Changeset - b580713f587c
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Branko Majic (branko) - 6 years ago 2017-11-26 17:14:10
MAR-128: Updated porting instructions for new Molecule/Testinfra to include step for checking for tests that refer to specific hosts when running.
1 file changed with 11 insertions and 5 deletions:
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@@ -363,25 +363,31 @@ For each role perform the following steps:

        grep -ri 10.31 molecule/default/tests/test_*.py

   6. Run tests, fixing any ensuing issues along the way::
   6. Figure out how to fix hostname parametrisation in case of
      multiple (old) platforms, e.g. when having same machines with
      multiple debian versions. Good way to identify such tests::

        grep -ri parameters- molecule/default/tests/test_*.py

   7. Run tests, fixing any ensuing issues along the way::

        molecule verify

   7. Perform one more relatively fast verification that things work
   8. Perform one more relatively fast verification that things work

        molecule lint && molecule idempotence && molecule verify

   8. Check the number of defined tests against number of tests
   9. Check the number of defined tests against number of tests
      performed. Keep in mind some tests are run for multiple
      machines, and refer to each test file to see what hosts will get
        grep -c 'def test_' molecule/default/tests/test_*

   9. Run the full test suite to ensure everything works correctly::
   10. Run the full test suite to ensure everything works correctly::

        molecule test
         molecule test

10. Verify and commit the changes. Template commit message::

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