Changeset - 80c77d68b540
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Branko Majic (branko) - 9 years ago 2015-10-25 18:29:08
MAR-18: Added usage instructions for the database server role.
1 file changed with 47 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -1042,6 +1042,53 @@ Nginx on the server.
     ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml

5. If no errors have been reported, at this point you should have a default web
   page available and visible at ``. Feel free to try it
   out with some browser. Keep in mind you will get a warning about the
   untrusted certificate!


Adding the database server

Since both of the web applications we want to deploy need a database, we will
proceed to set-up the database server role on the web server itself. *Majic
Ansible Roles* in particular comes with a role that will deploy MariaDB database

1. Update the playbook for web server to include the database server role.



      - hosts: web
        remote_user: ansible
        sudo: yes
          - common
          - ldap_client
          - mail_forwarder
          - web_server
          - database_server

2. Now let's configure the role. This is rather simplistic, since we only need
   to set the database server root (admin) password.


      db_root_password: root

3. No TLS support has been implemented for this role (yet), so simply apply the

     ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml

4. If no errors have been reported, you should have a database server up and
   running on the web server. You should be able to log-in using password
   ``root`` via command::

     mysql -uroot -p

   Of course, no database has been created for either of the web applications,
   but we will get to that one later (there is a dedicated ``database`` role
   which can be combined with web app roles for this purpose).
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