Changeset - ba3f7dcdd68b
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Branko Majic (branko) - 6 years ago 2018-07-23 12:46:44
MAR-130: Reduce frequency of running pip requirements upgrade checks to once per day.
3 files changed with 7 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ New features/improvements:
* Tests have been updated to work with latest Molecule/Testinfra as
  part of the Ansible upgrade process.

* ``common`` role

  * The ``pip`` requirements upgrade checks are now performed once per
    day instead of once per hour.


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@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ The role implements the following:
  should be able to use ``~=`` operator (for example ``django~=1.8.0``. Checks
  are implemented via `pip-tools <>`_ and a
  custom script that outputs diffs if upgrades are available. Script is run via
  cronjob on hourly basis, and any output will be delivered to local ``root``
  cronjob on daily basis, and any output will be delivered to local ``root``
* Optionally configures time synchronisation using NTP (if
  ``ntp_servers`` parameter is set).
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0 * * * * pipreqcheck /usr/local/bin/ -q -V /var/lib/pipreqcheck/virtualenv /etc/pip_check_requirements_upgrades
0 0 * * * pipreqcheck /usr/local/bin/ -q -V /var/lib/pipreqcheck/virtualenv /etc/pip_check_requirements_upgrades
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