg-divert --list %s', default_path)

    assert dpkg_divert.rc == 0
    assert binary_default_path in dpkg_divert.stdout
    assert default_path in dpkg_divert.stdout

    assert not binary_default.exists
    assert default.exists
    assert diversion.exists

    # These binaries are all symlinks to a singular tool that behaves
    # differently based on calling name.
    assert binary_diversion.is_symlink
    assert binary_diversion.user == 'root'
    assert == 'root'
    assert binary_diversion.mode == 0o777

@pytest.mark.parametrize('path,owner,group,mode,checksum', [
    ('/usr/sbin/ferm', 'root', 'root', 0o755, "13765317d7068005dac18757abe03762f79b6285ce7d078d33826d53801ee6b3"),
def test_file_overrides(host, path, owner, group, mode, checksum):
    Tests if file overrides (that replace package-provided defaults)
    have been deployed correctly.

    with host.sudo():
        file_override = host.file(path)

        assert file_override.is_file
        assert file_override.user == owner
        assert == group
        assert file_override.mode == mode
        assert file_override.sha256sum == checksum


@pytest.mark.parametrize('iptables_family', [
def test_legacy_iptables_not_present(host, iptables_family):
    Tests if the legacy iptables are present (shouldn't be the case if
    ferm binary was patched/replaced).

    iptables_save ="sudo /usr/sbin/%stables-save", iptables_family)
    warning_message = "Warning: %stables-legacy tables present" % iptables_family

    assert warning_message not in iptables_save.stderr


def test_legacy_iptables_removal_script(host):
    Tests if the script for dropping legacy iptables rules has been
    deployed correctly.

    script = host.file("/usr/local/sbin/")

    assert script.is_file
    assert script.user == "root"
    assert == "root"
    assert script.mode == 0o755
Show inline comments
@@ -180,17 +180,24 @@
  command: "/usr/sbin/update-ca-certificates --fresh"
  when: deploy_ca_certificates_result.changed

- name: Set-up diversions for legacy iptables tools (prevents ferm from locating and using them)
- name: Set-up file diversions for custom files that overrride package-provided ones
  command: "dpkg-divert --divert '{{ item }}.original' --rename '{{ item }}'"
  register: "iptables_legacy_divert"
  changed_when: "'Adding' in iptables_legacy_divert.stdout"
  register: "dpkg_divert"
  changed_when: "'Adding' in dpkg_divert.stdout"
    - "/usr/sbin/iptables-legacy"
    - "/usr/sbin/iptables-legacy-restore"
    - "/usr/sbin/iptables-legacy-save"
    - "/usr/sbin/ip6tables-legacy"
    - "/usr/sbin/ip6tables-legacy-restore"
    - "/usr/sbin/ip6tables-legacy-save"
    - "/usr/sbin/ferm"
    - Restart ferm

- name: Deploy the patched ferm binary that disables use of legacy iptables
    src: ferm_binary
    dest: /usr/sbin/ferm
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0755
    - Restart ferm

- name: Install ferm (for firewall management)
@@ -199,7 +206,7 @@

- name: Configure ferm init script coniguration file
    src: "ferm"
    src: "ferm_default"
    dest: "/etc/default/ferm"
    owner: root
    group: root
@@ -241,6 +248,21 @@
    state: started
    enabled: true

- name: Deploy script for flushing legacy iptables rules
    src: ""
    dest: "/usr/local/sbin/"
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0755

- name: Drop legacy iptables rules
  command: "/usr/local/sbin/ remove"
  register: legacy_iptables_rules
  changed_when: "'Removed legacy iptables for families' in legacy_iptables_rules.stdout"
    - Restart ferm

- name: Deploy script for validating server certificates
    src: ""
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