Changeset - b8bfc506359f
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Branko Majic (branko) - 6 days ago 2024-09-21 13:29:58
MAR-218: Rework/improve code for setting LDAP server admin password:

- Avoid dropping temporary file with password by invoking a search on
the LDAP server using the supplied credentials.
- Do not log sensitive informationi when setting the LDAP server admin
2 files changed with 9 insertions and 23 deletions:
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@@ -245,22 +245,14 @@
    - Restart ferm

# @TODO: This whole thing could be dropped if newer version of Ansible
#        was in use (where community collection has the ldap_search
#        module.
- name: Deploy temporary file with LDAP admin password
    src: "ldap_admin_password.j2"
    dest: "/root/.ldap_admin_password"
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: "0400"
  changed_when: false

- name: Test if LDAP admin password needs to be changed
  ansible.builtin.command: "ldapwhoami -H ldapi:/// -D 'cn=admin,{{ ldap_server_int_basedn }}' -x -y /root/.ldap_admin_password"
- name: Test LDAP admin password
    bind_dn: "cn=admin,{{ ldap_server_int_basedn }}"
    bind_pw: "{{ ldap_admin_password }}"
    server_uri: "ldapi:///"
    dn: "{{ ldap_server_int_basedn }}"
    scope: base
  register: ldap_admin_password_check
  changed_when: ldap_admin_password_check.rc != 0
  failed_when: false

- name: Update LDAP admin password
@@ -269,13 +261,8 @@
      olcRootPW: "{{ ldap_admin_password | ldap_password_hash }}"
    state: exact
  when: ldap_admin_password_check.rc != 0

- name: Remove temporary file with LDAP admin password
    path: "/root/.ldap_admin_password"
    state: absent
  changed_when: false
  no_log: true
  when: "'results' not in ldap_admin_password_check"

- name: Enable backup
  ansible.builtin.import_tasks: backup.yml
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