Changeset - 941f4f372672
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Branko Majic (branko) - 9 years ago 2015-04-27 13:42:32
MAR-12: Updated the common role to deploy ferm, and set-up a basic firewall for allowing incoming SSH and ICMP echo requsts (ping).
7 files changed with 101 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -202,6 +202,11 @@ The role implements the following:
  itself, and provided they know the exact path of the file.
* Deploys CA certificate files, normally used for truststore purposes, to
* Installs ferm (for iptables management), configuring a basic firewall which
  allows ICMP echo requests (PING), incoming connection on TCP port 22 (SSH),
  and also introduces rate-limitting for incoming ICMP echo request pacakges and
  (new) TCP connections. The rate-limitting is based on the source IP address,
  using the ``iptables hashlimit`` module.


@@ -253,6 +258,17 @@ Parameters
  on originating (Ansible) host that should be copied to destination

**incoming_connection_limit** (string, mandatory)
  Rate at which the incoming ICMP echo-request packages and new TCP connections
  will be accepted at. The value should be specified in the same format as value
  for the ``iptables hashlimit`` option ``--hashlimit-upto``.

**incoming_connection_limit_burst** (string, mandatory)
  Initial burst of packages that should be accepted when the client with
  distinct source IP address connects to the server for the first time (usually
  higher than ``incoming_connection_limit``), even if it would go above the
  specified connection limit.


@@ -289,6 +305,10 @@ packages on all servers:
    - ../certs/truststore.pem

  incoming_connection_limit: 2/second

  incoming_connection_limit_burst: 6

.. _ldap_client:

LDAP Client
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new file 100644
# configuration for /etc/init.d/ferm

# use iptables-restore for fast firewall initialization?

# cache the output of ferm --lines in /var/cache/ferm?

# additional paramaters for ferm (like --def '=bar')

# Enable the ferm init script? (i.e. run on bootup)
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new file 100644
@include '/etc/ferm/conf.d/';
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@@ -8,3 +8,6 @@

- name: Update CA certificate cache
  command: /usr/sbin/update-ca-certificates --fresh

- name: Restart ferm
  service: name=ferm state=restarted
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -55,3 +55,28 @@
  with_items: ca_certificates
    - Update CA certificate cache

- name: Install ferm (for firewall management)
  apt: name=ferm state=installed

- name: Configure ferm init script coniguration file
  copy: src=ferm dest=/etc/default/ferm owner=root group=root mode=644
    - Restart ferm

- name: Create directory for storing ferm configuration files
  file: dest="/etc/ferm/conf.d/" mode=750 state=directory owner=root group=root

- name: Deploy main ferm configuration file
  copy: src=ferm.conf dest=/etc/ferm/ferm.conf
    - Restart ferm

- name: Deploy ferm base rules
  template: src=00-base.conf.j2 dest=/etc/ferm/conf.d/00-base.conf
            owner=root group=root mode=640
    - Restart ferm

- name: Enable ferm service
  service: name=ferm state=started
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new file 100644
table filter {
    chain INPUT {
        policy DROP;
        interface lo ACCEPT;
        # Make sure not to allow flooding via ICMP ping packages by sending them
        # to flood chain before state module kicks in.
        proto icmp icmp-type echo-request jump flood;
        mod state state (ESTABLISHED RELATED) ACCEPT;
        # For TCP packages we perform floods checks after state module took care
        # of established and related connections.
        proto tcp tcp-flags (FIN SYN RST ACK) SYN jump flood;
        # Accept some common incoming connections.
        proto icmp icmp-type echo-request ACCEPT;
        proto tcp dport 22 ACCEPT;

    # The flood chain is used for controlling the rate of the incoming connections.
    chain flood {
        # Rate-limit the ping requests.
        proto icmp icmp-type echo-request {
            mod hashlimit hashlimit {{ incoming_connection_limit }} hashlimit-burst {{ incoming_connection_limit_burst }}
                hashlimit-mode srcip hashlimit-name icmp RETURN;
        # Rate-limit the TCP connections.
        proto tcp tcp-flags (FIN SYN RST ACK) SYN {
            mod hashlimit hashlimit {{ incoming_connection_limit }} hashlimit-burst {{ incoming_connection_limit_burst }}
                hashlimit-mode srcip hashlimit-name icmp RETURN;

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@@ -25,4 +25,8 @@ common_packages:
  - debconf-utils

  - "{{ inventory_dir }}/tls/example_ca_chain.pem"
\ No newline at end of file
  - "{{ inventory_dir }}/tls/example_ca_chain.pem"

incoming_connection_limit: 2/second

incoming_connection_limit_burst: 6
\ No newline at end of file
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